How To Keep Flu And Cold Away with 11 Foods

by Shamsul
Flu And Cold
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11 Foods to Fight the Flu and Cold

Flu and Cold: We never want to see the symptoms of the flu or cold appear. Except, of course, no one is completely safe from an infection or virus.

However, there are certain foods that can help fight the flu and cold or, at the very least, reduce their symptoms. By adopting a healthy diet, you are strengthening your immune system in the same way.

Here are 11 key foods that can help you reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the flu or a cold.

1- Chicken Broth

Flu and Cold

There is no pure science behind the power of chicken broth, but everyone agrees that it has a little something comforting.

A cup of hot water would have much the same effect on the body of a person with a cold or flu. However, it must be admitted that it is much less pleasant to drink a cup of hot water than a chicken broth!

It is actually the hot liquid that soothes the mucous membranes; the latter are subject to inflammation during a cold or flu and the steam released from the hot liquid moistens the nasal passages. Savoring a chicken broth therefore helps reduce the symptoms for a few minutes.

Also read: Bone Broth has an Anti-Aging Benefit Know Now

2- Drink More Water

When we want to fight the flu and the cold, it is essential to hydrate ourselves adequately, because the nasal passages and throat dry out quickly.

Drinking water is an essential need, but when you are carrying a virus, staying hydrated at all times becomes imperative.

Flu and Cold

Need a little help drinking more water? For example, Liquid I.V. is a great powdered hydrator to mix into your water, and it tastes really good too. The “hydration multiplier” version will keep you hydrated much longer than if you just drank water.

Tested and approved by the team, you should definitely try it too!

3- Garlic

Flu and Cold

Garlic is a superfood that fights minor infections like the flu and colds, and strengthens the immune system by promoting the production of white blood cells. It is also antibacterial and antiviral.

It can be combined with other foods, like onion and chili pepper, or swallowed straight with water, just like medicine. If you don’t like its taste but want to enjoy its benefits, opt for tablets available in pharmacies instead.

Read More: Garlic | 5 Good Reasons to Love It Even More

4- Ginger For Flu And Cold

Flu and Cold

Used in traditional oriental medicine for thousands of years, ginger root is recommended for its natural antitussive properties. A herbal tea made from this root helps to unblock the bronchi and counter respiratory discomfort.

Ginger is an effective food, not only to fight the fever caused by the flu, but also nausea and stomach discomfort.

Read More: Reasons to Use Ginger on a Regular Basis

5- Tea, Herbal Tea and Juice

Flu and Cold

Hydrating the mucous membranes greatly helps to fight the fever caused by the flu. A gargle made with warm water, salt and lemon juice is also effective. You can also opt for low-caffeine beverages, freshly squeezed citrus juices rich in vitamin C, low-sodium vegetable juices, and plenty of cold or hot water.

Flu and Cold

Throat-calming peppermint, a hint of citrus, juniper berries, and eucalyptus leaves make up this blend specially designed to soothe cold symptoms. A tea that’s as good for the body as it is for the soul? Yes, we say!

Flu and Cold

To gently soothe your scratchy throat, turn to Throat SOS Tea. This superhero tea features licorice and fennel to calm and comfort, plus peppermint and ginger for instant relief. Your throat will thank you for this sweet blend!

6- Proteins

Flu and Cold

To fight the flu and colds, foods containing good proteins are recommended.

Among these, turkey is recommended. Its meat is lean and constitutes a solid nutritional base. It is easier to digest when the body is fragile. It is a food against the flu and colds full of minerals and vitamins, which makes it a meat to favor.

7- Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Flu and Cold

Fruits and vegetables to choose to fight the flu and colds are those that are high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Among these, kale, broccoli, sweet potatoes, bananas, kiwi and citrus fruits are excellent food choices to fight the flu and colds.

Also read: What Are the Best Fruits When You Do Sports?

8- Fish For Flu And Cold

Flu and Cold

Eating fish meets our protein needs and helps us maintain our energy. However, in the case of the flu, some fish are better than others. Salmon, tuna and seafood are rich in fatty acids, particularly omega-3. These improve our immune defense and prevent infections by producing antibodies.

If you don’t like fish, then opt for omega-3 capsules available at the pharmacy to relieve your flu and cold.

Related:  Chinese Steamed Sea Bass with Black Beans

9- Ice cream, Sorbet and Other Frozen Treats

Flu and Cold

When your throat is sore and dry due to the flu or a cold, ice cream, fruit sorbets and popsicles can soothe irritation. These cold foods also help increase hydration and reduce congestion.

Go for options that don’t contain too much sugar, however, as sugar can weaken the immune system.

10- Honey For Flu And Cold

Flu and Cold

Honey has many benefits for coping with the harsh winter weather. In addition to its antioxidant properties, it soothes an irritated throat. It can be used as is or to sweeten teas and herbal teas.

In addition, this food is considered a respiratory sanitizer, and it helps to tone blood circulation.

Also read: Eat Honey and Garlic on an Empty Stomach

11- As A Last Resort: Vitamin Supplements

Flu and Cold

Real, fresh, whole foods are always preferable to processed foods, but an intense flu condition can cause a sustained loss of appetite.

If you have difficulty swallowing and eating properly for several days, consider getting liquid meal replacements, and make sure that these drinks are rich in vitamins and low in sugar. These liquid replacements will help you get the nutrients you need to maintain yourself while waiting to get back into physical shape.

In conclusion, there is no miracle recipe for fighting a flu or cold. The rules to follow are simple: sleep, rest, hydrate yourself abundantly, and eat foods rich in vitamins. However, even if these tips are followed, you still need to be patient, because the recovery from the flu and cold can take a week or even longer.

Hopefully, these suggestions will help you stay in shape during the winter season

The content of this article is intended solely for informational purposes, enabling you to ask informed questions to your healthcare provider. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Our editorial team, comprising experts in the field, strives to deliver high-quality information. However, Wise Lancer cannot be held liable for any incomplete or outdated information in this article. We strongly recommend consulting a physician if you suspect you have a health issue

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