25 Leadership Qualities That Make You A Good Leader

Leadership Qualities

by Shamsul
Good Leader
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25 Leadership Qualities That Make You A Good Leader

You are a leader if your actions motivate others to dream, do, learn, and achieve more.

John Quincy Adams

Over the decades, several companies have been unable to compete globally. Of those that have succeeded, most have yet to be able to maintain their place in the market because of strong leadership.

Leaders like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and Warren Buffet have taken their respective companies to great heights through their vision, dogged determination, and hard work. Their convictions and strong leadership qualities gave them a new dimension to the business world.

This blog, however, is not about the successful people but about the excellent leadership qualities that help people make their businesses great, achieve greatness and bring about new transformations in the world.

Before we dive into leadership qualities, let’s understand leadership in a nutshell.


What is Leadership?

John Maxwell states, ‘Leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less.’

Warren Bennis calls it the ability to translate vision or imagination into reality.

If you search the term “leadership,” in Google, you will find endless definitions of leadership from great minds and leaders.

After working with good leaders and being in a leadership position, I have come to understand that leadership can inspire the crowd to believe, act, and work with determination to achieve greater results.

A person must possess practical leadership qualities that help him achieve higher goals and objectives. Being a good leader takes work, whether it is the resistance and determination of Mahatma Gandhi or recent about the vision of Elon Musk.

Here, you will find the list of 25 essential leadership qualities that help leaders become more successful

1. Integrity | Leadership Quality

A leader with integrity standing along a weighing balance

Integrity is an essential quality that every leader must possess. You can only run a successful business if you have integrity. Brian Tracy, the author of books on personal development, says that whenever he hosts a strategic business meeting, the number one value all executives agree on is integrity.

Business leaders know that integrity is the foundation of good leadership and that you must stand up for your beliefs. No matter how difficult the situation, a good leader sticks to his principles without compromising; he refrains from making false promises or taking shortcuts, preferring reflection and actions of self-interest.

Keeping said promises grounded in ethics and morals are necessary to pay long-term dividends.


2. Innovator

An innovative leader sitting with a glowing bulb in hand

An inventive leader is not a creative genius with stimulating ideas but gives others the freedom to develop their ideas. You always find people with great ideas but need more will, determination and the fear to act. But innovative leaders are not among them.

Progressive and innovative people are always open to new ideas and discussions. They actively listen to everyone and also motivate others to think outside the box. This quality gives them an advantage over others because they constantly seek creativity and innovation. As an innovative leader, Steve Jobs said, “Innovations make the difference between a leader and a follower”.


3. Honesty | Leadership Quality

A leader choosing the path of truth over a path of lies

One of the essential qualities of leadership is the possession of honesty. Leaders are expected to be honest to earn people’s trust and respect for their reliability. Also, we admire people who are true to their words and responsible.

Thus, honesty is the most valued trait of all types of leaders.

In other words, you can define leadership in one word: “honesty”. You have to be honest with the players and honest with yourself. ~Earl Weaver


4. Active Listening

A leader actively listens to his team

The roots of effective leadership lie in the simple things, including listening. Listening to someone shows respect and that you appreciate and are ready to hear their ideas. ~John Baldoni

Active listening is an excellent quality to possess when it comes to leadership. Good leaders listen to people with great care and sincerity. It helps them to understand people and their points of view. Active listening builds trust and long-term relationships. 

Good leaders communicate carefully and focus on the person and the message; they do not interrupt and acknowledge what is being said. And that’s what the world needs: leaders who listen to their people.

Acquiring this skill takes work; it takes self-awareness and humility to respect the thoughts of others.


5. Self Confidence | Leadership Quality

A self confident leader standing in front of his winged mirror image

Self-confidence is very present in true leaders; they know their skills and leadership qualities. They are confident in their skills and leadership abilities. Good leaders have a sense of self-assurance and self-esteem; most importantly, they believe they can make a difference. 

