What is Digital Marketing Strategy and Its Important Steps

by Shamsul
Digital Marketing
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What is Digital Marketing Strategy and Its Important Steps

Digital marketing is the art of “test and learn,” testing and learning! While traditional marketing has long been the cornerstone of companies’ communication strategies, the rise of technology has redefined the game’s rules. From a “one-to-many” approach, where a company’s message is broadcast to a broad audience, we have shifted to a “one-to-one” dynamic, which promotes personalized interaction and engagement. Digital marketing offers a fantastic opportunity to reach the right audience at the right time and message them. 

Digital marketing is also a discipline that constantly evolves in line with technological innovations and changes in consumer behavior. In business, every manager working on the digital marketing of their professional project must, therefore, arm themselves with curiosity and flexibility to adapt their strategy to the current year’s trends while anticipating those of the years to come. But rest assured, this challenge is within reach of all who are ready to learn and experiment! 

However, there isn’t a user manual. It’s up to you to create it! From advertising on social networks to SEO optimization through email marketing and data analysis, there are many aspects to know before diving in. Whether you are an experienced manager seeking new skills or a novice entrepreneur about to launch your first project, get ready to break down your preconceived ideas about digital content and think “outside the box”!








What is Digital Marketing?

Definition and challenges of digital marketing

Digital marketing, or online marketing, involves strategically using various digital channels to achieve a company’s objectives. At the intersection of technology, psychology, and business, it allows targeting and reaching a specific audience through various platforms (social media, email, SEO, etc.). With the democratization of the Internet, the scope of digital marketing has increased, making its use almost inevitable for contemporary businesses.

The challenges of digital marketing are multiple: increasing visibility, brand awareness, or company on the web, etc. The goal? Capturing the attention of potential customers and converting them into loyal buyers. Optimizing this conversion is a constant concern of digital marketing.

Digital marketing allows for personalized consumer interaction, creating a customized customer experience. A better understanding of consumer behaviors and expectations is a significant asset for any company embarking on the digital marketing adventure.

With the growing scale of online competition, a well-thought-out and carefully implemented digital marketing strategy is advantageous for all sizes of businesses and sectors. The challenge is great, but the rewards can be enormous for those who dare to venture into it with creativity!


Traditional marketing includes the advertising methods before the advent of the Internet: television, radio, print media, outdoor advertising, etc. These methods are generally oriented towards a broad audience and offer massive reach, although their cost can be prohibitive for some companies, particularly smaller ones.

Digital marketing, on the other hand, influences online platforms to reach and engage the audience. Companies can target audiences online, customizing their messages for particular market segments. Tracking statistics and data allows companies to monitor and analyze the results of their campaigns in real time and adjust their strategies along the way.

Unlike traditional, one-way marketing, digital marketing encourages interaction and engagement with consumers who can react, comment, and share brand content.


In digital marketing, understanding and identifying your target audience is a crucial step for the effectiveness of any strategy. More than with traditional marketing, the more you adapt your communication tailored to your target audience, the more you can boost your engagement.

A buyer persona is a fictional profile representing a segment of your audience based on fundamental research and data. It can include age, gender, profession, interests, buying behaviors, motivations, etc. It often has a first name to go even further in its representation.

To create a buyer persona, you need to collect data, as much information as possible, on the ground. Sources can be diverse: surveys, interviews, customer feedback, online data analysis, etc. Social networks, online forums, and comments on e-commerce sites are also valuable sources of information to understand your audience.

Once this data is collected, the analysis begins. Look for trends and expected behaviors to start grouping your clients into categories. Each category will correspond to a persona.

Remember that each persona is unique and must be treated as such. The communication, products, and services can be customized to meet each persona’s specific needs and optimize the effectiveness of your web marketing and marketing strategy. Personas are not fixed and must be regularly reassessed and adjusted based on the evolution of your market and customers.

Identifying and understanding your target audience through the development of buyer personas will facilitate the creation of more tailored and engaging messages, thus increasing the effectiveness of your actions.


Brand identity includes elements such as vision, mission, values, and brand promise, not to mention visual aspects such as the logo, color palette, and typography. Together, they give the brand its personality and allow the public to understand what the company represents.

In digital marketing, more than anywhere else, a strong and unique brand transcends its product or service. It creates an experience, tells a story, and evokes emotions. Consumers don’t just buy a product or service; they adhere to a vision and values.

A strong brand strategy is also a powerful marketing lever to build customer loyalty. Indeed, when consumers feel connected to a brand, they are more likely to return, recommend this brand to their peers, and even pay a higher price for its products or services.

Creating a solid and unique brand identity is, therefore, a determining factor in the success of your digital marketing strategy. Although it requires time and effort, it is a long-term capital investment that can generate significant returns regarding recognition, loyalty, and growth for your business.


Founded in 2008, this American company revolutionized the travel industry by offering individuals the opportunity to rent their accommodations to others worldwide. Airbnb effectively used digital marketing to develop its notoriety.

Thanks to its intuitive website and playful mobile application, the company was able to attract and retain a global user base by democratizing this type of service.

App Airbnb

The brand also relied on social media and user-generated content to gain recognition and establish a positive image.

Airbnb’s success illustrates the importance of digital marketing. It shows how an innovative idea, combined with a clever use of digital tools, can create a strong and internationally recognized brand.

reseaux sociaux airbnb


 Step exploration

 Identification of objectives

What do you want to achieve with your digital marketing? Generate leads? Increase brand awareness? Sell more products? Having clear and measurable goals guides your entire strategy.


Understanding your potential customers’ preferences, behaviors, and needs is essential for tailoring and choosing the proper communication channels. Creating personas can be helpful at this stage.

