A Positive Attitude of Employees

Positive Attitude

by Shamsul
Positive Attitude of Employees
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A Positive Attitude of Employees

‘A positive employee attitude towards change is vital to a successful outcome’ (Rees & French, 2016, p. 128). Critically assess this view and consider how managers and HR Practitioners can help ensure employees’ positive attitudes.

A Positive Attitude of Employees

Maintaining a positive attitude at work is occasionally challenging, no matter how much we like it. Nothing happens according to our needs. There are situations in which the work environment becomes heavy, or a new boss prints a level of demand that leads to stress. Also, there are times when the activity becomes routine, and we count the minutes to finish each task (Rees & French, 2016).

A positive attitude at work refers to an optimistic and enthusiastic disposition directed to work activity and everyone involved. Cultivating that attitude helps a lot because it contributes decisively to making work enjoyable (Alas et al., 2013). 

The Necessity of a Positive Attitude at Work 

A positive attitude is considered one of the 5 main interpersonal skills the ideal candidate should have. To this are added teamwork, problem-solving, organizational and planning skills, and communication skills. However, what is the explanation for having a positive attitude in the workplace? Here are some factors that answer the question.

What is the Meaning of Positive Attitude?

  • Optimism: Positive people always try to follow guidelines and improve the internal working atmosphere of the organization to achieve better results for the company. “Being positive” is not at odds with “being realistic,” It is about trying to find the best option within the specific circumstances in each situation.
  • Motivation: Real professionals like their work and are excited about the position tend to give their best, trying to improve themselves even when the circumstances are adverse.
  • Proactivity: Having the initiative to propose new ideas and anticipating the client’s reaction are qualities in high demand by recruiters seeking to attract talent to organizations.
  • Flexibility: The predisposition to adapt to the client’s needs and to “be open” to learning impacts productivity and conveys a good image inside and outside the company.
  • Learn from mistakes: The ability to self-criticize and assume responsibilities is also highly valued. After the knowledge of what we have done wrong in a certain situation, we can perform differently in similar circumstances in the future. Indeed, we have a higher chance of successful achievement.
  •  The famous quote – Albert Einstein – says, “If you always do the same thing, don’t expect different results.”
  • Solidarity. In a work team, it is necessary that all the members show a predisposition to help their colleagues in such a way that different skills are combined in favor of a better result.

Source: Amit (2018)

Role of HR Practitioners to foster positive workplace attitude

Raise the Quality for Nurturing a Positive Attitude at Work

According to (Georgalis et al., 2014), one factor that encourages and helps in developing a positive attitude is the understanding that the job is done well. In order to manage things better, the following aspects can be considered:

  • Understand well what are the requirements and skills that the job demands and strive to adjust to them
  • Find ways to perform tasks more efficiently
  • Set ambitious goals. Not only comply but identify which is the next step in the job evolution
  • Know the company well, and identify its policies, philosophy, and structure

If employees feel that work is a means to improve, it will be easier to ensure a positive attitude. A good part of the negative positions is born when we perceive that what we do is not have worth or that we are stagnant.

Develop Positive and Proactive Behaviors.

Even in the loneliest jobs, there is always a point where you have to link or coordinate the work with other people. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate a positive attitude toward the tasks being performed and the people teamed up to work together (Holten & Brenner, 2015). To do this, the following behaviors and values ​​can be helpful for achievement:

  • Be responsible and punctual. Those who exhibit laziness or lack of seriousness with activities and schedules generate certain work discomfort with their behaviors.
  • Courtesy above all else. Kind words and gestures are the foundation of a good relationship.
  • Honesty. Trying to prove something that you are not, telling lies, or not admitting mistakes is something that greatly damages labor relations in the long run.
  • Learn to handle conflict. You will always find differences of opinion, but this should not become a conflict. In particular, learning to expose disagreements without attacking or hurting anyone is necessary.

When the work environment is favorable, motivation automatically grows. If you manage to cultivate good relationships, you will not feel like working with anonymous colleagues but sharing with collaborators who have a common cause (Katsaros et al., 2014).

The Importance of Self-Motivation

Employees do not always have someone by their side who acknowledges their efforts when things are done right. Employees should not be discouraged by this. Most importantly, employees should be aware that they are doing their best.

To self-motivate, there are some small keys that could help—for example, grooming the employees well, exceptionally when low. HR practitioners will see that this simple behavior makes employees feel a lot better. Some studies indicate that if a manager or supervisor smiles and keeps smiling, even if it is not so sincere, in the end, employees will be more optimistic about their work (Yousef, 2016).

In addition, valuing achievements and sending positive messages to employees from time to time is the key to developing and maintaining workplace motivation. Taking care of employees and recognizing their efforts are two important actions to motivate them.


Positive Psychology and Work

Pamela Castro (2012), a psychologist at the University of San Andres in Bolivia, investigated the influence of positive emotions on job performance. The results indicated the importance of reinforcing optimistic thoughts by managing emotions. According to the author, remembering happy moments in life and identifying with them, little by little, will become a constant. In this way, we will prioritize the positive before the negative.

Castro assures that the negative and positive states must first be recognized in the workplace. Once recognized, the negative state must be taken to the positive, but here employees might face difficulties, which that emotions are abstract. Thus, the solution given by the author is to turn subjective into an objective, that is, “to associate emotions with physical characteristics that may belong to a tangible or pleasant object. From this association, the person feels that the possibility of exchanging a negative emotion for a positive one is more real and feasible”.

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  1. Alas, R., Demirer, H., & Bilgin, N. (2013). Values as predictors of attitudes toward changes and organizational learning in turkish organizations. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 4(5), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.7763/IJTEF.2013.V4.300
  2. Amit, P. P. (2018). Employee perception towards organisational change. International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, 5(2), 1–25
  3. Georgalis, J., Samaratunge, R., Kimberley, N., & Lu, Y. (2014). Change process characteristics and resistance to organisational change: The role of employee perceptions of justice. Australian Journal of Management, 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1177/0312896214526212
  4. Holten, A.L., & Brenner, S. O. (2015). Leadership style and the process of organizational change. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 36(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1108/LODJ-11-2012-0155
  5. Katsaros, K. K., Tsirikas, A. N., & Bani, S.-M. N. (2014). Exploring employees ’ perceptions , job -related attitudes and characteristics during a planned organizational change. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 9(1), 37–50.
  6. Rees, G & French, R (eds) 2016, Leading, managing and developing people. 5th edn, CIPD Publications, London. <http://shop.cipd.co.uk/shop/bookshop/hr-topics/hr-function/leading-managing-and-developing-people-1#_ga=1.193122799.377704390.1465485053>
  7. Yousef, D. A. (2016). Organizational commitment, job satisfaction and attitudes toward organizational change: A study in the local government organizational commitment, job satisfaction and attitudes toward organizational change: A study in the local government. International Journal of Public Administration, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1080/01900692.2015.1072217

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