Rosalynn Carter states, “you must have confidence in your abilities and be strong enough to go all the way.”

Self-confidence is essential for leaders because it gives them the wings to take risks, achieve goals and fly high. It allows them to make immediate decisions, to solve problems and organizational conflicts. Organizational leaders take charge of themselves and walk with positivity and confidence.

Good leaders take full responsibility and act quickly without missing, ignoring or postponing problems.


6. Visionary

A visionary leader far sighting with a hand telescope

A leader must be visionary and have more foresight than an employee. ~Jack Ma

A visionary leader is motivated and inspired by what a company can become. Innovative leaders work hard for the good of all and keep abreast of times and changes. Ensuring a vision of the future with persistence and keeping everyone invested in the process is what a visionary leader does. An innovative leader does not hesitate to take risks and make unconventional decisions.


7. Excellent Communicator | Leadership Quality

A leader communicating to its team member

Excellent communiqué is the key to good leadership. A motivational and active leader knows how to get their message across. He is a good speaker and communicates to do his job. They are not rigid; they choose the words and expressions that suit the circumstances and permit others to present their thoughts and ideas.

Their understanding is perfect about the significance of decent communication skills. They are highly aware and learn from the behavior of others, which gives them a deep understanding of human complexities.


8. The Delegation

Delegation is key to maximizing team productivity and performance. The ability to delegate authority effectively is a good leadership quality. A motivational leader is someone who knows how to delegate wisely and make the most of it. Also, a leader is one of the the busiest persons in any organization. Therefore, he knows when and how to trust gives him more time for his most important work.

Moreover, a key factor to note here is that the ability to delegate is not limited to delegating tasks to others. It’s also about being aware and understanding who has the skills and expertise to do the job. Thoughtful delegation is essential to save time and avoid future inconvenience.


9. Decision Making Skills

A leader deciding between two solutions

Good leaders have complete knowledge and they are decisive. Also, they know how to help the organization, stakeholders, employees, and clientele.

You would never consider a leader who is unclear and uncertain. Good leaders are aware that their decisions can make or break a business. They evaluate a given circumstance many times before coming to a conclusion. They collect necessary information before making ads. Likewise, they do not believe rumors but examine the situation themselves or a problem before making a decision.


10. Problem Solving Skills | Leadership Quality

Problem solving is a quality of good leadership

Leadership roles are not limited to management or delegation. Today, the spectrum of leadership responsibilities has evolved for any business leader. For an organization to run smoothly, leaders should have problem-solving skills. Moreover, they keep an eye on monitoring and analyzing the situation to make better decisions. When it comes to real leadership, problem-solving skills are vital.

Good leaders have the ability to respond to problems. They are endowed with the ability to identify and define problems. They analyze, use data and communicate to solve problems.

It is vital for any leader to cultivate strong problem-solving skills to remove obstacles.


11. Right Attitude

A good leader with a fair attitude - promoting employees based on their performance

We all have personal biases. Those who are compatible with thinking and acting beyond this loop are what makes them different from the crowd. These biases are one of the factors that explain why most leaders fail to reach great heights.

Good leaders are fair to employees and the organization’s processes. They recognize the positives and always make sure everyone can thrive together.

They understand that nothing meaningful has ever been achieved with an unfair and biased attitude. And even if it is, the durability of the result is always questionable.

Good leaders ignore bias and injustice and create a culture that neither fosters nor recognizes this attitude.


12. Worry

An inquisitive leader checking on a list of facts from a white screen with a magnifying glass

Have you ever seen great leaders share their stories and experiences in Ted Talks? I suppose so. If not, I recommend that you do.

You will realize how knowledgeable and inquisitive these leaders are. Their ideas, perceptions and thoughts are unique and sobering. And that they are always ready to learn new things.

The reason is their curiosity and curiosity about life. They pursue various interests and are constantly invested in them. They are always available and open to extending their spectrum through technology, art and science. And, in fact, they have all the know-how in the world.

