Successful Project Management Method (Proven)
The Project Management Method is really important for success. From curve diagrams to complex lean management concepts, a wide-ranging network plan, the creation of plans and diagrams is a kind of methodical method. The project management method plays a huge role in the success of any plan. Because they aid to make sure that a project or plan is carried out to a suitable conclusion within a given period of time and with the resources in hand. Whatever the business, job, or project you are in, time and financial resources are rare.
With the project management method, you can increase the chance of completing a project on time and easily. Project management helps you even in difficult situations. On the other hand, project management needs planning, monitoring, evaluating, and controlling. Well, it is the responsibility of the project manager to manage all these factors. They must keep eye on all these important factors and assign tasks to their employees. For project implementation, there are so many methodical approaches.
The Benefits of a Methodical Approach:
The main benefit of the project management method is that it structures a project. It breaks down the complete project into small manageable works. As a result, each smaller part is highly easier to process. So, you don’t need to put extra effort into completing the project.
Most project management methods depend on work packages. They need to refer to as self-contained tasks that have to be finished to process a specific service within a plan or project. A group of people and a single person both can work on a work package. The aim is to obtain desired results in a given time period. Moreover, work packages can also be used to convert long-term tasks into smaller work parts. These tasks are usually categorized hierarchically in order to set priorities. It is necessary to see the relation or connection between each task.
After that, each task is to be delegated to a most-trusted employee who has to put all his efforts to achieve results within a given deadline and a planned budget.
For Example:
For example, an advertising agency is initiating a strong and lasting campaign for a public transport company. The main aim is to increase the popularity of the company and to attract people to use public transport. They start by creating social media pages, websites, and posters for the company. After this, they can use the project management method to divide the whole task into smaller work areas. Factors like managing time, budget, and deadlines are also important for the success of the campaign. It is crucial to process smaller tasks with excellent management.
These methodologies also help to keep your eyes on the goals and give a complete overview of the project. That’s why you must select a suitable project management method so that you can assign tasks to the right employees. It also makes sure that you must utilize the budget in the right areas to achieve the planned results.
If your project is large and complex, then it is vital to select a suitable project management method. It is particularly important when plenty of different people are with a project. A large-scale project is often carried out by different people, departments, and so on. It also involves various people and things such as the service providers, customers, stakeholders, financiers, and management. These factors help to make a plan or project easier.
How to Select the Right Project Management Method:
You have to consider numerous factors when selecting a specific project management method. Here are some factors that will help you choose the relevant method,
- Project Type:
When choosing the relevant project management method, you need to find out the type of your project. Is it an international development project, an organizational project, a marketing project, or an IT project? Based on the project, involves other shareholders who are chasing different targets. For example, a marketing agency determines its customers in order to capture them with their advertising. When it comes to organizational projects, it includes managing directors’ and employees’ wishes. You have to give priority to the risk management team if your project is related to construction.
- Project Size:
After finding the type of your project, it is vital to find out the size of your project. The duration and the number of people involved decide the complexity level of the project. If your project is long-term then it requires small-scale planning. Some Project Management Method is only suitable for a certain size of projects. Implementing less than 5 employees to each small-scale task is ideal.
- Project Phase:
Sometimes, it is safe to use different project management methods for each project area. If you are a software developer and working on new software, then creativity methods are most suitable for the starting period. But, the test phase, marketing phase, and delivery phase require different project management methods.
- Industry:
Software developers often needed computer-aided solutions to execute a project plan. They also require technical infrastructure which helps in the development of software. Just like software developers, other fields and organizations also require technical infrastructure and necessary aid. The project management method allows evaluations can be ideal for such projects.
- Business Trend:
The business culture or trend depends on various factors such as its philosophy, trend, age, and size. Small businesses or organizations usually prefer agile project management methods. But, traditional companies prefer traditional methods and traditional project management. These agile methods promote flexibility, responsibility, and accountability. Companies that rely on detailed documentation, comprehensive planning, and inflexible structures are usually prefer traditional methods.
Project Management Method: An Overview of the Most Important Methodologies
A wide range of different methodologies is available for project management. Below, we are going to discuss some proven methodologies,
Kanban Method | Project Management Method
Originating from the Japanese automotive industry, Kanban aims for continuous process improvement. Companies are now massively using this agile method and its table visualization model for their project management.