Step indexing

Step broadcasting

Selection of communication channels

Depending on your audience and objectives, some channels will be more suitable. Social media, SEO, email, and content marketing are all options.

Creation and dissemination of content tailored to your audience and selected channels

This content must not only attract the attention of your audience but also encourage engagement and prompt action.

 Evaluation of Results

Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) measures the effectiveness of your strategy and allows you to adjust your actions accordingly.


The Importance of a Customized Marketing Plan

A marketing plan designed to meet your business’s specific needs must align with your objectives.

For this to be possible, you must go through an internal and external audit. The internal audit analyzes the resources and skills available within the company, while the external audit examines the market environment, competition, and consumer trends. This study then reveals the opportunities and challenges specific to your business, thus guiding the marketing strategy.

Also, several methods exist to create digital and comprehensive communication with processes approved by marketers.

SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) guide you on the right track. They can drive your entire marketing plan.

Similarly, with a marketing mix (Product, Price, Promotion, Place) adapted to your business. Each of these “4Ps” must be carefully thought out to offer a unique value proposition to your customers and set you apart in the long run.


Digital marketing offers a range of tools to manage in a constantly evolving digital world, with the ultimate goal of transforming a brand into a must-visit destination, enjoying a flawless e-reputation and services easily accessible to all internet users.

For major brands, digital project manager, community manager, digital marketing director, acquisition manager, or customer relationship project manager are all functions that allow large organizations to create the marketing of tomorrow and innovate behind the scenes.

To Manage Your Structure and Start Your Adventure In This Field Before


Each post is a new opportunity to communicate key messages, promote products or services, and drive traffic to the company’s website. Social media algorithms often favor accounts that post frequently, making this practice even more beneficial for visibility. Regularly posting increases the chances of engagement (likes, comments, shares), expanding the brand’s reach beyond its direct community.

Social media ads are an effective way to enhance visibility, attract prospective customers, and boost conversions. These platforms offer analytical tools that track ad performance in real-time, enabling campaign adjustments for continuous optimization. Social media ads provide various formats (images, videos, carousels, stories) to create unique and engaging campaigns.

An open rate of around 95% assures that customers will read your message. Its speed and efficiency ensure instant and direct communication with your target audience at a lower cost. However, it’s important to use it sparingly, as it may push away customers.


Direct and immediate, they offer a privileged communication channel with the user. Their interaction rate is notably higher than that of emails, and they are specifically designed to actively engage the user, encouraging them to take a specific action.


By leveraging geolocation data, marketers can enhance the relevance of their campaigns, particularly in-store, and increase consumer engagement by becoming essential in the customer’s area while strengthening their credibility and legitimacy in the market.


They visually present information and facilitate the understanding of complex data through design. Infographics are an excellent tool to increase user engagement, as they encourage interaction and are more likely to be shared on social media. Their impact in digital communication and blog articles is further reinforced when used in SEO campaigns, where they can improve your site’s ranking by attracting quality backlinks.

They allow in-depth communication on a given topic, affirming expertise and providing users with a quality educational resource. This rich content format encourages lead generation, as e-books are often exchanged for contact information. They are easily shareable and can be repurposed in different formats for various platforms, optimizing the content’s return on investment.

These elements are central to the success of an online brand. A well-designed logo can instantly evoke the brand’s identity and what it represents. The chosen fonts and colors contribute to establishing the brand’s tone, whether formal, casual, innovative, or traditional. When these elements are used repeatedly, they promote brand recognition, strengthen its visibility and positioning, and create a trusted relationship with customers.


 This activity involves improving a website’s position in search engine results, increasing its visibility and ability to attract quality organic traffic. SEO-optimized content includes using relevant keywords, text structuring, image optimization, and a focus on content quality.

Each article is a new opportunity to get a better place in search engine results for targeted keywords and generate backlinks from other websites to your site. Regular blog posting demonstrates that your site is active and up-to-date, a factor valued by search engines. Finally, quality blog content can increase visitors’ time on your site, another indicator that can improve your SEO ranking.

This involves creating links between different pages of the same website, facilitating user navigation, and improving search engine indexing. By directing visitors to complementary content, internal linking can increase time spent on the site and reduce the bounce rate, two positive indicators for SEO.


By regularly sharing relevant information, company news, special offers, or exclusive content, newsletters promote subscriber engagement and keep the brand in mind for consumers. They are an effective way to nurture the customer relationship, increasing brand loyalty and encouraging repeat sales. Newsletters provide valuable customer data, as you can track and analyze measures such as open, click-through, and conversion rates.


The exclusivity of offers sent via email generates excitement among customers, enhances their engagement, and gives them an additional reason to appreciate your brand. Regarding loyalty programs, their effect is twofold: not only do they encourage repeat purchases, but they also strengthen the sense of belonging to your brand.


This model is based on a performance-oriented approach, where the company only pays affiliates when defined actions (such as clicks, sales, or sign-ups) are completed, thus limiting financial risks. This marketing tactic also expands the brand’s reach by leveraging the audiences of various affiliates, which could be ineffective or costly to reach through traditional channels.

Affiliation for the publisher responsible for an influential blog, website, or social media provides the opportunity to generate revenue based on actions taken by visitors to their website, such as clicks, sales, or sign-ups. For the affiliate, affiliation eliminates the need to create or manage a product, focusing solely on promoting products from partner sites that will pay a commission based on their generated results.



Would you like more advice? Do you have good practices to share? Please feel free to express yourself in the comments. Also, if you want help in writing content to drive more traffic and boost conversions, please get in touch through Contact our team or send your requirements here.

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