Different Forms And Cause of Aggression, Social Learning & Media

by Shamsul
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Different Forms And Cause of Aggression, Social Learning & Media

Aggression is a complex behavior characterized by physical or verbal actions intended to cause harm or injury to others. It can manifest as both overt physical violence and covert forms such as verbal abuse or social manipulation. Aggression can result from a combination of individual, environmental, and social factors. Now, we will explain from and causes of aggrestion in the form of questions.


What are the different forms of aggression, and how do physical aggression and social aggression differ in terms of their manifestations and consequences, with a specific focus on the impact of cyberbullying on individuals?


Aggression is a physical or verbal behavior that intends towards causing harm. Aggression also includes threats, insults, gossip, and other verbally abusive forms of harm caused to others and kicking, slapping, or any other physical form that hurts a person with the intent of causing him physical or mental harm.

Physical Aggression similarly includes all actions physically undertaken to harm another individual. While other acts that are performed verbally; however, have some social consequence associated with them. Humiliation or shame are in the list of social aggression. Social aggression is witnessed commonly in the form of bullying, insults, harmful gossip, and cyberbullying (insulting, gossiping, or sharing private material online without consent). Cyberbullying can have very serious consequences on the victim and can result in depression or in severe cases, suicide (Myers & Twenge, 2016).

Question- 2

How did Albert Bandura’s experiment demonstrate the influence of social learning on aggression, and what were the key findings regarding the behavior of children exposed to aggressive behavior compared to those in a non-aggressive environment?


According to social learning theory, aggression can also be learned by social behavior and by observing and imitating, and by being rewarded and Punished (Myers & Twenge, 2016). Myers 7 Twenge (2016) defines that through experience and observation of others, aggression can be enhanced or decreased. While ductile creatures can be transformed into ferocious beings, similarly constant defeats can turn individual to become submissive.

Albert Bandura conducted an experiment where a child was left in a room with some toys with n adult. While the child played calmly with the toys, the adult would, after intervals get up and bang a doll with a mallet while using abusive language. Later the child is taken to another room filled with toys, but the experimenter walks in after some time and says that it is her best toy and she wants to save it for her friends. Later she is taken to another room where different aggressive and non-aggressive toys are present. The experiment reveals that kids that were not exposed to an aggressive environment played with non-aggressive toys even when they were frustrated. In contrast, the girl exposed to aggressive behavior played with the mallet and lashed out at the doll continuously. This reveals how the social behavior around us affects aggression within us.

Question- 3

What does the speaker in the video identify as the main cause of aggression and violence in the younger generation, and what are the four strategies he suggests for decreasing violence in the community?


According to the speaker in the video, the main cause of aggression and violence in the younger generation is invisibility (Tedx Talks, 2016). He defines it by stressing the fact that the younger generation needs to be visible and recognized. Otherwise, they will or can engage in violent or aggressive activities that make them visible. He says that if a village fails to make it’s young a part of them, the young will burn down the village to feel its warmth (Tedx Talks, 2016).

The speaker further explains four ways to decrease aggression and violence

1) Finding out what is going on in your community, what the problems are that are facing our younger generation. This is especially those that are involved in certain behaviors.

2) Finding out who are the people that are doing this work in the community.

3) Engage with those people who are doing something for them, communicate and reach out to them.

4) Create your own platform to help them and invite young people to your platform so that they can support you and help you in creating your own legacy (Tedx Talks, 2016).

Question- 4

Do you believe that media influences aggression in children, and if so, how does it align with the social learning theory, as discussed in your opinion?


In my opinion, yes, Media does influence aggression in children. A very simple reason is that it works as the social learning theory. It propagates that if you are strong and aggressive, you can do anything you want and succeed in it. All types of heroes shown on television engage in some aggression. Moreover, it is shown as being a good thing. Children take it that being aggressive is good, and you succeed and are liked because of aggression. Thus aggression is induced in young kids. A simple cartoon such as Tom & Jerry also shows violence. Although, it is considered humor in our society, while it is very slowly inducing aggression in our kids.


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Myers, D. G. & Twenge, J. M. (2016) Social Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill.

Tedx Talks. (2016) The Real Roots Of Youth Violence. Retrieved From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWNTMmktoCQ

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