What To Do To Treat Blocked Nose? Know Now

by Shamsul
Blocked Nose | Nasal Congestion
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Blocked Nose | Treat Nasal Congestion?

As early as the fall, it is common to catch a cold and have a blocked nose. When temperatures drop, dry air and the spread of viruses often cause bad colds. Although uncomfortable, having a blocked nose is not serious in itself. All you need to do is know the right techniques to unblock your nose! The Qare medical team gives you the right advice.

What is Nasal Congestion?

A blocked nose, or nasal congestion, is an annoying feeling of congestion and obstruction in the nose. This causes difficulty breathing and can disrupt sleep. We then breathe through our mouths, which can cause snoring.

Although we intuitively think that it is an excessive accumulation of mucus, nasal congestion is generally the result of swelling of the mucous membrane. The latter occurs when the nasal passages are inflamed. This can be due to a virus, bacteria or allergens, such as dust.

Nasal congestion can be unilateral or bilateral. You can therefore have one or both nostrils blocked.

Symptoms of a blocked nose can include a feeling of pressure in the sinuses, sneezing, headaches and a nasal voice.

A word from the Wise Lancer medical team

“In the case of simple rhinitis, blowing your nose and washing your nose are the main symptomatic treatments. If nasal obstruction persists without any infectious context, a specialist ENT consultation will be necessary, with possible additional examinations, to identify the etiology.”

What are the Causes of A Blocked Nose?

The causes of nasal congestion are generally a viral infection, an allergy, sinusitis or other irritations.

Nasal congestion can be associated with different pathologies:

1- Rhinopharyngitis (or cold)

2- Sinusitis, inflammation of the sinuses that causes a green or yellow nasal discharge;

the flu;

3- Covid-19;

4- Rhinopharyngitis (or cold);

5- Allergies.

Generally, in these types of conditions, coughing often goes hand in hand with a blocked nose.

Chronic rhinitis links to a sensation of a blocked nose with a nasal discharge needing regular blowing of the nose. It is called “chronic” when the symptoms last more than 3 months. The mucous membrane of the nose is inflamed and secretes mucus to protect itself.

The causes and factors that promote the occurrence of chronic rhinitis are multiple: an allergy, a smoking area, dry air, air pollution, etc.

If you have a blocked nose, washing with seawater or physiological serum can relieve the symptoms on a daily basis.

In case of nasal congestion, you can contact the Doctor.

How Long Does A Blocked Nose Last?

Most of the time, nasal congestion does not last very long. In the case of a cold, for example, 10 days at most. On the other hand, if you have a blocked nose for more than 10 days, this may be a sign of other pathologies, seek the advice of a doctor. He will make a diagnosis and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

How to Treat A Blocked Nose?

Inhaling vapors, also called fumigation, is a very effective technique for decongesting the airways. Using an inhaler or a pan of hot water, breathe in the vapors for 3 to 4 minutes to clear the airways.

Blowing Your Nose To Clear Your Sinuses

To breathe better, it is essential to blow your nose. To do it right, remember not to blow too hard or too quickly. This could weaken the nasal mucosa and cause bleeding.

Use a gentle gesture, one nostril at a time, and avoid repeating the operation too often. This will protect your skin from irritation. Also, remember to regularly moisturize the skin on your nose so that it does not dry out.

Nasal Spray with Seawater

Washing your nostrils with a seawater spray can clear a blocked nose. Seawater removes impurities and decongests irritated nasal mucous membranes due to frequent nose blowing.

Inhaling Essential Oils For A Very Blocked Nose

Are you really bothered by a completely blocked nose, even without a cold? Inhaling hot steam is particularly effective. We do not recommend adding essential oils. Their use carries risks, including additional irritation.

Do You Suffer From Blocked Sinuses?

Blocked Nose At Night: How To Relieve It?

1- To sleep peacefully, you can start by preparing for your night. Here are some tips on what to do in the event of a blocked nose at night:

2- Blow your nose just before going to sleep, slowly and for a long time so as not to damage the nasal mucous membranes. Or better, wash your nose completely using a seawater spray or physiological serum.

3- Ventilate your room to renew the ambient air.

4- If your stuffy nose is dry, use a diffuser to humidify the air, or failing that, a bowl of water place on the radiator.

4- Drink water or herbal tea to hydrate yourself.

5- Raise your head a little off your mattress. And if you can, sleep on your side rather than on your back.

6- A tip for a stuffy nose at night: inhale with a bowl of hot water in which you have put a few drops of essential oils.

7- Pregnancy and stuffy nose what to do?

A stuffy nose could be a symptom of pregnancy. Nearly 30% of pregnant women suffer from it. The reason? It is hormonal. The level of estrogen increases in the blood, which causes the inner walls of the nose to swell. As with a cold, they then start to produce more mucus. And around the third month of pregnancy, your nose starts to run. It is more or less intense depending on the day but you may have a blocked nose for a few weeks or several months during pregnancy.

To relieve yourself, if you have a blocked nose while you are pregnant, you can use physiological serum or a seawater spray to unblock your nose.

Blocked Nose In Babies And Children: What To Do To Treat It?

Colds are very common in babies and children up to 6 years old. If your child has a cold without fever or breathing difficulties, you can start by blowing their nose and washing their nose. Using a seawater spray is particularly effective.

Get your tissue boxes ready! A cold in the house means frequent blowing of the nose. Slow and prolonged blowing of the nose helps eliminate excess mucus. Do not blow too hard to avoid bleeding the nasal mucous membranes. If your child has a blocked nose and cannot blow his nose alone, consider helping him by washing his nose with physiological serum. This is particularly important for babies.

The first thing to do to relieve your child is to blow his nose properly because he does not know how to do it alone.

For your newborn, the doctor or midwife will show you how to clean his nose gently and without hurting him.

If in doubt for a baby under 6 months, or in case of fever, poor meal intake, or breathing difficulties, consult a doctor or pediatrician urgently.


Why do we have a blocked nose in winter?

The cold season brings together the conditions conducive to rhinitis or colds. In the case of a cold, it is a virus-related infection that is responsible. As with all viral infections, treatment does not require antibiotics in the absence of bacterial superinfection. Are you worried about the greenish color of the discharge? It is just a reflection of the infection and does not indicate whether the cause is viral or bacterial.

My nose is blocked on one side then the other, is this normal?

Is it normal to have blocked nostrils in turn? Absolutely! The nostrils work alternately according to a nasal cycle. Thus, one nostril predominates over the other for breathing and then after a few hours, breathing changes sides without us realizing it. When we have a blocked nose, this phenomenon then becomes more visible.


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