This quality helps them adopt a rational and positive attitude towards any problem.


13. Autonomous and Motivated | Leadership Quality

A self motivated leader scribbling of the - not from wall that says I can not I will not

Great leaders in business, industry, and finance, as well as great artists, poets, musicians, and writers, have all become great because they have developed the power of self-motivation. ~Napoleon Hill

One of the essential characteristics of good leaders is their talent to motivate others. Good leaders constantly motivate their team members and boost their morale when necessary. They steer their boat smoothly, even in dangerous situations. They stay motivated and set an example for others to follow.


14. Humility

Humble leaders make the best leaders. In his seminal book “Good to Great,” Jim Collins presents in-depth research on how humble and willing leaders help their companies grow and maintain their market position.

Humility is not the first character trait that comes to mind when we think of leadership. Yet it is one of the essential qualities of a good leader. This is because the glitz of famous leadership qualities often overshadows humility.

Humble and strong-willed leaders understand that leadership is about working for the good of all. They are conscious of their strengths and weaknesses and always desire to learn and contribute more. They lead to transformation, not dominance.


15. Caring for Others | Leadership Quality

Good leaders balance between work and life

The best quality leaders have a high thought factor. They take care about their employees. ~Brian Tracy

Good leaders understand the value of work-life balance. They know that the health and well-being of those associated with the organization play an important role in achieving success.

They inspire their team members and ensure that staff, clients, beneficiaries and consumers feel confident.

Leaders comprehend the meaning of recognizing and appreciating employees. They create and establish mutual respect and understanding within the organization.

They strive to provide them with an environment where everyone can thrive.


16. Self Discipline

Good leaders are self disciplined and have good time management skills

Good leadership is about developing discipline in others. Good leaders are self-disciplined and have the best time management skills. They develop and encourage a culture where people respect each other and are disciplined. When you are self-disciplined and lead by example, you inspire others to follow. It is a quality to which people can adapt with persistence.

Great leaders always exercise self-discipline – without exception.

John C. Maxwell

In a fast-paced organization where employees are taken up with a heavy workload, being more disciplined can help them be more successful and maintain a calm work environment.


17. Emotional Intelligence | Leadership Quality

A emotionally Intelligent leader meditating and taking calculated decision

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, manage, evaluate and understand one’s own emotions and those of the people around us.

According to psychologist Daniel Goleman, EI has five components:

Good leaders are self-aware, act in control, and make calculated decisions without getting carried away. They understand the point of view of others without being cynical.

They are driven and have strong social skills, which helps them build healthy connections and relationships.



Motivation and

Social skills

These points explain that the best leaders have a higher degree of emotional intelligence. Because of this EI is one of the crucial attributes of leadership.


18. Passion

Leaders are passionate about their goals and objectives

Passion is a leadership trait common to the most effective leaders around the world. They are firmly committed to their goals and objectives. They are aware of what they want and make an effort tirelessly to achieve it. Their passion is contagious and very inspiring.

Passionate leaders increase productivity and ensure that employees buy into their vision. Passion helps leaders instill motivation in their employees and contributes to the achievement of the desired vision.


19. Resilience | Leadership Quality

Resiliency helps leaders to handle themselves in various situations

Leaders must be tough enough to fight, human enough to make mistakes, tender enough to cry, humble enough to admit, strong enough to absorb pain, and resilient enough to bounce back and keep moving forward. ~Jesse Jackson

You have to understand yourself before taking responsibility for others. Resilient leaders are insightful and also know how to behave in any situation, good or bad.

Strong leaders are high-performance leaders who recover from adversity in a positive way. Resilient leaders are able to keep their energy level energized and react to disruptive changes. They also overcome significant challenges without engaging in destructive behavior or hurting others.


20. Liability

Being a responsible leader is a challenging task. It means you can live up to your commitments and promises. It means that you must answer for the actions and decisions made by yourself and those you lead. Accountable leaders set clear goals and targets. They focus on the future and also acknowledge their mistakes. They seek help when required and provide authentic and productive feedback.

