The 7 Keys to Organizational Coaching
Organizational coaching has emerged in response to the urgent need for companies to advance and meet the challenges of an increasingly complex environment. When applied effectively, this transformative practice can help to breathe a new life into stagnant systems. It offers a beacon of hope for businesses striving to maintain their competitiveness, survival, and sustainability.
Unlike in the past, where transformations could occur internally, risking the system’s demise due to inbreeding, they require external stimuli today. This is where the unique role of organizational coaches comes into play. With their expertise and support, these professionals stand by the company’s side, helping it find its own solutions and initiate the necessary changes. Their presence is not just beneficial but integral to the company’s journey towards maintaining its competitiveness, survival, and sustainability.
Organizational coaching is still little known and there are few coaches trained in this practice, which is why it seems interesting to us to identify its skills. The coming world is in the process of designing and updating new professions and know-how that it is useful to define in order to understand them better.
Images: Pixabay
What is Organizational Coaching?
It is a practice that leads the organization to find its own solutions through awareness in order to act on the levers of transformation. Patrick Dugois, Philippe Béon, and Thierry Gautheron, authors of “Permanent Transformation”, Editions EMS, give us a very accomplished definition:
“Organizational coaching is a practice of supporting the organization, understood as a complex finalized system, so that it finds within itself the answers and resources to face the questions it asks itself or the problems she encounters. It aims to strengthen the organization’s self-awareness and increase its responsibility in order to make it more autonomous.” This concept of ‘permanent transformation’ is a key aspect of organizational coaching, emphasizing the continuous and adaptive nature of the practice in response to the organization’s gradually developing needs and challenges.
Organizational Coaching Revolves Around 3 Founding Points:
The answers and levers for problem-solving are found within the system.
Organization coaches do not provide solutions but walk, experiment, and support individuals and groups to bring out the solution.
Organizational coaches, specialists in support processes, co-construct a strategy for searching for solutions and establish relational contracts that create alliances.
Where Does Organizational Coaching Come From?
It results from several schools of thought and a hybrid practice at the confluence of different currents, including socio-analysis. One of its sources of inspiration comes from the model of change in organizations proposed by Kurt Lewin, a priori the oldest support process: “Unfreezing-Changing Refreezing. »
What is Organizational Coaching For?
To respond to a demand for performance, value creation, well-being, professional development and/or quest for success… The exponential complexity experienced at all levels has allowed new individual and collective skills to emerge.
Its Scope Of Action Is Vast And The Accompanying Themes Are Grouped Under 5 Categories:
1- crisis coaching
2- project coaching
3- support coaching (cooperation, unity)
4- coaching to support change (reorganization, merger)
5- performance or growth coaching
What Are The 5 Founding Hypotheses of Organizational Coaching?
1- A business is a living system, just like a human being. The system must work for its sustainability, constantly adapt, and learn from its mistakes while continuing to learn because its survival depends on it. The work of a learning company can only exist through continual questioning.
2- A company is a system that must find meaning, the cornerstone of any organization and a catalyst for energy. Without the collective construction of a vision, it is impossible to last. Yes, meaning is indeed the only spur that carries motivation, creativity, vector of energy and collective intelligence.
3- A business is a complex system consits of sub-parts, which requires a systemic perspective capable of considering all the underlying interactions.
4- A company is an entity in a permanent movement where contradictions, confrontations, and power games collide. It then becomes important to give full importance to cooperation by focusing less on the coordination and regulation of the system.
5- The company as a human community has a psyche or an unconscious that we cannot ignore, regardless of those who advocate rationality in disregard of the individual and collective unconscious.
Organizational coaching provides a new perspective that constantly takes into account the interactions and individualities of each of the actors in the system.
How is Organizational Coaching?
The first tools of organizational coaches are support methods in all their forms. These can include individual coaching sessions, team workshops, or larger group interventions. Their mode of intervention is systemic and combines these various methods, chosen based on pre-diagnoses carried out. There is an important fact that no intervention is done alone. But rather as a team of coaches selected for their profiles and their complementarity so as to be able to intervene at all levels of the hierarchy.
All of the proposed approaches correspond to a structured intervention strategy linked to the diagnoses made and may involve:
a- to narrative practice
b- to the social therapy of Charles Rojzman
c- to the organizational constellations of Bert Hellinger
d- to co-development
e- to Berne Organizational Theory (TOB)
f- to the sociodynamics of Christian Chauvet
g- to the human element of Will Shütz
The support is structured around the SERA meta model taught at HEC Executive Education and advocated by Patrick Dugois around the 4 dimensions which are:
The relationship
What Are The Skills Of The Organizational Coach?
Supporting collectives requires 3 major skills which emanate from:
Knowledge and call on the knowledge of business, but also of organizational theories, psychosociology, and systems. Having access to positions of responsibility that are vectors of organizational culture is essential to making a diagnosis and a detailed analysis of the system.
Know-how that concerns process control, particularly everything related to device engineering and supporting architecture.
Soft skills are of the order of posture, which requires expertise allowing one to escape the advice approach to settle into a low posture. This low posture is acquired through learning the coaching posture. Moreover, therapeutic work personnel, allowing them to be aligned with their experiences and their relationship with organizations. The organizational coach must be able to guard against projections, transfers, counter-transfers, and all unconscious phenomena of the system. This non-judgmental and non-directive approach is crucial in creating an encouraging and safe environment for the individuals and groups who got coaching.
Coaching missions are always subject to continuous supervision to allow the team to progress and protect itself against systemic reflections.
Organizational coaching comes to the bedside of businesses and helps re-oxygenate systems that get lost and exhausted in an autonomous quest for answers. It infuses and energizes growth mechanisms by dealing with uncertainty and infusing the vitality necessary for the transformation process.
A profession that takes on its full meaning in the face of the limits of the major management models.
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