Kanban is a working method inspired by the Lean approach centered on the continuous improvement of production processes. It was conceptualized in 1950 by Japanese industrial engineer Taiichi Ōno on behalf of Toyota with the aim of optimizing the car manufacturer’s manufacturing. It is based on a “pull flow” system, taking into account consumer demands, and not a push flow system.
The objective of Kanban is thus to constantly adapt to the customer’s needs. The objective is to limit the risk of overproduction and waste, but also to reduce lead times and costs. Qualified as an agile method in the same way as Scrum. Kanban advocates the visualization of workflows through a board (known as a Kanban board), making it possible to prioritize and monitor the progress of the tasks to be accomplished.
Read More Details about Kanban Method
Lean Project Management | Project Management Method
Lean Project Management
How does it work?
This methodology is based on the idea of lean management. It is result-oriented management that provides high-quality results within the time. The aim of this method is to obtain results with minimum effort. This process also helps to keep the costs low. So that you can spend the remaining budget on the important tasks. In short, lean project management reduces the bureaucratic struggle.
Despite efficiency and cost reduction, this process also plays a huge role in customer orientation. It takes customers’ wishes into account and helps to reduce the costs of the project at the same time. However, lean project management requires some help from specialists.
The task areas in lean project management are assigned or abandoned on the basis of customer needs. For example, if the client or customer wants to shorten the test period of a product then managers must cancel the remaining test periods of the product. So, it is clear that this method is based on direct approvals of the client or customer. It is also based on interdisciplinary teams. In the development of software, designers, IT experts, marketing managers, and software developers work together.
Other Vital Characteristics:
Another vital characteristic of this method is that it keeps the duration of a project very short. That’s why each progress or activity can be observed very clearly. It also shows the relevance of the project to the customer.
Utilizing this method needs little flexibility. Tasks can be adapted or re-negotiated on the basis of current needs. So, it is very easy to assign a task to an individual. It is crucial to assign tasks to less bust employees in order to avoid delays.
Just like the Kanban method, The Lean project management method is also agile and promotes transparency and personal responsibility. Managers delegate tasks and are responsible for quality control and efficiency. But, it involves each employee in the decision-making process. This process follows the bottom-up principle which is really helpful in finding suitable solutions.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Lean Project Management:
As we mentioned above Lean Project Management Method is an agile method that focuses on customers and results, so it is great for several types of service providers. Projects that need detailed planning and documentation are not suitable for Lean Project Management. This process requires a high amount of expertise in order to get high efficiency and suitable results. Below, we have curated some benefits that Lean Project Management offers,
- Efficiency:
It helps to save resources and costs.
- Shortened Process:
This provides timely feedback and quick results. It is because this process constantly monitors the efficiency, so, its quality automatically improves.
- Bottom-up Principle:
The solution is argued with all managers and employees. This results in the enhancement of employees’ motivation and they will perform better.
- High-quality Standards with Efficiency:
This process takes customers’ needs into account so the quality of the product can’t be overlooked. It boosts the satisfaction of customers as well as employees.
Lean Project Management Disadvantages:
On the other hand, Lean Project Management has some disadvantages too that we have mentioned below,
- The pressure of time and cost creates a pressure bubble on employees and their efficiency drop. It also decreases creativity and motivation levels. It also causes delays and wastes resources.
- Streamlining and organizing plans and processes require the supervision of highly competent project managers. The role of a project manager is very crucial in the whole process. The entire process may suffer just because of any wrong decision from the project manager.
Project Structure Planning | Project Management Method
Hierarchical Structuring of Tasks:
A project breakdown framework offers the complete synopsis of all tasks. They are essential to complete a big project. You can divide a large project into smaller parts and smaller units in a hierarchical order. You can see a project in both inductive and deductive ways through this method. The deductive method provides a more detailed view while the induction method gives a whole concise view. The last procedure is highly suitable for unique projects where you cannot rely on previous experience. The first batch of the project can be dedicated to a huge area of responsibility. The given paragraph explains which departments or which people are accountable for this area.
The tasks on the top are very difficult that’s why they are a priority. The sub-tasks are smaller task areas. Work packages are even smaller and more detailed task areas that include even the smallest of the details.
Here is the hierarchical structure that follows different principles,
- Phase-oriented Structuring:
In this structure, tasks are arranged and divided on the basis of chronological sequence.
- Function-oriented Structuring:
In this structure, tasks are delegated to particular organizational units on the basis of their function. For example, a software project has divisions into PR, graphic design, and development units.
