What is Anxiety Disorder?
Anxiety disorder is a group of psychological disorders that can be caused by stress and various triggers, at different stages of life. Anxiety disorders are divided into several distinct disorders, including:
Social phobia (fear of speaking or eating in public, for example)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Generalized anxiety (constant worries about oneself or loved ones)
Specific phobia (flying, snakes, etc.)
Panic disorder (fear of dying)
Agoraphobia (fear of being in public places)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (after an accident, etc.)
and more.
What Are The Causes Of Anxiety Disorder?

Several factors can cause the development of an anxiety disorder. These factors are different for each person and their combination also leads to symptoms specific to each person. These factors include:
Personality traits: low self-esteem, poor coping skills.
A chemical imbalance in the brain.
Genetic factors.
Trauma (recent or old).
Environmental factors (poverty, conflict, etc.).
Instinctive factors (for example, panic fear of an animal such as spiders).
Certain respiratory diseases (low oxygen intake).
Excessive consumption of alcohol and stimulant drugs (including medications, and caffeine).
Withdrawal from the above drugs.
Who is Affected by Anxiety Disorders?
A little over 4% of the world’s population aged 20 and over have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. While anyone can experience a disorder at some point, statistics show that:
Women are more often affected than men, by a ratio of nearly 2 to 1.
Anxiety disorders are among the most commonly diagnosed mental illnesses in children.
There is no contagion.
The Main Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder

The symptoms of anxiety disorder vary depending on the specific disorder(s) a person has. Among the most common, we note:
Heart palpitations
High blood pressure
Chest pain
Feeling like you are going to suffocate
Profound sweating
Chills or hot flashes
Numbness or tingling in the limbs (fingers, feet)
Sleep disorders
Agitation or overexcitement
Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment

When you suspect an anxiety disorder, you should consult your doctor. After having you undergo tests to ensure that there is no other illness whose symptoms resemble the anxiety disorder (anemia, thyroid gland problem), the doctor will consider an appropriate treatment with you. Depending on the situation, it may involve cognitive behavioral therapy (individual or in a small group), medication, or most often a combination of both.
Possible Complications
When the disorder is treated seriously in the manner prescribed by the treating physician, the results are generally very positive and the patient can see a significant improvement in physical and psychological symptoms.
However, when anxiety disorders persist over long periods of time, the person may fall into depression.
Anxiety Disorder Prevention
Combined with treatment prescribed by a healthcare professional, a healthy lifestyle can greatly help reduce anxiety disorders:
Eat healthy
Reduce your alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine consumption
Avoid drugs
Sleep well
Manage your stress in the way that seems most appropriate to you (meditation, yoga, etc.)
Express your feelings.
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Note: The information in this post is provided for informational purposes only and will allow you to seek help from your doctor. Under no circumstances it is not over and above the advice of a healthcare professional. Our editors and experts make every effort to provide you with quality information. However, Wiselancer cannot be held responsible if the content of an article is incomplete or outdated. We strongly recommend to consult a doctor if you are suffering from a health problem.