National and Regional Regulatory Bodies for Climate Change

by Shamsul
Climate Change Regulatory bodies
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Regulatory Bodies Responsible for Climate Change

Climate change has become the topic of discussion in each area of life as now we are familiar with its risks. The best solution includes learning accountability and taking measures to deal with the environment protection situation. You can gather valuable data only if the performance is being monitored continuously and a variety of regulating and monitoring tools including Regulatory Bodies are being considered. Many countries have set programs that measure the performance and discuss the resulting outcomes. Such programs report information according to the pre-set standards, and all they require is some guidance and key definitions. Each program is given a clear goal first, and then the framework monitors the performance and then regulates the desired and suggested changing steps. 

National and Regional Regulatory Bodies:

National and regional regulatory bodies have the authority and responsibility to device rules and gather data related to the actions taken through those reports. These bodies also take part in sustainable development goals. Below a brief idea of such bodies is given at the national and regional levels.

The head of such arrangements is the director-general of environment or climate change. He runs an environment wing whose responsibilities and duties include:

  • Environment or climate change monitoring
  • Environmental Legislation
  • Data gathering related to international, inter-provincial, or regional climate issues.
  • Issues regarding sustainable development.
  • Risk to sustainable urbanization 
  • Threat to common, easy, and prime goals like water and sanitation.

Such regulatory bodies are responsible for regulating various agreements, which might include the Kyoto Protocol and UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and other cleaning and development mechanisms. 

Such bodies also work in collaboration with SACOSAN, SACEP, UN-HABITAT, UNICEF, UNEP, and other national or international governmental or non-profit NGOs. These bodies also celebrate environment days and arrange seminars and awareness programs. These authorities also formulate annual policies and frameworks for climate change monitoring.

Regulatory Agencies:

Each state has its own national and regional agencies or regulatory bodies to regulate climate-related matters. EPA is U.S. Environmental Protection Policy responsible for zero-emission planning. 

It covers passenger vehicles and other means creating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. EPA is working on reducing GHG emissions till 2026 with the help of sustainable light trucks and passenger cars. Its revised summary has clear guidelines to achieve its goal till 2026. It is also trying to reduce the use of hydrofluorocarbons along with industrial pollutants.  

EPA is not only restricted to the U.S., but it has two-sided programs working in many countries. Its programs are one of the prime factors for climate control in underdeveloped countries. It helps regions like Nigeria, the pacific, Asia, Antarctica, Europe, the Middle East, Eurasia, the Caribbean, and South Africa work towards a better climate. Other countries can obtain crucial guidance and support through the EPA’s climate change-related priorities.

EPA Pakistan covers water, air, noise, and soil pollution as its main priority. It has a complaint and legal section and provides impact assessment and technical help in its different provinces. EPA Pakistan has even dedicated a complete unit for any environment-related complaint, which is considered urgent.

Governmental Regulations | Regulatory Bodies

Climate changes are getting severe each day, and government needs to create affection regulations to achieve better and long-term results. In such cases, the government’s primary objective should be the GHG reduction and accelerate the progress with the help of companies, cities, and different regional regulatory bodies.

  • Below given regulations are part of almost every governmental agency:
  • Clean air through reduced GHG and methane emission.
  • Setting standards for different equipment’s energy efficiency; energy policies for private and public sectors.
  • Setting motor vehicles’ fuel economy standards.
  • Evaluation of climate change causing global security issues and related defense plan.

Such steps are based on analytical data, but the only difference between the worthy output and them is the implication of the outcomes of such reports.

Regulations Climate Change:

Different regulations regarding climate change are effectively implemented in various countries, but there is still a gap between the expected results. This gap is not due to the rules set but due to its lawful implementation. Although carbon tax increases energy consumption charges, which creates a huge burden, the issue remains the same. 

A proposal of implementation of such taxes will help authorities to implement the actual plan more effectively as the extra charges will force consumers to consider behavioral changes and reduce GHG emissions. Such taxes are supposed to minimize GHG use by 58 million metrics in a time span of 30 years. 

Regulatory bodies and regulations are necessary to reduce any risk to climate. Still, sometimes it is more critical to use means like taxes or other fines to take the rules more seriously. If the reduction in GHG emission reduces the effectiveness of that specific industry and slows the progress significantly, then there is a need to reconsider the whole process. In such cases, should take a relative comparison of economic output and carbon emission into account, and the decision should be based on these.

