13 Moves for Having a Habit Stacking Routine

Habit Stacking

by Shamsul
habit stacking
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13 Moves for Having a Habit Stacking Routine

Let us have an insight into thirteen moves that can help in building a permanent kind of habit stacking. It is a kind of process that will make us empowering and straightforward as well. Following these steps is the key to success as it can help you fetch long-lasting results in the future. So, why waste time, let us have a start then!


Step 1:

Start with a Five-Minute Block

Simplifying things can turn out to be really easy. According to Stephen Guise, making a habit simpler will become more valuable.

For understanding, one of the common examples is to write every day. If you are fond of literature, you can start writing immediately. Writing one paragraph on a daily basis is enough at the initial level. It is obvious that you are capable of writing more than that, but the point here is to make it a habit. Write down a paragraph in order to complete a defined task for the day. The ultimate goal is to get the momentum going. It will certainly overcome the inertia. As soon as you make it a habit, you can write more than you have planned.

As a keen individual in developing habits, I strongly recommend that evolving mini-habits can be a good addition here. Once you start accumulating mini-habits, it will take only five minutes of your time. Pick one or two habits at a time and add them to your stack gradually. It will then automatically become your routine.


Step 2:

Focus on Small Wins

Starting something new can be daunting sometimes. Try to make it a routine that revolves around your habits. It is considered to be a smaller effort that can assist you in getting emotional acceleration. It is effortless to do and remember as well. This is like taking smaller steps that will eventually get you a lot closer to your goals.

When we talk about smaller wins, it certainly indicates that there are actions required to get the desired result. Take the example of exercising for 5 minutes or taking vitamins on a daily basis.

The above-mentioned tasks are easy to perform here, but that is not actually what we want to focus on. The point is that all these tasks seem to be minor and there is a probability that you would skip them for a day or two while thinking of something more productive. Try to build a stack around simple actions. This action will certainly become an active routine. Regularly adding these smaller habits for two weeks will make them an integral part of your daily schedule.


Step 3:

Pick a Time and Location

Step # 3 is the most important here. It should be understood that every stack must have to be tied with a trigger. Pick a location and the time to encourage yourself for a specific stack.

The start of the day must be utilized to the fullest. Get the benefit from a proactive start by using the energy. Complete the sequence of habits in a way that can also influence your other task. There are multiple patterns that can be added to the morning routine. Likewise, having a shake or reading a book.

When you start your day in the office, you must keenly do important and dynamic tasks. You don’t have to check the emails or social web pages as it can deviate you from goals. Utilize the first few hours of the day doing high-end assignments. One of your core habits should be to find out the job that must be placed at the top of the list. Pick projects and eliminate all diversions. As soon as you start your daily activities, do the hardest task first.

Following a definite plan is the key to success. The middle of the day must be when you are at the lowest energy level. You can possibly use the middle day in order to refuel yourself. It can be done by having a power snack. Moreover, you can have a nap at the lunch table and bring back your energy to perform well.

At the end of the day, you can be as productive as you want to be. The last few minutes can turn out to be a game-changer. You have enough time to complete the stack that you have planned. The next working day will be a success for you because at the end of the day, there is enough work completed. It will make you feel accomplished. Smaller habits could be writing a diary. You can also highlight the assignments to be done the next day. Always remember! Keep a record of the time that you spend on every assignment.

In the evening in your home, the best possible activity could be squeezing in a stack. There is a time frame available between reaching home and sleeping. It is a perfect opportunity for you to add some of the personal important assignments. The projects can be one of those that may not seem urgent but deserve your attention. You can prepare meals for the whole weekend, write a weekly budget, or organize your home.

Lastly, you can add exercise in your stack. Preferably, try to pick a workout that takes a limited period of your time. Taking a healthy drink can be a habit that can be added. Listening to music is another activity that can be stacked in exercising routine.


Step 4:

Anchor Your Stack to a Trigger

The trigger is a kind of word that can have different meanings. It can be a cue that uses multiple senses to remind one of any specific task.

As far as the importance of the triggers is concerned, they can help deal with many tasks. Likewise, most of us use calendar alerts on our smart devices in order to remember an event.

Triggers are said to be of two kinds. The first one is the external trigger that can create a specific response called Pavlovian. Some of the common examples of these triggers are alarms, push notifications, and notes on a fridge. These triggers can make you complete a specific task.

Another kind of trigger is an internal trigger. These triggers are associated with feelings and emotions. These triggers are actually initiated within the body. Likewise, you need to check your mail on a daily basis is an internal kind of trigger.

In order to build up the stacks, it is important that you must know the difference between the two triggers. One of the advantages that you will get after knowing the difference is building powerful stacks. Moreover, you can limit bad habits as it can have a negative impact on your personal development.

Let us have an insight into these triggers briefly

Habit Triggers (negative)

Let us have an example of a negative example. In this modern era, everyone is using social media websites. These links are now considered an integral part of our daily routine. It is because of the fact that these websites are developed considering the mindset of humans.

These sites have developed features considering the behavior of the users. Once any of the users’ shares, likes, and even tweets, there is an alert generated. These triggers are addictive because they are assumed to be rewards to the person who posted them initially.

According to Charles Duhigg, it is the same kind of habit created with regular notifications on social websites. The power of habit can be broken down into three major actions.

  • The first action is a cue that is a visual reminder that one should use a social website.
  • The second action is the routine that makes an individual click on the website.
  • The third one is an individual’s reward as soon as a new post is uploaded.

All these triggers are negative in nature because they will make you feel that you need to visit the website many times during the day. It will be part of your routine as you unconsciously desire to visit the web without knowing why you are doing this.

As an example of an internal trigger, you can make it a permanent habit. When feeling bored or distracted, the only thing that comes into your mind is the social website. Unknowingly, you waste a lot of your time surfing that.