Accountability is the glue that binds commitment to results.

Bob Proctor

21. Support

A supportive leader guiding its team member

Leadership without support is like trying to make bricks without enough straws. True leaders strengthen their ideas and plans through strategic partnerships, alliances, and supportive audiences.

Reed Markham

Supportive leaders give the guidance you need. Supporting leaders coach you and guide you until you need little or no supervision in the future. They don’t believe in delegating tasks and expecting immediate results. They accompany you in the process and support you with their knowledge and experience. Supportive leadership involves building trust among team members and encouraging dialogue to maintain team spirit. Therefore, the fundamental principles of supportive leadership are promoting teamwork, relationship building, and commitment.


22. Knowledge of Technologies | Leadership Quality

A tech savvy leader holding a phone and laptop along with a table with desktop computer

For digital transformation, the world needs skilled technology leaders. Today’s leaders must understand enough technology to support their businesses. The organization’s technology decisions must be guided by strategy and transform its analog experience into a digital experience. The majority of businesses around the world today are digital, and this trend will only grow exponentially over time. Therefore, business leaders must improve their technical skills to ensure their future and make better decisions.

Human future success is directly proportionate to our abilities to understand, become accustomed and integrate new technologies into our work.

Sukant Ratnakar


23. Empathy

A empathic leader interacting with its team member to understand his prespective

Empathy is an essential leadership trait that helps you nurture your team. Empathic leader understands the needs of others and what is going through their minds. We live in a world where communication is constant and where people interact very easily with each other. However, people are less empathetic toward each other. Several communicate to express themselves but not to understand the point of view of others.

Empathetic leaders are insightful and aware of other people’s feelings and thoughts. Being empathetic doesn’t always mean agreeing with others’ opinions, but appreciating and being willing to understand.

Leadership is about understanding. It is about being able to relate and connect with people to inspire and empower their lives.

Oprah Winfrey

24. Learn Agility | Leadership Quality

A agile leader sitting on a pile of books and learning through reading

Agile leaders are those who respond best to organizational change and uncertainty. Today, we need leaders who make decisions faster and who can take immediate action in times of crisis. We live in a fast world where everything is going very rapidly, and professional trends change in no time. This leaves little time for everyone to make calculated decisions. Also, strategies and policies that worked well in the past may be outdated today. One of the most visible examples is the Covid-19 crisis. This crisis modified the landscape of the work culture. However, leaders have to find new strategies to weather the storm overnight.

In the future, every event will bring new challenges. It will always be ambiguous and uncertain. Organizations today can only thrive in the future under the guidance of leaders who can make sense of uncertainty.


25. Autonomy

A leader with good leadership qualities empowering his team to work together

Great leaders will have the capability to empower their team members. It will help to achieve full productivity and organizational success.

Empowerment gives team members equal decision-making opportunities and uses their judgment and expertise to craft solutions. This reinforces employees’ sense of individual value and commitment to their organization. Each individual brings their skills and talents which often find a way to flow. Generally, you have competent team members who need more direction and motivation to perform at their best.

Good leaders know how to release the positive qualities in others. Certainly, they understand that the only way to do this is to empower them. That’s why leaders habitually continually empower people and build the team. It is, therefore, up to managers to promote these skills by giving them the means to act.

At the dawn of the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. ~Bill Gates

Bill Gates

Leadership Qualities

Final note!

Every leader wants to lead, inspire and contribute to the common good. No one person can possess all of these leadership qualities. And that’s why you need exemplary leadership qualities to guide you.

It is constant effort and self-confidence that paves the way. Leaders must therefore be more attentive and exercise these leadership qualities for sustainable growth.

If you’ve come this far, I assume you’ve gained new insights into these essential leadership qualities.

If you have any other exciting and informative ideas on the subject, write to us below.


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