Cold Or Flu | Love To Know The Difference

by Shamsul
Cold or Flu Differences
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Cold or Flu

With cold weather just around the corner, comes cold and flu season. Year after year, many people confuse these two infections and don’t take proper care of themselves. To ensure proper treatment of your cold or flu this winter, here’s how to tell the difference between these two infectious diseases.

Flu And Its Symptoms

Cold and Flu Symptoms

The flu presents differently than the common cold. It’s always much more severe. When you have the flu, you feel really sick and need to stay in bed. The most common symptoms are:

1- Fatigue and drowsiness

2- Fever (sometimes high)

3- Headache

4- Muscle pain

5- Sore throat and sneezing

6- Feeling of general discomfort

7- Chills and tremors

8- Dry cough and runny nose

9- Sometimes, chest pain, symptoms of gastroenteritis (diarrhea and/or vomiting), night sweats, joint and/or eye pain

The Cold and Its Symptoms

Cold or Flu

The cold and flu are confused because they share common respiratory symptoms. Usually, the cold starts mildly, with a sore throat or nasal congestion. It remains fairly limited, in time, but also in the severity of the symptoms. We can usually function and go about our regular activities, even if fatigue and general malaise can “slow us down” a little.

The most common symptoms are:

1- Congestion or runny nose

2- Sore throat

3- Sneezing, sometimes coughing

4- Headache and slight fatigue

5- Very slight fever (occasionally)

Cold Or Flu: When To See A Doctor?

Cold and Flu

Generally, for a cold, there is no reason to see a doctor. However, you can always go to the pharmacy and consult a pharmacist if you need help choosing medications or if you are not sure of the symptoms. There is a lot of ignorance among the population regarding over-the-counter medications, and it is therefore always better to consult a professional rather than self-medicate.

As for the flu, there is also no reason to see a doctor if you are a healthy person. It is an illness that will heal on its own in 7 to 10 days. However, you can use over-the-counter medications, always asking the pharmacist for advice.

However, the flu can have significant consequences for the elderly, children under 2 years old and people with chronic illnesses (respiratory conditions, heart disease), and it is therefore preferable to consult a doctor, particularly in the presence of a high fever (40.5 °C and above). Vulnerable populations should therefore not hesitate to consult a doctor if they really do not feel well or if the fever persists for more than 3 days.

For the youngest, we consult for cold or flu when the child stops playing, if he vomits or eats poorly, or if he urinates less (a sign of possible dehydration).

When in doubt, we can always start by consulting a pharmacist who is often more accessible. He will be able to refer you to the doctor if the symptoms seem alarming to him.

The content of this article on cold or flu is intended solely for informational purposes, enabling you to ask informed questions to your healthcare provider. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Our editorial team, comprising experts in the field, strives to deliver high-quality information. However, Wise Lancer cannot be held liable for any incomplete or outdated information in this article. We strongly recommend consulting a physician if you suspect you have a health issue.

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