Leadership And Management

Leadership VS Management

by Shamsul
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Leadership And Management

Leadership is the ability of the leader to influence and guide members of an organization and encourage them to rise to their maximum productivity level.


A.C. 1.1 – Describe A Range Of Meanings Attached To The Concepts Of Leadership And Management 2

Leadership As Motivator v/s Management As Facilitator. 2

Leadership As Inspirer v/s Management As Establisher. 2

Leadership Relies On Trust v/s Management Relies on Control 3

A.C. 1.2. Justify Distinctions Drawn Between Leadership And Management 4

Personal Characteristics. 4

Alignment Characteristics. 5

A.C. 2.1 – Evaluate At Least Four Different Approaches For Developing Leaders And Managers  6

Coaching Method. 7

Job Rotation. 8

Special Projects. 8

Workshops. 9

A.C. 2.2 – Discuss The Role Of The L&D Function In Providing Leadership And Management Development 10

Advising On Individual And Group Development 10

Identification and Assessment of Potential Leaders. 10

Assessment of Needs. 11

Design And Delivery Of Interventions. 11

Evaluating Outcomes. 11

A.C. 3.1. –  Identify Indicators Of Success For Leadership And Management Development Programmes  12

Individual Performance Evidence. 12

Effective Succession. 12

Key Employee Retention. 13

Participant Satisfaction Indicators. 13

A.C. 3.2  –  Justify Methods To Ensure The Success Of Leadership And Management Development Programmes. 13

1.     Ensuring that Senior Management and Leaders Are Supportive. 14

2.     Involving And Using Contributions From Key Stakeholders. 14

3.     Demonstrating And Communicating Achievement Of Success. 14

References. 16

A.C. 1.1 – Describe A Range Of Meanings Attached To The Concepts Of Leadership And Management

Leadership As Motivator v/s Management As Facilitator

Leadership is the ability of the leader to influence and guide members of an organization and encourage them to rise to their maximum productivity level. A leader according to this definition is a motivator who can compel based on his/her relationship with colleagues, subordinates and peers towards intended actions leading towards organizational goals.   

This definition of leadership follows the transformational theory where leaders are found to transform followers through charismatic or inspirational nature and aspects of personality. Followers believe and trust their leader and easily identify with the leader itself and the proposed purpose as well (Leadership Central, 2020).

The definition of management discussed above can be understood by the Systems Management Theory which proposes that a business contains multiple components and in order to achieve optimal functionality in an organization, harmonious functioning of all components is a must (CFI, 2020). 

Leadership As Inspirer v/s Management As Establisher

Leadership is an act of inspiring and mobilizing people in accordance with their needs in order to enable them to handle challenges and emerge victorious in form of achieving tough goals at the end. This is another transformational theory definition that defines that a leader is able to adapt and tailor his support towards fulfilling the need of those led in order to enable them to achieve set targets. Management however establishes authority and define work rules, standards, and processes, following which individuals work towards achieving of organizational goals (Duggal, 2020).

This management definition can be best understood by the scientific method of management that posits that through establishing a scientific method of doing and performing tasks, ther most efficient way of carrying out tasks can be found. Management following the scientific management theory matches jobs with workers adept in the area and based on motivation offered by leader and through capability, management trains individuals to attain maximum level of efficiency.

Leadership Relies On Trust v/s Management Relies on Control

Leadership is about building trust in people, as people follow only those leaders who they trust. Trust is a basic requirement of effective leadership. When people trust a leader they share their ideas and offer constructive feedback to leaders, who can use them to make effective decisions. In today’s dynamic atmosphere, leaders require feedback from employees to facilitate decision making (Duggal, 2020). According to transformational leadership theory rules and regulations set between leader and followers are flexible and are guided by norms established by the group. This allows confidence and trust to build in followers and they not only identify with the leader and his/her decision but also contribute in it (Leadership Central, 2020a).

Management compared to leadership is responsible to control the activities and ensure that the decision taken by the leader is followed. Management is responsible for assigning jobs and tasks related to a job and assign workers that will carry put the task most efficiently, According to scientific management theory, management is responsible for monitoring performance of workers, and offering them required instructions and needed supervision, ensuring that the most effective and efficient way of doing work is being followed. Scientific management theory allocates task between managers ad worker, asking managers to plan how a certain task will be conducted, before assisting workers so that they carry out the task efficiently (Mindtools, 2020).

