Make Delicious Homemade Hummus | Middle Eastern Recipe

by Shamsul
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Homemade Hummus | Middle Eastern Recipe

The best Hummus is deliciously creamy, light, and nice. It’s nicely smooth, whirled, and served on pita bread. The Tahini, lemon juice, and garlic are appetizing and tasty. Generally speaking, it isn’t easy to make at home because of its preparation and handling. But we bring a manageable and homemade Hummus recipe for you. I got the idea from a Hummus Bar while visiting the UK a few years back. Just follow the recipe, and you can easily prepare the best Hummus at home.

Cook chickpeas with baking soda for 20 minutes:

Baking soda raises the pH level of water and creates a perfect chickpea puree without any mess. Plus, baking soda also helps to remove the skin of chickpeas. So it can solve a lot of time. Cook chickpeas on a medium flame until fully tender. Then, place chickpeas under fresh running water and keep them aside to cool for a few minutes. In this way, the baking soda is thoroughly rinsed off, which helps to make the perfect Hummus. According to the Bon Appetit website, the use of baking soda “enhances the pH of the water and helps to make a soft, pulpy mass that is perfect to obtain an ultra-smooth purée.”

Arabian Dish

How to Make the Homemade Hummus:

Are you excited to prepare the best Hummus? Follow these easy tips and techniques to make it at home.

1- Soggy Chickpeas:

Cook chickpeas with baking soda for twenty minutes on a medium flame until they are completely tender and soft. This technique will definitely help you make ideal Hummus at home.

2- Tahini:

All Tahini is not the same. There are different types of Tahini available in the market. Tahini is a necessary ingredient to make a delectable Hummus. For this purpose, the first choice is to use Amazon (affiliate link) or Trader Joe’s organic Tahini, specially made with sesame seeds. You require ½ cup of Tahini per cup of chickpeas for a delicious and tempting Hummus. However, you can also use homemade Tahini. ( See Homemade Tahini Recipe)

3- Ice Water:

Why is it necessary to mix Tahini with ice water? The reason is that mixing Tahini with ice-cold water makes it fluffier and lightens the color of Tahini. There is no scientific explanation, but these small steps can create a huge difference.

4- Fresh Lemon Juice:

Stored lemons always taste old and sad. Always use fresh lemon juice, and your Hummus will feel fresh and yummy. For extra flavor, add more lemon juice and make your Hummus tangier.

5- Marinate Garlic in Lemon Juice:

Keep garlic cloves in lemon juice for 10 minutes. This is a great technique for obtaining garlic with a mild taste and smell. Then, blend this garlic in a food processor. In this way, the garlic will lose its unkind and harsh smell. I tried it several times and found that this claim is correct! You can read the scientific explanations at Serious Eats for why it works.

6- Olive Oil:

Blend 1 tablespoon of olive oil into the Hummus for a luxurious and creamy taste. Sprinkle olive oil on top for a beautiful look.

7- Ground Cumin:

The cumin is slightly delicate and provides a delicious taste. The ground cumin makes the Hummus tang a little more unique.

Hummus Recipe | Middle Eastern Recipe

Hummus Variations:

You can add different varieties of ingredients such as vegetables, herbs, and chickpeas for various tasty variations of Hummus.

  • Green Herbs (include leafy herbs)
  • Sun-dried tomato (include rinse and drained tomatoes)
  • Kalamata Olive (include kalamata olives)
  • Toasted and Black Sesame (include toasted sesame seeds)

Hummus Garnishing:

  • Sprinkle with olive oil.
  • Paprika.
  • Shower of ground sumac.
  • Sesame seeds.
  • Middle Eastern hot sauce.
  • Chopped parsley or cilantro.
Healthy Hummus

Homemade Hummus Recipe | Middle Eastern Recipe


  • 1 can of chickpeas (15 ounces), or 1 ½ cups cooked chickpeas
  • Baking soda ½ tbsp (if you are using canned chickpeas)
  • Lemon juice ¼ cup
  • Chopped garlic 1 (medium to large)
  • Salt to taste
  • Tahini ½ cup
  • Ice water 2-4 tbsp
  • Ground cumin ½ tbsp
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp

Homemade Hummus Recipe | Middle Eastern Recipe

Hummus Recipe

Preparation Directions:

  1. Take a large saucepan and add chickpeas, baking soda, and water. Make sure that the chickpeas are completely dipped in the water. Then, boil the chickpeas on a high flame. Continue this process for at least 20 minutes or until the chickpeas look tender. After boiling, their skin will be removed automatically. Rinse the chickpeas under running water for about thirty seconds.
  2. Meanwhile, add lemon juice, garlic, and salt to a blender. Blend well until the garlic is completely chopped. Then, set aside to cool for 10 minutes.
  3. Add Tahini to a food processor and process finely until the mixture is creamy and thick.
  4. To obtain an ultra-smooth, pastel, and creamy tahini mixture, add 2-4 tbsp of ice water and blend continuously. This will thicken and cream your Tahini.
  5. Then, combine ground cumin and overcooked chickpeas in the blender. While processing, sprinkle in the olive oil. Blend until the fusion is smooth and light.
  6. Now, taste and regulate as needed; add ¼ tbsp of salt or more to achieve a delicate flavor. Add lemon juice for extra energy.
  7. Graze it into a serving bowl. Garnish with your favorite ingredients, such as parsley, olives, sesame seeds, or hot sauce. Delicious Hummus is ready. Enjoy!

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Tags: Appetizer, Chutney, Healthy Eating, Quick & Easy, RECIPES, Vegetable Dishes / Vegetarian

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