Silence | Why Does It Do Us So Much Good?

by Shamsul
Keep Calm
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We live in a constant hubbub, and we got used to it. However, our brain needs calm to regenerate. You may be be interested in the unsuspected virtues of silence.

In our daily lives, moments of silence are increasingly rare. Most of the time, it is associated with emptiness and inaction. Silence is frowned upon and can be uncomfortable if it is too long. It was even used as an instrument of torture in the Middle Ages!

However, the benefits of silence are many. It would make us more creative, more stable, and more intelligent. It would even be good for our health and our brain.

What Happens in Our Brains

To find out; the Benefits of Silence to discover in the new issue.

Silence to Limit Stress and Boost Neurons

If silence can cause anxiety, noise has a negative impact on our brains. It activates the amygdala, which kicks in when we feel fear and other negative emotions. The cascades of hormones are triggered. Suddenly, the bloodstream of our body is flooded with cortisol, the stress hormone. People who live in noisy environments are more at risk of developing cardiovascular disease than others.

Silence, on the contrary, has many benefits. Moments of silence lower blood pressure, lower stress hormone levels, and promote the growth of new neurons. This is what has been observed so far in animals: an experiment conducted on rodents has shown that silence could make us more intelligent.

5 Benefits of Silence for Your Health

1 – The gateway to serenity

2 – Listen to and get to know each other better

3 – An opportunity to open up to the world

4 – A booster for concentration

5 – A healthy mind in a healthy body

Ambulance sirens, metro noises, constant hubbub, unlike sight, hearing is a sense that cannot be put on hold. The part of the brain that receives the sounds surrounding us is constantly solicited. However, according to studies, silence is good for our health. It would even be the key to creativity. 

Here are 5 benefits of being silent about yourself.

1- The Gateway To Serenity

In Japanese, the adjective “Shizuka” means both “silent” and “calm, serene.” Although it may be uncomfortable or even scary at first, silence has been proven to help reduce anxiety and stress. Indeed, the din of the world around us is a more or less great stress factor depending on the person. In question, the fact that when our brain receives a noise stimulus, it automatically secretes two hormones to “defend” itself: adrenaline and cortisol.

On the contrary, silence, or at least a calm environment, reduces blood pressure and makes blood circulation more fluid. Thus, by offering yourself even just a few minutes of silence a day, by practicing meditation, for example, you will be more serene in the moment and also in the long term.

2- Listen to And Get to Know Each Other Better

“Freeing yourself from outside noise can calm our bodies and increase the volume of our inner voice,” says neuroscientist David Gross.

Silence allows you to reconnect with yourself. Instead of listening to the world gossip, we are forced to focus on our inner thoughts and feelings. Of course, the experience is not simple since we tend to hide behind this daily noise so as not to “really see ourselves.” Especially since having access to our “hidden side” can be confusing.

However, to listen to each other is to know each other. By forcing yourself to contemplate yourself in silence, you will know what you really like, what you want for yourself and/or those around you, what attracts you, and what inspires you. Clearly, you will be able to take the necessary distance to reasoned decisions.


3- An Opportunity to Open Up to The World

It may seem a little paradoxical, but silence also helps make you more sensitive and empathetic toward the world around you. Because to be silent is to listen.

“Compulsive chatter is a manifestation of our anxieties, of our projections into the past or into the future. It is an obstacle to real exchange,” explains psychiatrist Jean-Christophe Seznec.

Indeed, as detailed above, silence helps to calm and clarify the mind. This “vacuum” then leaves more room for others. The mind is more available to listen. Silence is as beneficial for yourself as it is for others ultimately.

4- A Booster for Concentration

Silence is an infallible concentration tool! Indeed, the noises surrounding us monopolize our attention, even unconsciously: we constantly fear missing information or misunderstanding it. This generates a cognitive overload that prevents you from fully devoting yourself to a task.

Gloria Mark, a professor in the computer science department at the University of California, has studied work in open spaces in particular. She finds that the average concentration on a task lasts 11 minutes before being interrupted by some event. The employee then takes about 25 minutes before being fully concentrated again.

Conversely, in a quiet environment, the mind will find it easier to focus on one thing. Thus, you will work much more efficiently in silence, or at least without extraneous noise.

5- A Healthy Mind in A Healthy Body

Silence is not only beneficial for our mental well-being! Reduced cardiovascular risk, strengthened immune system (etc.): silence impacts the body. Indeed, the brain analyzes every sound it receives. Thus, silence allows him to rest and to be better able to act on other problems.

Similarly, scientific studies tend to show a link between noise and the risk of cardiovascular accidents. A five-decibel increase in average noise over 24 hours results in a 34% increase in heart risk. A staggering number! Thus, according to these various studies, silence, by lowering cortisol levels but also reducing the risk of inflammation of the arteries, allows individuals to be in better physical health.

So, meditate, walk, dance, and cook; it is giving yourself those few minutes of silence a day. Your body and mind will thank you!

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