A.C. 1.2. Justify Distinctions Drawn Between Leadership And Management

Personal Characteristics

 Characteristics Of LeadershipCharacteristics of Management
Personal QualitiesLeaders Create VisionManager Create Goals
Personal QualitiesLeaders Instill ChangeManagers Maintain Current Situation
Personal QualitiesLeaders Take RisksManager Control Risks

Table 1. – Difference in Personal Qualities of Leadership and Management

Source: Allen (2018)

In terms of personal characteristics there is a lot of difference between leadership and management. Leaders for example create a vision while management creates goals or define the picture that engages people to work towards the common goal. Leaders are not afraid to instill change in form of innovation, while managers are responsible for maintaining the change protocol defined by leaders. Once a leader defines a new technology or system, or process to be used, managers ensure that it is used in the most efficient manner possible (Arruda, 2016). 

Alignment Characteristics.

 Characteristics Of LeadershipCharacteristics of Management
AlignmentLeaders Are Long Term Thinkers         Managers Manage Short Term Goals
AlignmentLeaders InspireManagers Plan

Table 2. Difference in alignment of Leadership and Management

Source: Al-Gahtani (2014)

Leaders are ready to take risks always while managers control risks and work towards minimizing them. Another personal quality difference between leaders and managers is that leaders visualize their companies over a long period of time, while managers undertake small term goals (Nienaber, 2010). For example a leader may envision that his company offers the latest technological offering to customers and defines three different technologies that will be introduced over time. A manager’s task is to focus on a single technology that will be introduced first and give it his best, before focusing on anything else (Next Generation, 2018).

Leaders inspire others to follow their vision, while managers plan on how the vision will be converted into reality (Arruda, 2016). For example leaders at Apple envisioned creation of a technology that would facilitate app development. The managers at Apple worked towards making this vision possible and worked with thei team to create the ARKit 3, reality Kit and Reality Composer, as advanced tools that would facilitate and make app development much easier than before (Apple Newsroom, 2019).

An example of a leader is Steve Jobs. He had a vision to take Apple to new heights. He was never afraid of change, rather he believed that change was the best distinguisher.  The leader was always ready to take risks and challenge himself and his employees. He envisioned what Apple would be 10, 20, even 50 years a ago and paved a path for the company to follow his vision. He was a charismatic leader, inspired people and never settled for anything less than perfection. Steve’s subordinate’s assisted him and worked as managers controlling the company in ways that would make Jobs vision become a reality (Carey, 2017).

A.C. 2.1 – Evaluate At Least Four Different Approaches For Developing Leaders And Managers           

According to a prehistoric concept, organizations were only required to be effective, efficient and able to earn profits. Considering the dynamic situation in which business operate today, businesses require to change with the rapid developments and changes taking place. Leaders and managers face extreme challenges as they thrive to cope with the changes that come their way and succeed in the test of time and survival. The need for leadership and management development arises, as they require the necessary abilities, skills and expertise to consistently develop and discipline them to face any challenge that comes their way (Kalpana, n.a.).

Managers in banks follow a centralized policy where development of employees, including managers is conducted. Manager development is often done in form of training in areas such as leadership, communication, coordination, and other similar areas. Banks focus on building the abilities of their work force to meet future needs of the bank (Qayyum, Sharif, Ahmad, Khan, & Rehman, 2012).

Approaches of Leadership and Management Development

Approaches of leadership and management development include

  1. Coaching Method
  2. Job Rotation
  3. Special Projects
  4. Workshops

Coaching Method

Coaching is one leadership and management approach that is used successfully to foster individual strengths and makes individual empowered. Experts in a field transfer knowledge to trainees being coached and offer them valuable information.

Advantages of Coaching

  • Coaching enhances openness towards learning and development. It is a comfortable way of learning.
  • It directly influences skills and behaviors of the individual being coached.
  • It creates self-awareness about the individual being coached. It allows individuals to develop self-awareness and connect with peoples around them.

Disadvantages Of Coaching

  • Individual coaching can be a costly affair.
  • Finding the right coach to train in the respective area can be hard, as individual needs differ from person to person (Mallori, 2015).

