Or Poor Management?
The watchword is the talent shortage. But is the indicator in the right place?
Is the talent shortage truly a temporary problem or the consequence of poor managerial management? Analysis.
In today’s economy, a company’s business is defined less by the products or services it sells than by the know-how and interpersonal skills it deploys. This new paradigm explains why making profits and creating jobs will no longer be goals for the company but a consequence of the value of its know-how. The challenge is, therefore, to move from a capital-intensive vision based on skills to a human vision based on talents.
Skills vs. Talents
Talent Shortage
A company’s employee needs are constantly evolving. In this case, it is appropriate to question the profile of the candidates most suitable for participating in the company’s project and to distinguish skill from talent. Thus, competence is an ability acquired through experience or training. Measurable and observable, it can be listed through a catalog. Conversely, talent is an aptitude, an ability to do something. It is not acquired and is not conditioned by professional functions. In other words, skill comes from without and talent comes from within. Management that views skills as know-how quickly shows its limits, particularly in the face of changes in the labor market and new profiles entering it. Employees are no longer interested in a restrictive view of themselves as simple resources or toolboxes.
However, companies continue to recruit skills. The source of this issue generally appears when a company detects an opportunity and responds to it by promoting certain employees to the position of team leader or manager who are poorly prepared for human issues and, therefore, to distinguish between skills and talents. Undeniably, they will start looking for the “five-legged sheep” and will miss out on talents who certainly do not have the required skills but will be able to learn them. We still need to train them!
Good Managers Recruit Talent And Train Them with Skills
In the business world, the phrase “it has to be done by yesterday!” » has become a veritable mantra. Therefore, it is necessary to ask ourselves whether it is not more sustainable to train a candidate. whose talent is high by an ability to adapt and learn quickly, rather than waiting for the arrival of the “ messiah”, the one who will possess all the required skills. However, many job offers are limited to listing lists of skills. Confining a position within such a perimeter does not allow application of talent. During recruitment interviews, some managers justify themselves with “I don’t feel it” and dismiss the application to hide their inability to manage them and their fear of being less good than them.
Solving the talent shortage consists, among other things, of developing your own resources, that is, training your managers to identify talents and supervise them in the new fields of application of their skills. The advantage? A team capable of quickly reconfiguring itself to respond to all the challenges that arise. Conversely, a team made up only of skills will be marginalized. Ultimately, a manager who cannot recruit and develop talent is not a manager.
Insufficient Know-How Or Poor Management?
Talent Shartage
According to The Workforce View study, one in five employees in Europe indicate that poor management is the primary obstacle to productivity. Obviously, motivation is the fruit of a certain personal fiber and interpersonal skills, but let’s ask ourselves a question: What is the role of the manager in this equation? Because it has the power to trigger a real desire to get involved and surpass oneself.
Too quickly, we hear that an employee is not motivated or “enthusiastic”. It may simply be that his manager does not have the skills and talent to motivate him and that he does not question himself. A manager who is acquainted with how to manage is essential to combat the talent shortage. Being a manager is not innate. This is a transition that deserves to be accompanied by training. Above all, you must have the desire and enjoy managing teams.
Summary | Talent Shortage
In summary, many precepts regarding skills have been stated. On the other hand, talents have been neglected until now due to homogenization! Shouldn’t we bet on talent development to fuel our managerial (and entrepreneurial) intelligence? Basically, talent is a source of anxiety because it is unequal and complicated to categorize. And why not take advantage of this inequality to treat employees and candidates through the prism of singularity? The real question is perhaps more about redefining skills and talents, standardization, and uniqueness rather than talking about talent shortages. Think about talent shortage!
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