Creative Writer | Effective Ways to Improve

by Shamsul
Become Creative Writer
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Creative Writer | Effective Ways to Improve Your Creative Writing

A creative writer strives to tell different stories distinctly. However, with all the fiction we already have in the world, it can be hard to feel that your work has officially been created compared to the competition. You could be a first-time graduate of high school writing, a hobbyist working on your first novel, or an MFA-savvy champion who is just trying to be a better writer while blocking an author’s block. No matter what your background or writing style takes, you can benefit from creating space for you to look at your writing skills and ask if there are any new ways you can develop. From bloggers to authors to creative writers, we all want to discover ways to enhance our writing process. No two great writers work in common, but here are some writing tips that can encourage you a lot in creative thinking. 

Following are the FIVE effective ways to help you become a creative writer.

Learn from the Best—But Don’t Copy Them.

It’s important to read well-known writers to indicate what good writing and great writers can do. Depending on your writing style, look for genre highlights. If you want to write old books for adults, contact other YA touch gestures like J Harry’s Potter series. Rowling, the Goosebumps atmosphere of RL Stine, or the advent of Judy Blume’s old novels. 

If you want to write a science fiction novel, read the work of Neil Gaiman. If you intend to write great novels, contact the Lord of the Rings trilogy of JR.R. Tolkien. In case, panic is your subject, try H.P. Lovecraft and Stephen King. But do not confuse the words of these writers with your own words. Use your favorite books as navigation points. To have real art, you have to sharpen your ideas, styles, and point of view. And also remember you have to learn from it – don’t copy them. Because this is the only way to face your challenges and to become a good creative writer.

Read Like It’s Your Job (Creative Writer)

Excellent writers are great readers, and regular reading is an easy way to start developing your writing skills. I’m not just saying a blog post or separating your reading material. Extend your horizons to things that are more challenging than you usually read, and pay attention to sentence structure, word choice, and how things go. The more you learn, the more likely you will develop an eye for what makes the piece effective and what mistakes you should not make. So, please don’t get offended by reading; instead, take an interest in it. Because it is the only way to enhance your writing skills.

Don’t Hesitate to Say What You Think (Creative Writer)

Too much content on the website is irritating and boring. This is because so many bloggers are focused on updating the same stories with everyone without worrying about posting their comments. Obviously, you don’t want to break the rules of libel, but that doesn’t mean you can’t (or shouldn’t) say what you think. Once you start getting your “word,” don’t be shy about sharing your ideas. This makes reading more enjoyable. Do not be self-employed, and do not intentionally bother anyone. However, make sure there are enough materials in your writing to make it readable to your audience. Take the best version out of yourself and face your fears. Because by facing these fears, you’ll bring out the best of yourself and will become the best creative writer on the web.

Do Your Research (Creative Writer)

Without cheating on someone else’s work, there is nothing that will undermine your credibility more quickly than failing to do your homework. Eager for a blog post (or even a large newspaper article), many writers try to take shortcuts and points. This can range from accidentally disrupting statistics to haste to being lazy when it comes to demand or supply. This not only gets you into a lot of trouble with your editor/content marketing manager / different type of boss, but it makes you look like an amateur. Everyone makes mistakes, and you don’t have to spend weeks looking at all the final statistics (see next point), but common sense should work here – don’t just rely on sites like Wikipedia, but use current, major sources whenever possible. This will enhance your skills and make you a better writer.

Remember That Outlines Are Your Friend

The flicker of a blank page is a great enemy, even for the most experienced writers. Before you put the pen on a piece of paper, draw a picture of what you are planning to write. Consider that this is your battle plan, and it will help you win the battle. Very few – and I mean very few – writers sit down to write anything but a solid system in mind. The framework does not have to be complicated. A simple outline of what parts should appear in a particular order, as well as a few sentences about each section contains, is sufficient. If the topic which you are dealing with is too complex, your outline may need to be the same – but having a frame before writing is like having a road in your car glove box before a road trip. If you start to feel lost, go back to your frame and fight again and take words. I am sure; you will prove to yourself that you are a creative writer.

Let’s grab a look at an actual example:


Brief here the summary of the post

Section 1 – What Is Brand Voice?

Paragraph(s) clarifying the main principles behind brand voice (technique, tone, and message)

Give examples of each

Section 2 – Developing Brand Voice with Content

Reasons of how to formulate brand voice using contents (written, pictorial, or video)

Thoughts for content marketers to carry in mind when creating content (technique, objectives, altogether brand messaging)

Section 3 – Examples of Content That Builds Brand Voice

Numerous examples (3 or 4) of content that aligns nicely with marketing position & branding of recognizable brands



Follow simple rules and become a creative writer!

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