When You Stop Sexual Relations, 11 Health Problems
Scientists and health professionals cannot stress enough the benefits of sexual acts for the body and mind. Indeed, we regularly talk here and there about its relaxing effects. It includes the production of what we call pleasure hormones such as serotonin, dopamine and endorphins. These play a role in strengthening the immune system. But, conversely, the absence of sexual activity can have much more significant consequences than you might imagine on the body, organs and muscles, and impact the mind as a result, it goes without saying.
Experts list 11 health problems that can result from a drop in energy or a total absence of sexual acts, starting with insomnia.
According to a 2021 study published by the International Journal of Sexual Health, the happiness that occurs after orgasm contributes to muscle relaxation and reduces stress by lowering cortisol levels, which allows you to enjoy better quality sleep. It also explains that sexual intercourse in a couple promotes drowsiness in men more than in women. This is because the former are more likely to reach orgasm after intercourse.
But let them rest assured, orgasms induced by masturbation produce the same effects! Also, a fulfilled sexuality helps regulate high blood pressure. Although the main risk factors for this serious symptom are obesity, diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle. It can be an unhealthy diet, and even excessive alcohol consumption and smoking. If you don’t have sex can also affect your blood pressure measurements, be aware of it.
Sexual Act Warms the Hearts
In detail, we can talk about some specific heart diseases, described in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, a few years ago. Sexual intercourse can be beneficial for women in terms of regulating blood pressure, probably due to the effects of sexual pleasure and the emotional impact generated by it. Women who reported that they were satisfied with their sexual experiences had a reduced risk of developing high blood pressure with age.
Sex can help reduce inflammatory markers that cause heart disease, namely C-reactive protein (CRP). High levels of this protein appear to be a strong predictor of heart disease, and the study indicates that in men, having regular sex helps reduce their CRP levels. What’s more, a 2012 study published in Circulation shows that sex can be considered a form of light to moderate physical activity that would be beneficial for both men and women.
Immune System Weakened:
In addition, The Journal of Sexual Medicine explained in 2015 that low sexual regularity had an impact on the immune system, weakened, because immunoglobulins or antibodies produced by white blood cells that play a key role in defense against diseases were less numerous in the mucous membranes of the body, such as the genitals and the digestive, respiratory and urinary tracts, and which nevertheless help to keep these parts of the body healthy.
Also, among the diseases that affect men after a certain age, prostate cancer is one of the most common. The European Urology explained eight years ago that carcinogenic substances could accumulate in the prostate in the absence of ejaculation, which would therefore increase the risk of getting sick. Moreover, in 2004 JAMA revealed that with three additional ejaculations per week throughout a man’s life, the risk of developing prostate cancer was reduced by no less than 19%.

Erectile Dysfunction, Depression and Anxiety
Experts also explain that brain function disorders could occur in the absence of activity. On the Medical News Today website, it is argued that having sex could improve cognitive function and memory. It declines as we age while Archives of Sexual Behavior revealed in 2016 that older people who continued to have sexual relations as a couple and enjoyed emotional closeness had improved memory functions. It is based on the results of a survey of more than 6,000 individuals both men and women. Finally, it is needless to say that sexual intercourse plays a vital role in preventing pain, and many migraine sufferers can confirm this. Without them, your body does not benefit from its natural analgesic effects.
Weakening the Muscles Due to the Absence of Sexual Act
As for the pelvic floor muscles located at the pelvis, they are responsible for keeping your reproductive organs, bladder, and intestines in place. They are the ones that prevent you from accidentally peeing on yourself when you laugh or sneeze, and they guarantee you pleasurable sexual experiences because these muscles contract every time women have orgasms and help men achieve erections. Knowing this, the decrease in the frequency of intercourse can lead to a weakening of these muscles, as a result of the lack of regular engagement and contraction.
Trigger Mental Health Diseases:
The impact of absence on sexual activity can also trigger mental health diseases, such as depression and anxiety, due to a lack of several hormones, such as oxytocin known for its anxiolytic properties among others. Finally, it is necessary to discuss the issue of erectile dysfunction that could become regular. This is called erectile dysfunction (ED).
It’s usually caused by heavy drug or alcohol use, medical conditions like obesity, heart disease, hormonal imbalances and sleep problems, or emotional factors like stress and anxiety. But the Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology noted in 2012 that men who had sex twice a week had a 63% lower risk of ED, while the risk reduction jumped to 85% for those who had sex three or more times a week, compared with those who had sex once a week or less.
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