- Object-oriented Structuring:
This structure is ideal for projects where work is carried out. For example, you can divide a construction project into the basement, first floor, and basement.
This kind of methodology goes well with a graphical tree structure. The individual units are interlinked with the higher unit through a line.
For which project is a structured plan useful?
It is really suitable for difficult or complex projects because it provides a clear overview of the project. Moreover, it subdivides all the tasks into smaller steps which helps to remember each and every part of the project. You can also give colored markings to each step or task to make them visible to every employee. On the other hand, the project management method creates an easy and clear visual representation of a project which is easy to understand and process. So, it is really easy to track progress and everyone can see it visibly.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Project Structure Planning:
- Provides clear representation of all tasks and helps to visualize work steps in a clear and easy way.
- Offers good structuring through hierarchical planning and helps to create a sequence. It equally describes detailed planning as well as rough planning.
- It helps to prioritize tasks and also makes it prior in the eyes of managers or employees.
- For complex projects, it does not provide clarity. So, it is not suitable for lengthy and complex projects. Many small steps can lead to big diagrams that are difficult to manage sometimes.
- It doesn’t provide flexibility.
Milestone Trend Analysis | Project Management Method
Is it possible to follow a schedule? If you always feel difficulty in following the schedule then milestone trend analysis can help you. This process helps to control time processes. It is also in use to answer questions to make things clearer. It is a rule that every project has a schedule with a particular end date. Moreover, it has a timeline and budget. It is crucial so that client can see the results. This process helps to divide larger projects into different phases which helps to see which task is behind the schedule.
For this purpose, milestones must be defined. For each milestone, a target is delegated with a deadline. There are several factors involved in the delay of a task or project. The main reason for the delay is that there are several aspects that build on each other, which leads to particular delays.
Milestone trend analysis helps to control these delays by controlling time processes. While planning schedules or tasks, you must add smaller buffers for regular disruptive factors. Moreover, this analysis allows you to recognize bottlenecks in good time. So, you can start appropriate measures to control them. If it is not possible, then this process still helps you to find out the roots that are causing delays. It also helps in the overall evaluation at the end of the project. This is really good for reducing risks for future projects.
How does it work?
It usually utilizes process diagrams that help to visualize the project’s progress. It sets a deadline for each milestone which is necessary to complete the project on time. Moreover, you need to set various report dates. you can do it in monthly, weekly, fortnightly, or even shorter phases.
For displaying the process of the project, a line diagram is suitable. On the X-axis, there are reporting periods and on the Y-axis there are milestone dates. The following factors show the progress,
- Horizontal Progress:
It shows that the project is finished on time.
- Falling Line:
It shows that project stages are obtained earlier.
- Rising Line:
This line indicates delays.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Milestone Trend Analysis:
For monitoring the deadline of a single project, Milestone trend analysis is very helpful. This analysis can reveal the real cause of delay in a project. However, it is equally good for large as well as small projects.
- The main advantage of this Project Management Method is that it is really simple and easy to implement. Plus, it is extremely useful.
- It gives a clear representation of a project in the form of line diagrams.
- It monitors the current status of the project and offers valuable outcomes about the workflow.
- It is only limited to a target or actual comparison.
- Sometimes, this method fails to identify problems earlier.
Critical Path Analysis | Project Management Method
It displays task relationships and time structure in a network. Critical path analysis is mostly in utilization for scheduling deadlines. It has the ability to map difficult time structures and provides a highly dynamic approach.
Dependency Relationships:
This method visualizes a logical process and reveals which chores build on each other. It also shows subsequent tasks and preceding tasks.
Time Buffer:
Time buffer helps to indicate how much buffer remains to obtain the earliest start. Each buffer offers exact times, for example, “4 days”.
Critical Path:
There are some phrases in a project that you must complete earlier. If the total buffer is 0 days then they show some risk. It is crucial to monitor these projects with care otherwise they can put the completion date into jeopardy.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Critical Path Analysis | Project Management Method
- You can calculate the total time realistically.
- It divides a project into maps correlations.
- Buffer representation enables better capacity scheduling.
- Saves time.
- Employees can identify risks.
- It has a dynamic structure and processes that make the model better.
- In Critical Path Analysis scheduling of personnel is not possible.
- It has difficulty estimating the activity completion time.
- For larger projects, Critical Path Analysis networks are complicated too.
- The critical path is not always clear in CPM.
- No possibility for the scheduling of resource allocation.
- The critical path needs calculation precisely.
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