When Are The Best Times To Brush Your Teeth?

by Shamsul
Brush Your Teeth
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When Are The Best Times To Brush Your Teeth?

You know the importance to brush your teeth, a daily act that is crucial to maintaining good oral health. We are taught, from childhood, the why and how of this good habit. However, it is rarely mentioned that the time chosen for brushing our teeth can have a significant impact on its effectiveness. So, when should we brush our teeth? Here are the details

Brush Your Teeth Right After Eating | Good Or Bad?

Many people brush their teeth within minutes of breakfast, lunch or dinner. Even government recommendations stipulate, without further details, to brush your teeth after each meal. After all, why not freshen your breath right away? Surprise: there would be an advantage to waiting a little!

The answer is related to the acidity present in many foods. This residual acid damages the enamel, the outer layer of the teeth. Acidic foods, while not necessarily all bad for your health, are numerous, including:

1- Coffee;

2- Citrus fruits and their juices (lemon, grapefruit, orange, lime, etc.);

3- Certain fruits (grapes, blueberries, pineapple, apples);

4- Tomatoes (and tomato juice);

5- Processed grains (white bread, white rice, white pasta, etc.);

6- Dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt);

7- Red meat (beef, sausages, pepperoni, etc.);

8- Fish and seafood;

9- Soft drinks.

The Problem: Brushing too soon “pushes” the acid into the enamel, making it more fragile. This is also why it is not recommended to brush your teeth immediately after an episode of acid reflux.)

The Good News: Teeth remineralize on their own (hooray!), but it takes at least 30 minutes after eating.

While waiting for this time between the last bite (or sip) and brushing your teeth, dentists recommend drinking water, or simply rinsing your mouth, to help this famous dental remineralization process.

Why to Brush Your Teeth

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

Why should you avoid damaging your enamel?

Enamel, the protective layer that covers your teeth, does not regenerate because it is not living tissue. When enamel erodes, the damage is permanent, and the consequences include:

1- Sensitivity to hot and cold;

2- Yellowing of your teeth;

3- Greater risk of tooth decay.

There is no need to panic; however, enamel is quite robust and does not deteriorate catastrophically with the slightest early brushing of your teeth! Still, simply waiting to do your dental hygiene routine is a good way to prevent enamel deterioration.

The timing of your toothbrushing can have a significant impact on its effectiveness.

Should You Brush Your Teeth Before Breakfast?

This is a surprisingly controversial question! Some dentists advocate brushing your teeth before your morning meal. First, this action causes an increase in saliva production, which helps protect against cavities by reducing the number of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

Plus, after a night of sleep, your mouth is at its peak bacteria-wise, hence the famous morning breath. And what feeds us also feeds these many microorganisms that love plaque! They, feasting on the residue from breakfast on our teeth, proliferate and promote cavities.

Brush Your Teeth

Dental Tartar Problem: Explanations And Advice

However, other experts claim that this phenomenon is not large enough to have harmful effects. It is true that breakfast is usually a lighter meal, and shorter, than the other meals of the day. And, in any case, this problem can easily be solved by brushing your teeth (half an hour!) after breakfast.

If, for one reason or another, brushing your teeth after breakfast is not accessible to you (let’s say, if mornings are a little chaotic with young children), it can’t hurt to do it when you wake up.

Flossing after brushing is a step that should not be omitted.

Brush Your Teeth

A Reminder For Healthy Teeth

In addition to this advice on when to do your oral hygiene, here is a summary of the steps to follow to maintain a beautiful smile.

1- Brush your teeth at least in the morning and evening, for two minutes (try to do it with a stopwatch, you will see that it is most likely longer than you think);

2- Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste;

3- Do not brush too aggressively;

4- Floss after brushing;

5- Consume enough calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A, C and D;

6- Limit sweets (including dried fruits);

7- Visit the dentist at least once a year for a cleaning and dental check-up;

8- Change your toothbrush every 3 months.

Brush your Teeth

Please don’t forget to brush your tongue, too!

Content on Wiselancer.net doesn’t constitute, nor is meant to represent any kind of professional advice. This is for informational purposes. You should always consult a suitably qualified professional regarding any specific problem or matter.


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