What is Hormonal Acne? You Need to Know

by Shamsul
What is Hormonal Acne
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Hormonal acne, common and often a source of discomfort, is a skin problem that mainly affects adolescents but also adults, especially women. More than just a simple aesthetic inconvenience, this form of acne can become severe in 15 to 20% of cases, requiring appropriate management.

Affecting nearly 80% of adolescents and young adults, acne can be very worrying, especially during puberty.

The Different Forms of Acne: Recognizing the Types of Acne to Better Treat Them

Acne is a skin infection that can take different forms, these are dependent on the causes and characteristics of the problem. Each type of acne requires different management to limit the impacts on the skin and prevent possible complications.

Here are the Different Types of Acne:

Hormonal Acne: They are influenced by hormonal variations, it mainly affects women and can be linked to a phase of life. It includes puberty, menstrual cycles, pregnancy or even menopause.

Retentional Acne: They are characterized by blackheads and microcysts. It results from an obstruction of the hair follicles which is due either to excess sebum or dead cells.

Inflammatory Acne: It can be characterized by redness and swelling, the skin then becomes more sensitive and sometimes painful.

Cystic Acne: They are generally deeper and more painful, it can leave significant scars if not treated in time.

Severe Acne: Generally, they are more significant, it requires medical care.

Adult Acne: This type of acne appears from the age of 25, it can be linked to stress, hormonal imbalances or environmental factors.

Acne Fulminates: They are rarer acne that is associated with systemic symptoms (fever, joint pain, muscle pain) and require urgent treatment by a dermatologist.

Hormonal Acne is a Skin Disease

Hormonal acne is a skin disease directly influenced by hormones, and more specifically androgens such as testosterone. These hormones, by stimulating the sebaceous glands, cause an overproduction of sebum, a key factor in the development of acne.

Although it is common during adolescence in both women and men due to hormonal upheavals, hormonal acne can persist into adulthood, particularly in women! These acne outbreaks are often linked to the menstrual cycle, but can also be triggered by other hormonal factors.

In the event of persistent acne, we recommend that you consult your referring pharmacist or doctor to identify the causes of your acne and benefit from appropriate treatment.

What Causes Hormonal Acne?

Hormonal Fluctuations

Certain life stages and situations that affect hormones can promote hormonal acne:

Puberty: Major hormonal changes during adolescence, including increases in androgens such as testosterone, stimulate the sebaceous glands. This phenomenon is the main cause of acne in adolescents.

Female Hormonal Cycles: Hormonal changes related to the menstrual cycle often cause acne outbreaks, particularly during the luteal phase (after ovulation).

Pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy, including increases in progesterone, can exacerbate acne in some women.

Menopause: The decrease in estrogen during menopause can lead to hormonal imbalance, promoting the appearance of acne.

Stress: Chronic stress stimulates the production of cortisol, a hormone that can indirectly worsen acne by increasing inflammation and sebum production.


Beyond hormonal fluctuations, certain external or medical elements can trigger or worsen hormonal acne such as:

Contraception: Taking or stopping hormonal contraceptives, by changing estrogen and progesterone levels, can lead to a temporary acne outbreak.

Endocrine disorders: Hormonal acne can also be triggered by endocrine disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This hormonal condition, common in women, causes hormonal imbalances that increase sebum production and lead to the appearance of acne.

What Are the Symptoms of Hormonal Acne?

Hormonal acne manifests itself through specific lesions that vary depending on the severity and progression of the condition. It has distinctive characteristics that allow it to be differentiated from other types of acne.

The First Condition is the Location of the Acne

Hormonal acne mainly affects the jaw, chin and sometimes the neck. This location is strongly linked to the influence of hormones on the sebaceous glands located in these areas. In some patients, lesions may also appear on the back and chest, where the sebaceous glands are particularly active.

The Second Condition is the Type of Acne

Blackheads and whiteheads: these obstructions of the pilosebaceous follicles are often the first visible sign of hormonal acne.

Papules and pustules: red or pus-filled inflammatory lesions indicate worsening inflammation.

Nodules and cysts: in more severe forms, deep and painful lesions develop, increasing the risk of scarring.

Chronology of outbreaks

Hormonal acne outbreaks in women, often punctuated by the menstrual cycle one to two weeks before menstruation, can also persist into adulthood, lastingly impacting daily life and self-esteem.

The areas affected by hormonal acne often have marked inflammation, with increased redness and sensitivity, accompanied by oily skin due to hypersecretion of sebum. Without appropriate treatment, this condition can lead to permanent scars, such as sunken or hyperpigmented marks.

The symptoms of hormonal acne, although common, can vary from one individual to another depending on the intensity of hormonal fluctuations and the severity of the disease. To limit lesions and prevent complications, there are suitable products available in drugstores, such as gentle cleansers, specific creams for acne-prone skin, and targeted treatments for blemishes. However, if symptoms persist or worsen, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for appropriate treatment and to avoid long-term after-effects.


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