What is SEO? Definition and Examples

by Shamsul
Search Engine Optimization
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What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)? Definition and Examples

When someone types a word or sentence search term into a search engine, SEO refers to increasing where a website appears in the list of results. The full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization. Imagine someone entering “Theories of Motivation” as their search term in Google. You notice that your website, wiselancer.net/want-to-know-about-theories-of-motivation/, comes up first in the list of results. This indicates that your website is highly well-optimized for this search term.

The same objective applies to SEM (Search Engine Marketing), which increases one’s search engine visibility to draw in more traffic. In contrast to SEO, SEM involves the marketer paying for online search engine advertising.

Search Engine Ranking of a Website | What is SEO

In simple words, SEO refers to efforts to make a website appear first in search results. Search engines rank websites and web pages. When someone conducts a particular search, your webpage will appear nearer the top the higher your ranking. As a result, SEO is an effort to raise a website’s position in search results. An SEO (Search Engine Optimization) company frequently does this to aid in the growth of organic traffic to business websites.

A search engine is software that enables Internet users to conduct content searches on the World Wide Web. Search engines include ones like Bing, Google, Safari, and Yahoo. The main aim of search engine optimization, or SEO, is to bring your website to a higher rank or very close to search engine results. Your success will increase as you get closer to the top.

The term “organic” here refers to unpaid. In simple terms, a website that appears at the top of a search results list does so as the search engine considers it to be the best option. Because the search engine received payment, it didn’t rank first.

The King of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is Content

People are likely to link to the pages of a website with excellent content. The smart quality links pointing to your site is taken into account by search engines. Search engines like Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo, will pay more attention to your website the more links that point to it.

Search engines display credible and engaging web pages when users enter a search term. They will rank your website higher if many websites link to it. Consequently, getting many links to your website is a crucial search engine optimization goal.

It’s your responsibility to create pages that establish themselves as authority pages because Google ranks these pages higher. Because useful content is mostly shared in Twitter feeds, blogs, and other online communities, this requires writing content that people find useful. Google gradually recognizes these credible signals.

According to several Internet marketing experts, rankings in search engines are merely quality control for websites and webpages. Online marketing is what is known as internet marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips

1- Page Load Time

Slow speed or slow load time is the biggest enemy of your website. Experts say slow page load time can drop your conversion by 7 percent. Take anything away from your website that causes a lag.

2- Keyphrases or Keywords | What is SEO

Utilize a keyword that people use to search for things on Yahoo, Google, and different search engines. The search term you want your website to rank most highly is known as the focus keyword or keyphrase. Your page should appear near the search results when people search for that phrase, for instance, in Google.

Additionally, you must watch your keyword density to ensure that it is both high and low. Density shouldn’t be higher than 3 percent or lower than 0.5 percent. As a result, the keyphrase or keyword should rank between 3 and 18 times in an article with 600 words. Don’t put too few or too many; moderation is the key.

As you read, pay attention to how often your focus keyphrase appears. Don’t go overboard, though, at the same time. As keyword stuffing is not recommended, you don’t want your search engine to believe you’re doing it. Add your desirable keyword to your text more frequently if it has a low keyword density.

3- Linking | What is SEO

Link to different trustworthy websites whenever it is appropriate and possible. Refrain from being concerned that visitors will click the link and leave your website. However, the link’s advantages will decrease the negative effects of some visitors leaving.

An important component of an effective and winning SEO strategy is link building. Search engines will establish your web pages as more important resources if they have links to other websites. But you have to be picky. The destination of the link must improve the online experience of the users.

4- URLs | What is SEO

You shouldn’t have a confusing or cluttered URL. It is for search engines to understand and know what to do, an easy-to-understand and more “readable” it will be. Your webpage’s address is in the form of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator). Typically, it starts with “https” or “http,” with the letters “www” appearing on occasion. Look at the following two URLs:

Both URLs are easy-to-read and convey the desired message.

5- Encourage Authority Websites to Link to Your Website

The experts claim that search engines will rank your website higher the more inbound links it has. But these links must point to reputable websites such as trustworthy websites. For instance, a link from an agency of the government, a teaching hospital, or a renowned university is priceless. Let’s say you wrote a piece about various diabetes treatments. Finally, a link to your article appears on the website of the top teaching hospital in the nation. Search engines will notice that. The hospital’s link will help your website rank higher when someone searches for “diabetes treatments.”

It’s possible that a link from a reputable site won’t put you at the top. Search engines also take a lot of other things into account. However, thanks to that link, your position in the search results will rise. Effective search engine optimization (SEO) depends on inbound links.

6- Fresh Content | What is SEO

Consider that your website posts news. ACME Drones Inc. is a business that sends a press release your way. The article discusses a brand-new drone that could displace personal passenger vehicles. What a fascinating piece of information. It’s unlikely to be successful if you publish that press release after copying and pasting it. Search engines dislike duplicate content. In addition, they dislike verbatim content copied from another article on a different website, both in terms of layout and wording.

You will need to rewrite that news, content, or press release using your style or words. You might include some essential details that should be covered in the news or content. You could call ACME Drones and ask to speak with someone who created or is using the drone.

It is vital to remember that “copy-and-paste” articles are the death knell for a website’s ranking in search results because search engines dislike them.

7- Improve Content Quality | What is SEO

When it comes to what the search engines need, we can occasionally overdo it. You must remember that your visitors are humans. As a result, the content you include on your web pages must be designed for people. For instance, write for the audience if you’re penning a news article. Naturally, you should consider what search engines are trying to find. But the demands of search engines must come in second.

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