Want to Know the Remote Team Challenges

Remote Working

by Shamsul
Remote Working
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9 Challenges of a Remote Team

Over the last decade, remote working has become an increasingly common practice worldwide. And even if, as a manager, you have been able to adapt to teleworking, it can bring its share of complications. To prepare you well for unexpected situations, we present nine challenges of a remote team in this article.


1- Miscommunication | Remote Team

Because your teammates are working remotely, it becomes more challenging to establish regular meetings with them. The situation can also become more complex if they have family responsibilities. To counter these difficulties, it is important that your team agrees on the times during which it is available for a virtual meeting. She must also agree on the communication tools (Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, etc.).


2- More Difficult Management

Because it becomes more challenging to communicate with your team, project management will also become more difficult. Indeed, how do you ensure effective delegation of tasks and thus avoid delays in your projects? Wiselancer provides online solutions. We offer various project management functionalities, such as creating content, using tools, helping to do reports, academic papers, etc.


3- Different Time Zones | Remote Team

Another challenge of a remote team is the possibility of them working across different time zones. For example, your team could be divided into two groups: one is located in one country, the other in another. Thus, six hours of jet lag separates these groups, representing a major project management challenge. To ensure that information flows equally, your team must agree on a period during which they can communicate, whether by email or videoconference.


4- An Unstable Technology

You must have adequate Internet access to take advantage of the benefits of videoconferencing tools. Unfortunately, for some rural areas, the Internet network is not optimal. Thus, if your network does not support videoconferencing, this can cause interruptions in video mode and make your meetings much less pleasant. Suppose you can’t change the Internet provider. In that case, you can work around the problem by turning off the camera during videoconferences or by opting for another mode of communication (conference call, chat, etc.).


5- Data Security at Risk | Remote Team

In business, you use the same computer networks, thus facilitating the exchange of documents from one computer to another. However, because your co-workers are using their computers, there’s a greater chance they’ll be using unsecured networks, putting their personal data and your company’s that of your company at risk. However, you can prevent this problem by establishing a security protocol for your team. For example, make sure your teammates avoid public Wi-Fi networks. However, if they have no choice but to use such a network, they recommend using a virtual private network (VPN).


6- A Drop in Productivity

How nice it is to work from home or a coffee shop! However, many distractions include social networks, Netflix, cleaning, and laundry. Fortunately, there are different strategies to improve your productivity and your colleagues. One of them is to take regular breaks, ideally after each completed task. You can take advantage of these times to walk outside or get yourself a cup of coffee. As for distractions, try to reduce them as much as possible, for example, by establishing predefined time slots for reading your emails.


7- The Feeling of Isolation | Remote Team

One of the great challenges of a remote team is learning to live with loneliness. Even if many of your teammates can count on the presence of a pet or a loved one, this does not replace discussions around the water cooler or the coffee machine. To combat this feeling of isolation, you can find the atmosphere of your workplace by renting an office in a collaborative workspace. You can also opt for a café or a library for smaller budgets.


8- A Loss of Synergy

As you can imagine, the discussions near the coffee machine do not necessarily revolve around celebrity rumors or current television series. It is also an opportunity to discuss the problems you are currently experiencing with your colleagues and find solutions. Unfortunately, when you work remotely, your team is more at risk of losing synergy. However, by adopting a transparent mode of communication, it will be easier for your team to raise their concerns in the event of a problem, conflict or misunderstanding.


9- An Erosion of The Sense Of Belonging | Remote Team

Remote work offers greater freedom for your team. However, because you are distant from your colleagues, it is more challenging to maintain a sense of belonging to your company. Fortunately, you can strengthen your remote team cohesion by organizing team-building activities outside and online. For example, you can set up a virtual happy hour by videoconference and share your favorite cocktail recipes. This would make it easier for your competitors to solicit the talents of your teammates.

Now that you know the main challenges of a remote team, what is left for you to accomplish? We invite you to continue your reading with our article “What is the Solution To Better Manage Remote Working?”.


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