Job Rotation

Job rotation is referred to the strategy where employees rotate between different jobs within an organization. This is done to familiarize them with the tasks and responsibilities of the other job. This is done for a short period of time.

Advantages of Job Rotation

  • Job rotation encourages development of an individual through letting them know more deeply about other areas of the organization
  • It helps in identifying where different employees can serve better

Disadvantages of Job Rotation

  • Not easily implementable in every organization or industry
  • If the right individual is not chosen for job rotation, business efficiency and productivity can be hurt (Gray, 2017).

Special Projects

Special projects are as one of the most effective ways of leadership and managerial development, as they are situational challenges and provide knowledge and understanding of specific scenarios.

Advantages of Special Projects

  • Special projects offers extensive knowledge on particular cases and offers detailed information related to a case.
  • Special cases can incorporate best practices from all around the world and deeper knowledge can be induced.

Disadvantages of Special Projects

  • Special projects are an additional cost incurring technique of training for an organization, and often organizations cannot engage in such costly affairs for every single manager and leader in an organization.
  • Some people argue that there is a lot of theory involved in special projects and not enough practical examples (Reddy, 2020).


Workshops are a common and effective way of educating people and training leadership and management based on effective examples found all over the globe. It is a way of broadening the mind and learning new techniques of leadership and management.

Advantages of Workshop

  • Flexible way of training as sessions length and frequency can be controlled
  • Successive workshops can be used to build learning process one over another

Disadvantages of Workshop

  • Hard to cover extensive topics in one session
  • Hands on practice, is difficult to manage in workshop containing large number of trainees (Stanford University Press, 1998).

A.C. 2.2 – Discuss The Role Of The L&D Function In Providing Leadership And Management Development

L&D function is a continuous process in organizations that foster growth in managers and leaders through constant evolvement, learning and development. L&D functions in banks is all about understanding future capability and strategy of the financial organization and identify learning needs and priorities on different levels of the organization.

L&D function provide leadership and Management development through

Advising On Individual And Group Development

Efficiently seeking better tools to help managers to filter content. This allows other managers to use and advise relevant content and escape the need to search for it. Continuous L&D function ensures that comprehensive content for learning and development is present for use when needed.

Identification and Assessment of Potential Leaders

L&D function in an organization help assess individuals, bringing out their true worth and identifying true potential and expertise of individuals working in an organization. L&D unction in an organization serves as an assessment tool, that can predict talent and eliminate the issue of selecting the wrong people as team members by managers and leaders (Schwantes, 2017).

Assessment of Needs

A continuous L&D function allows leaders and managers to analyze skills that will benefit most towards the organizational objective. It also offers insight on the L&D programs running and their efficiency level, besides figuring out any new L&D program that needs to be developed in order to train and develop organizational workforce (SNHU, 2019). This L&D function facilitates management and leadership through helping in assessing deficiencies in the process and correcting them.

Design And Delivery Of Interventions

L&D functions facilitate design and delivery through continuous assessment of learning and learner’s potential. Through assessment of learners, managers and leaders get to know how they are benefitting from it, and how effective the L&D content and program is faring. This allows highlighting of any content design flaw that exists, so that new content can be used that will prove to be beneficial. Once flaws in L&D function are highlighted it can be corrected and a new and improved learning content can then be used to guarantee better results.  This function allows management and leadership to assess L&D content and make necessary amendments and changes (Fuhl, 2019).

Evaluating Outcomes

The biggest advantage of L&D function and biggest benefit of it to management and leadership is evaluating the outcomes of the process. If the L&D function is offering expected results, it can be continued in the same way, if there are flaws, they can be evaluated and fizxed and above all, the results can be monitored and checked against set benchmark, as to whether the efforts put in are enough, or requires to be changed. It also helps in analyzing whether the achieved results are worth the effort or not (Fuhl, 2019).

A.C. 3.1. –  Identify Indicators Of Success For Leadership And Management Development Programmes

There are many indicators that define whether or not management and leadership development efforts have been successful or not.  These include successful employee retention, effective succession of employees, raised performance level of employees, satisfied employees, enhanced organizational participation, work efficiency, etc.

