Six Reasons To Use A Gantt Chart
Do you know the Gantt chart? Named after the American engineer Henry L. Gantt, this tool allows you to visualize all project tasks over time. Whether you are a manager or not, it can be a good idea to learn how to master this diagram. This article will convince you of its usefulness in six points.
The Gantt Chart Helps Structure Your Thoughts
In project planning, one of the essential steps is the division, that is to say, the identification of all the tasks related to the project. Let’s take an interior design project as an example. You need to consider several steps:
First meeting with the client;
Realization of drafts;
Presentation of the renovation project;
Management of the renovation site;
Your planning will improve if you can break down these steps into specific tasks. Are you afraid of getting too involved in the details? Rest assured! The Gantt chart takes all the tasks into account and structures your ideas in chronological order.
Indeed, the Gantt chart represents your entire project, spread over a duration defined horizontally. Each task you have entered includes at least the following data:
The earliest start date on which you will be able to start the task;
The latest finish date by which the task can be completed without harming the project.
As we will read in the next point, dates are essential when it comes to setting up a Gantt chart.
The Gantt Chart Helps with Time Management:
Do you have enough time to deliver your project? Thanks to the Gantt chart, it becomes easier to establish a realistic schedule. Indeed, by defining all of your tasks, you will have an easier time estimating the time required to complete each task.
For example, if your team is used to creating a website mockup in two days, you can add an extra day to this task. This day will serve as a buffer in case the task is not yet completed, thus avoiding the accumulation of delays for the following tasks.
The Gantt Chart Allows You to Make Better Adjustment:
Since the Gantt chart allows you to view all the tasks at a glance, adjusting your project according to the circumstances becomes easier. For example, during a marketing project, if you find that your team’s workload is too heavy for a week, you can distribute this load over a longer period.
The question of load distribution can also apply between teammates. With the Gantt chart, you can quickly see if one of your colleagues has more tasks than the others. Distributing tasks to your teammates more evenly reduces the feeling of injustice that this colleague could experience.
The Gantt Chart Facilitates Work Organization
Thanks to the Gantt chart, you know which tasks are in progress and which will take place soon. You can then better organize your teamwork, in particular by prioritizing urgent tasks and important tasks.
For example, suppose your team project includes a presentation to a client next week. In that case, you will assign your team to tasks related to this presentation (e.g., the creation of the visual, drafting of the contract, printing of the agreement, etc. .). If you don’t have time to accomplish all these tasks, you can leave those that are the least priority (e.g., buying coffee), thus avoiding wasting your energy at the last minute.
The Gantt Chart Promotes Good Communication
Are you looking for a tool to promote good communication and thus prevent misunderstandings? With the Gantt chart, it is possible to play with colors to give a striking and comprehensive visual at a glance. Indeed, you can assign each color to a member of your team or to a specific team (e.g., the marketing team). Then, you can use these colors in your project’s Gantt chart to indicate the tasks your members are responsible for. They know what is expected of themselves and their colleagues.
Another way to use colors is to indicate the urgency of certain tasks. For example, you can use the color red to draw your team’s attention to certain critical points. Your teammates will then no longer be able to come up with the excuse that they were not warned.
The Gantt Chart Motivates Your Team
As we saw in the previous point, it is possible, in a Gantt chart, to assign a color to each member of your team. In addition, as this tool allows you to view all the tasks of the same project, it becomes easier to determine who depends on whom for the smooth running of the project.
Take the following example: in a communication agency, Marlin is a writer, while Sandra is a web developer. Their team needs to develop a website for a client. While Marlin writes the texts, Sandra takes care of the website’s structure. However, the website cannot be complete without the texts or the structure; one depends on the other. Understanding better the impact of their work, Marlin and Sandra personally motivate and encourage each other, thus strengthening the spirit of spirit.
For all these reasons, the Gantt chart will provide you with invaluable help in project management. Do you want to learn how to master this work tool? Contact us for online solution now allows the implementation of Gantt charts. Indeed, from your project’s home page, you can go to the “GANTT” tab and list your tasks and the start and end dates for each task. You can then view your diagram broken down by week, month, or year.
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