Why Men Like Women Older Than Him

Do you love me?

by Shamsul
Men Like Older Women
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Men Like Older Women

According to a study conducted over 4 years on 3,000 couples, the real age difference in a couple is eleven years. If we have long been able to observe a certain appetite of men for younger women (right?), the study is, however, valid in both directions. From the tabloids to “real life”, we can see it clearly: men also like women who are older than them. And we explain why.

Older Women Are Uncomplexed

No more (sometimes) the midinette who asks: “Do you love me? “. Women aged 40 and over have better control over their emotions. They are more stable, less demanding, less jealous (mmh)…

They no longer focus on the small bulge or the gram of cellulite hidden behind the buttocks. Aged women have learned to love their bodies (40 years is a long time to live together) and fully assume it.

They Are More Experienced

The 40-plus-year-old woman knows how to arouse the sexual desire of a (young) man. Aware of her faults, she knows her body by heart. She does not wait for her partner, like a speleologist, to finally find, after two good hours of groping, the path to ecstasy.

The so-called “mature” women take the lead and allows others to benefit from her experience acquired over the years (she is generous).

They Are Rid of The Desire For Matenary:

For our 50-year-old, the potential need to start a family and have children is already in principle fulfilled.

She is no longer looking for the ideal partner to make a good husband and father, but a man, that’s all.

Brigitte Macron’s age, are we going to “laugh” about it for a long time? <<

Mature Women Have Confidence:

Mature women are often professionally in full possession of their skills. Because of their age, they are generally more cultured than their younger siblings (no, don’t shout!).

Freed from their family obligations, they appreciate the good times spent together more while respecting the other person’s need for freedom.

Finally, rid of their complexes, older women have freed themselves from the gaze of men. As a result, they are stronger and, therefore, more beautiful.


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