Environment Protection Regulatory Bodies

Environmental protection authorities and legislations are working for their cause, but does economic analysis favor this? Do we deserve to have a better climate at the cost of a doomed economy?

The U.S.A. is usually blamed for preferring climate over the economy as an enormous amount is being spent on EPAs. Although it is beneficial to us, the spending is quite large than the benefit, so if we ignore environmental protection, is this money really spent in the right place? Such questions always come to our minds whenever climate change is under discussion so a clear discussion will be helpful.

Another myth is that EPA is reducing job opportunities, but how can environmental protection agencies reduce employment opportunities? If we take a deep look at various numbers, we can observe that the amount we spend on health care products is almost equal to what we spend on a sustainable environment. On the other hand, EPAs are increasing the job opportunities, so overall, we can conclude that we are achieving more than what we are losing.

Environmental Authority:

When we talk about the role of environmental authorities, national environment and management authority (NEMA) is the first name to emerge in our mind. Since 2002, NEMA has been responsible for collecting environmental data by using government policies and principal instruments.

The responsibilities of national environment and management regulatory bodies include:

  • Supervising the management activities of various agencies and creating coordination between them.
  • Keeping track of natural resources.
  • Guiding regarding legal planning resources.
  • Conducting surveys and research for environmental findings.
  • Considering human and financial resources for a better future.
  • Marking climate-related standards.
  • Assessing the activities that might be a threat to society.

The policies set by NEMA are also noteworthy in environmental betterment. The directors and boards of NEMA are selected and appointed by the president itself. It has a minimum of 7 members that are not public servants, so you say that NEMA is working without any pressure.

Environmental Regulator:

This broad term includes political, ethical, scientific, and technical interests and principles regarding climate change. Different nations and regions have environmental regulations, but the common goal is always the same. The more comprehensive scope consideration enables and recommends a better and more worthy effort with better results than before. 

It has always been a part of a controversy that environmental regulations are the leading reason behind unemployment, but there cannot be any logical explanation for this. Between 1780 to 1880, the U.S. considered legislation to improve the environmental conditions. With the passage of time, many other countries developed an independent ministry of environment (Italy, France, Ireland, Sweden, Austria, United Kingdom, and Germany).

Global Warming Regulation:

Global warming is a significant issue, but the more alarming fact is that most states are even denying their contribution to this. American countries are pretty serious in their efforts to reduce GHG emissions, but on the other hand, they are also facing trouble to manage the growth of the economy. America has the potential to provide insightfulness and the guide along with resources o many countries in order to understand the cope climate issues bitterly. Still, other than a few former Mayors or presidents, most of them are the exception. 

GWR is facing many issues and dangers to show the full potential results. One of the main issues is the flexible implementation that is specific but not so according to the need of the new technology, so some gaps make compromise the quality and extent of performance. Some rules and laws do not give much space to hide, but others are sometimes too flexible as regulations have to be exact. 

Are Private Businesses are Interested?

The main question in this issue is whether even the business is actually willing to take part in it or not? Are they concerned about the environment or just acting? 

Some interest groups on the government and industrial sides are challenging obstacles to success. We all need regulatory bodies with some rules and regulations given to us by authorities to create a better climate. At the same time, it is as beneficial to us as it is to the government. Such regulations and legislations should be as familiar, non-controversial, and accurately implemented as are traffic laws. Everyone knows what red light means and the speed limit so is the case with environmental regulations.

Still, the primary and only difference is that people and facilities do not bother about GHG emissions and ESG aspects, but they all follow traffic rules. The basic need of the hour is for all of us to communicate this issue and play our part. This is a common goal. If a flood comes, all of us can be on either side together, depending on our actions today.


Regulatory Bodies for Climate change:

Climate change has become a global issue and it can only be dealt with through our personal and collective effort. For this purpose, different regional and national regulatory bodies should be responsible for relevant data monitoring and regulation. Various regulatory agencies (like EPA from the U.S.) and NGOs are in work. Governments have certain regulations for this purpose and different authorities are taking monitoring climate change, global warming, and sustainability data. But data gathered will never be of much help unless we are ready to take any action as a team.

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