The Astonishing Powers of Spirulina | Power of Nature

by Shamsul
Spirulina Benefits
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The Astonishing Powers of Spirulina | Power of Nature

Spirulina, you have undoubtedly heard of it. Often used in the sporting field for its benefits, it is popular with people looking for a boost in power. It is beneficial to take Spirulina for many reasons.

Spirulina, an astonishing cyanobacteria, has a history that spans 3.5 billion years. It was used by the Incas and the Chadians, who made it a part of their everyday life. This rich history connects us to a tradition of health and wellness that transcends time.

With its distinctive blue-green hue, Spirulina thrives in natural habitats such as equatorial lakes in India, Chad, and Mexico. Its unique properties have attracted significant attention, leading the WHO to hail it as the best food for humanity in the 21st century.

Spirulina is the Complete Food of Tomorrow:

UNESCO describes it as the most complete food of tomorrow. If these two global organizations believe in their strong potential, they are not the only ones. NASA is also interested in this cyanobacterium and has incorporated it into the astronauts’ menu. In short, Spirulina deserves its title as a superfood—a treasure trove of nutrients. If Spirulina is unique, it is because it has an unusual composition. It has managed to attract the attention of major institutions thanks to its exceptional nutritional profile. To begin with, it contains a large number of vitamins.

On its own, it contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12, E, K, and C. Then, it contains numerous minerals and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, chromium, and even manganese, to name a few. It is also composed of fatty acids and good-quality proteins, which makes it a good ally for vegetarians and vegans.

Last but not least, it is rich in antioxidants, beta carotene, phycocyanin, chlorophylls, and porphyrin. Phycocyanin is specific to spirulina and is a molecule of great interest. The pigment responsible for its color has been mainly studied. It is believed to be the source of several benefits of Spirulina. Cyanobacteria with superpowers, given its incredible composition, Spirulina has numerous health benefits.

Spirulina is an Excellent Energy Source:

An excellent energy source, this concentrate of vitamins and minerals gives the body a shot of vitality. Whether thanks to magnesium, iron, B group vitamins, or even vitamin C, Spirulina helps reduce temporary or chronic fatigue. It is, therefore, the ideal asset for keeping in shape. A suitable antioxidant: Remember that Spirulina contains, among other things, vitamin E, vitamin C, and phycocyanin, which are excellent antioxidants. It, therefore, helps preserve the body from free radicals, which are molecules that oxidize the body’s cells generated, for example, by stress, intensive sport, exposure to UV rays, pollution, pesticides, etc.

This wealth makes it a perfect antioxidant food. Spirulina is undoubtedly an ally of athletes, and it is one of the essentials for athletes. As we have just seen, it is a good antioxidant that helps protect the muscles and the body from free radicals produced during physical exercise. In addition, it allows to compensate for the losses of minerals that you are eliminating in sweat during exercise. Also, it meet the increased nutrient needs of athletes. Finally, it would improve sports recovery and muscle tone.

Valuable Help for Vegetarians and Vegans:

Spirulina is also a perfect supplement for vegetarian and vegan diets. Its iron content, quality proteins, and vitamin B12 make it possible to compensate for possible deficiencies that it may have in plant-based diets. Be careful, however, as the vitamin B12 it contains is poorly absorbed and used by the body. As part of a vegan diet, additional supplementation remains necessary. Spirulina never ceases to amaze us! In addition to its many benefits, it is environmentally friendly. Thanks to its action of photosynthesis, it manages to fix carbon dioxide to release oxygen. As for its cultivation, it requires very little water and little energy. So, Spirulina ticks all the boxes.

At Wiselancer, we have collected the organic Spirulina with an algae with mighty antioxidant powers, Arame. A unique formula to get in shape and stay in shape every day!

Organic Spirulina

Eden Arame, Japanese Wild Sea Vegetable


Arame Seaweed

Dhanaban Hoye Arame

Dhanaban Hoye Arame Thakar Sera Upay Paperback

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