SMART Goals | An Excellent Approach For Success

by Shamsul
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SMART Goals | An Excellent Approach For Success

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound – This is how to formulate our objectives so that they can be effective in our planning and organizational tasks. Formulate your goals using the SMART method. You will take into account all the criteria that define a well-formulated objective.

The SMART goal is an excellent planning and organization tool. This is what I would like to achieve, whether in a work stage, in a project or in a phase of my life, professionally or privately. But how do you define your goals? A promising approach is the SMART method.

SMART Goals Help Us Achieve What We Want:

Whether in time management or projects, in evaluation interviews or in private life, the SMART method is used to define our objectives clearly. See here for simple examples of how to use the SMART method to formulate your goals.


Specific Objectives

In many cases, our first mistake is not thinking carefully enough about what we want to achieve and formulating vague, non-specific goals.

Examples of Non-Specific Objectives:

“I would like to reduce my workload in the future.”

“I would like to live healthier.”

What does this mean concretely? “In the future”, i.e., when? How much do I want to reduce? What does it mean to live healthier? Is it diet or physical activity? These two objectives say nothing about the state to be achieved. Think about it when formulating your goals.

These Objectives can be formulated In A Specific Way:

“Starting next month, I’m going to reduce my workload from 100% to 80%.”

“I jog twice a week.”

SMART Measurable Objectives

In order to be able to monitor whether objectives have been achieved or to motivate oneself in the case of long-term goals, the goal must also be measurable.

Examples of Non-Measurable Objectives:

“I want to finish writing the report quickly.”

“I want to quit smoking.”

What does “quickly” mean? When will I stop? Do not leave room for interpretation. Formulate the objective so that you can check if it has been reached.

Examples of Measurable Objectives:

“I’m finishing the report by tomorrow at noon.”

“Starting next month, I’m a non-smoker.”


SMART Attainable Objectives

In order to pursue a goal, you must be able to accept it. In other words, one could say that it must seem attractive to you.

Examples of Unacceptable Goals:

“During the week, I never watch my social media channels again.”

“In the future, all customer requests are processed immediately.”

Be honest with yourself: can you accept these goals? Will you find them attractive for months? Define goals so that you and your people can implement them and remain attractive.

Examples of Acceptable Goals:

“I watch my social media channels every day for up to 30 minutes.”

“All customer inquiries are processed within 48 hours.”

Relevant Realistic Goals

Carried away by our enthusiasm, we feel we can move mountains. But again, be honest with yourself. Can you and do you want to achieve these goals and stick to them?

Examples of Unrealistic Goals:

“I work so that I always finish everything at night.”

“From now on, I always take the stairs.”

When formulating your goals, do not be blinded by your ambitions. It will help you not to fail in the short term, be realistic.

Examples of Realistic Goals:

“I organize myself using a list of priorities (1 = urgent / 2 = to do within 2 days / 3 = to do by the end of the week) and I work so that in the evening, priority 1 tasks are actually completed. “
“Up to 3 floors, I take the stairs.”

SMART Goals Help Avoid Stress

Time-Bound Objective

Objectives with a fixed term

Do not leave it to chance when you want to reach your goal.

Examples of Goals That Do Not Have a Fixed Term:

“I’m going to improve myself in the security field.”

“I’m going to lose 2 kilos.”

You have infinite time and you will probably achieve these goals one day. But it is best to set up from the outset of here when you want to reach or implement the goal in question.

Examples of Goals with a Fixed Term:

“Next year, I will take the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Protection Professional Exam.”
“By the end of next month, I’m losing two pounds.”

The next time you formulate goals, think about the SMART method and write down your goals. It will be easier for you to stick to it and reach it.


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