Individual Performance Evidence

Different organizations follow a regular performance evaluation routine, mostly on an annual basis, where performance of leaders and managers assessed, evaluated and compared to performance of last few years. If the performance level is improving in an organization, this indicates that the leadership and managerial development is a success in the organization. Another way to evaluate development success is through creating a set of competencies and comparing performance against them to evaluate whether development programs are a success or vice versa (Chinn, 2017).

Effective Succession

If the development programs of leadership and management are a success, managers and leaders of the organization will be performing effectively and efficiently, which will lead to effective succession in the organization, based on performance. Succession planning is any effort that ensures continuous performance effectiveness in an organization, through developing, replacing and applying strategic talent on key positions of the organization (Wilson, 2015).

Key Employee Retention

Employee retention indicates satisfied employees, a fully functioning organization and a evaluation and assessment process in place that guarantees smooth functioning of an organization. This is not possible without an effective management and leadership operating in an organization. Employee retention is almost, always a case of bad relationship with management or leadership. In organizations where employee retention is according to standard, it acts as an indicator of management and leadership development program success (Brownlee, 2019).

Participant Satisfaction Indicators

Satisfaction of participants, or managers and leaders in a development program is of immense importance, as if they are unsatisfied, it reflects in their performance. If the participants are satisfied with the development program, and they find it useful and an addition in their abilities, their work efficiency enhances and it shows in their performance level, ultimately translating into their relationship with employees as well (Brownlee, 2019).

A.C. 3.2  –  Justify Methods To Ensure The Success Of Leadership And Management Development Programmes

Management and leadership development programmes are not simple training events, rather they contribute highly towards the development of managers and leaders skills. Also applying new behavior in a workplace is never easy for managers and they require support in this aspect.

In case of banks, as in like my organization, the development journey is not limited to a certain leadership or management, rather an organization wide development is practiced which ensures acceptance of change that may occur in form of leadership and management development. Also banks ensure that an overall adaptive atmosphere prevail in organizations, so that when the learning interventions applied and transferred to others in the organizations, they are easily acceptable and you will see a learning sustainability environment.

Methods to ensure success of leadership and management development programmes include

  1. – Managers through instilling change in a positive manner can attain support from senior management and leaders. For example discussing and working on developing opportunities is one way of bringing everyone in board, compared to highlighting skill gaps right on. Highlighting the case of the business, and linking potential opportunities with organizational strategy  that reduces risks, is one way to take senior management on board the change that managers are trying to introduce in an organization. This is one way to ensure success of leadership and management development program (Lewis, 2015).
  2.   involving key stakeholders offers immense benefits as not only to you receive instant feedback on matters, rather the opportunity of contributing directly to the development of the organizational system is also possible. This way high quality decision making is also facilitated, and duplication at different points is avoided, planning is supported, stakeholder support is and expertise is incorporated and accountability in increased to multiple folds (ECT & TAS, 2020).
  3. – Another method to ensure that leadership and management development programmes are successful is to demonstrate and communicate the achievement made from the programmes. When the development from the programs translated to other mangers and efficiency increases in their operations, it is an evidence of the success of the development program. An efficient and successful leadership and management development program will have a cascade effect in the organization and the effects of its success will be seen throughout the organization over time (Lewis, 2015).

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Algahtani, A. (2014) ‘Are Leadership And Management Different? A Review’ Journal of Management Policies and Practices. 2(3), pp. 71-82.

Allen, T. (2018) ‘What Is The Difference Between Management And Leadership? [online] Available at https://www.forbes.com/sites/terinaallen/2018/10/09/what-is-the-difference-between-management-and-leadership/#40fe8fbc74d6 [Accessed: 04 Apr 2020].

Apple Newsroom. (2019) ‘Apple Unveils Groundbreaking New Technologies For App Development’ [online] Available at https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2019/06/apple-unveils-groundbreaking-new-technologies-for-app-development/ [Accessed: 04 Apr 2020].

Arruda, W. (2016) ‘9 Differences Between Being A Leader And A  Manager’. [online] Available at https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamarruda/2016/11/15/9-differences-between-being-a-leader-and-a-manager/#6514ee9d4609 [Accessed: 04 Apr 2020].

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Qayyum, A., Sharif, M. T., Ahmad, A., Khan, M. S., & Rehman, K. (2012) ‘Training & Development Practices In National Bank Of Pakistan’ Information Management And Business Review. 4(1), pp. 8-17.

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