5 Tips For Adapting to The Time Change!
The time change is coming soon! The changeover to winter time takes place on the last weekend of October. This change will take place on Sunday October 29, 2023 at 3 a.m. (it will then be necessary to subtract 60 minutes from the hour, so it will be 2 a.m.).
However, the time change can be a difficult time for some: mood disorders, insomnia, loss of energy… How to prepare properly? Decryption!
Good news! The changeover to winter time is easier to assimilate than that of spring!
Take Advantage of Natural Light
During your day, it is essential to enjoy the sun as much as possible! Indeed, light has a significant effect on our biological clock! And yes, it is this famous “biological clock” which will set “the record straight” by sending signals to the other internal clocks to let them know that it is time to change pace!
To help you overcome this gap, take a short morning walk on your way to work or getting off the metro, for example! This walk is the best way to let your body know that its night is over.
Exposing your body to morning light is essential!
Schedule Your Meals
Eat a good breakfast first thing in the morning, as soon after you wake up as possible. This is another good way to signal to the body that the long night fast is over.
Conversely, avoid loading your stomach late in the evening, which risks sending a confusing message to your body.
Be Careful Of Caffeine!
If you need more than 2 cups of coffee a day, chances are you’re seriously sleep deprived!
Avoid coffee in the afternoon and ban it completely in the evening. Taken at the wrong time, caffeine sends contradictory signals to the body regarding the sleep/wake cycle.
Listen to Your Inner Clock
Try to learn to go to bed when you are tired and get up when you feel rested. This will free you from the dictatorship of clocks.
Your body needs to sleep when you’re tired, not when the clock dictates. Likewise, he should feel the need to get up as soon as he is rested, not when the alarm goes off.
In fact, if you don’t wake up naturally before the alarm goes off, you’re probably sleep-deprived!
Get Up As Soon As The Alarm Rings!
Get up at the first sound of your alarm rather than pressing the snooze button.
Did you know? The sound of the alarm clock increases the heart rate and raises blood pressure.
You won’t feel more rested after the bell rings 2 or 3 more times. You will only be more frustrated and the signals sent to your body will confuse your system.
Maybe it would be better to go to bed a little earlier in the evening?
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