Compulsive internal triggers are developed by social web pages in order to initiate external triggers. With consistent exposure to the triggers, individuals get habitual. In this case, social web pages get loyal customers with an increase in page visits.


Habits Triggers (Positive)

Habit triggers can be positive as well. You can create a trigger for each habit-stacking routine.  One common example is placing mouthwash in an obvious location. It can be next to your toothbrush. It will be a reminder for you that it should be used before or after the brushing is done.

This is just an example of a trigger that is positive and can have a great impact on stacking. Let us look at things that should be kept in mind to create triggers for the stacks.

  1. Always remember that triggers must have to be one of the existing habits. Likewise having a bath, brushing your teeth, and checking your cell phone are all existing habits you normally do daily. This is extremely vital here because you need to be dead sure about all these habits and you won’t miss a reminder.
  2. Some actions are done during a specific time of the day. A common example is waking up early in the morning. A reminder for any specific habit can occur during a specific time. Yet again, it is considered an automatic behavior whatever you choose to do first.
  3. A trigger is meant to be easy in all respects. Any action that makes you bored can certainly decrease the effectiveness of the trigger. Likewise, having a brisk walk on a daily basis must not be considered a trigger at all. You can occasionally skip this step in your routine.
  4. Always remember that while having a trigger, don’t pick a new habit. According to a

Study, it can take two months to develop a habit. It can be a really challenging task.

The above-mentioned rule of thumb is necessary to pick a trigger. In order to have a more elaborate view of the triggers, an individual can adopt the following habits on a daily basis.

  • Eating breakfast
  • Eating lunch
  • Eating dinner
  • Brushing teeth
  • Driving a car before work
  • Walking for a few minutes
  • Leaving from work
  • Using smart devices in the morning
  • Setting a phone alarm


Step 5:

Create a Logical Checklist

Have you ever heard about a logical checklist? Well, it is something that is new. A checklist must be a permanent part of your actions. It is sufficient to say that you should place all of your activities in a way that helps you to carry them out easily.


Step 6:

Be Accountable

You need to be committed to what you have planned. In other words, it is justified to say that you need to be accountable to yourself.  Some people have a natural tendency to waste time before starting proper action. In that case, an individual needs to have a push so as to get forced into making an action. You need accountability to stick to your goals with commitment.

Sometimes, it is not necessary that a personal commitment is enough. At times, you need something big. A solid action plan must be present to overcome any hurdle. It can be true for both personal and professional scenarios.


Step 7:

Create Small, Enjoyable Rewards

It is true that whenever you complete a habit stack it should be considered as an accomplishment. Giving yourself a reward is a good gesture. It can feel you motivated and encourage you to do more.


Step 8:

Focus on Repetition

Repetition is something that can help you achieve your dreams. It can be sometimes daunting. But in the end, when you are consistent in performing a certain action, it will become your habit. But here there is an important point to note. If you skip an action occasionally, it should be worrying at all. It happens; however, we must acknowledge that if there we move progressively anything can be achieved.


Step 9:

Don’t Break the Chain

One of the most important things is that you have to do something new every single day. It should not be broken when you have developed the habit of doing this. In other words, it can be said that breaking the chain can be disastrous for an individual. Create a daily goal for yourself and complete it no matter your situation.

This approach will help you eliminate all the excuses. When you can do all defined tasks regularly, it will make it easier for you. If you are having an off day, it should not influence your routine at all.


Step 10:

Expect Setbacks

It is an undeniable fact that there are setbacks that you experience in life. Following a certain routine for a longer period of time can cause you a setback. It is quite normal for a human being. Don’t worry at all; it is something that you should expect. Having a setback is a good thing; it can help you learn resiliency.  The bottom line is that considering the setback, you should make up your mind. It will get you two choices. Either you step back or try to overcome this.


Step 11:

Schedule the Frequency of a Stack

As we’ve discussed before, some stacks only need to be completed on an irregular basis:

Are you familiar with the term frequency? You need to learn the art of scheduling the frequency of the stack. It should be understood that all stacks are not done on a regular basis. Some of the stacks are done daily, weekly, and monthly. If you are at the early stages, it is recommended that you should start with a smaller habit stack. Later on, you can create a stack on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Ideally, it would be true to say that these stacks can act as milestones.


Step 12:

Scale Up Your Stack

Think back to the first step of this process: “Start with a five-minute block.” If you can devote only a limited amount of time to a stack, then you won’t get much value from it. That’s why I recommend you eventually build up to a thirty-minute routine, where you complete at least six small habits.

Scaling up the stack is a type of step that can help you achieve greater results. Initially, we talked about sparing your five minutes. Then you can eventually increase this time up to fifteen minutes. You need an incremental change in change. Repeating the same routine will bring you more benefits. You might feel a little bored at this step, but that is alright. The more you learn about the concept of lacking motivation, the easier it will be for you to overcome it.


Step 13:

Build One Routine at a Time

It is a debate that how long it takes to build a permanent habit. Well, to be honest, more importance should be given to how you can add a new habit one at a time.

Practice focusing the mind

Do you wish to get a focused mind with an improved memory? You can achieve that by developing a keynote habit of meditation. It is all about focusing the mind in order to have awareness and a sense of motivation. This habit can reduce stress by getting you closer to your objectives.


Final note:

It is a lot easier to figure out the keystone habit that you are already following. All you need to do is consider your behaviors that have a cumulative effect. What can you do as a person when there is a need to find out what changes your behavior by letting yourself in a stressful situation?

According to Duhigg, you need to have willpower as it is one of the crucial keystone habits that can work wonders.  It will get you self-discipline and immediate satisfaction at the same time.

Remember to consider the keystone habits given above and see what other domains of your life need attention.


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