Make Personal SWOT | SWOT Analysis of a Person

by Shamsul
SWOT Analysis of a Person
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Make Personal SWOT Analysis

Self-analysis is an important part of life that helps to find out our weak and strong points. If you want to improve your personality and work, you should self-analyze. Self-analysis plays a vital role in self-development. Some mistakes in life can cause permanent regret and damage your happiness. Well, we are not talking about ‘’survival of the fittest’’. We are talking about self-analysis that helps you to focus on your goals and dreams. If you want to become successful then understand yourself first. It is important to find out the answer to ‘’How’’ and ‘’Why’’ in every stage of life for successful growth and development. Make a personal SWOT Analysis.

In this Personal SWOT analysis, we will talk about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a person. Well, we perform a SWOT analysis to know the working of any organization or business, but today we will discuss some important factors of a person’s life. You can’t achieve your goals if you can’t understand your strength and ability. This thing makes Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Jeff Bezos superior to ordinary people. There is no doubt that self-analysis enlightens and enhances your efficiency and working. Let’s start with the SWOT analysis of a person.

 Make Personal SWOT

Benefits of SWOT Analysis of a Person:

There are several advantages of self-analysis. Let’s discuss some of them:

  • Enhances self-recognition and improves your knowledge of your strong and weak points (likes and dislikes).
  • Improves your understanding of your dreams and goals.
  • You can analyze your qualities, capabilities, and weaknesses.
  • You can learn how to change your weaknesses into strengths with self-analysis.
  • Improves your life purpose and moral values.
  • You can unearth your opportunities and chances.
  • Helps you to reduce the risks of pitfall.
  • Keep you attentive and motivates for the achievement of your goals.

Now, you can understand the concept of SWOT analysis of a person. If you haven’t performed, then this is the ideal time to do this. So, let’s begin.

Make Personal SWOT Analysis

Personal Strengths:

Everyone has some specific qualities and talents. All you will need is to find out these qualities and talents in order to become a successful person. Certainly, it is not and should not as easy as it appears. You have to go through many challenges to uncover your hidden talent. Grab a paper and pen and write down your skills and capabilities. You must inquire about yourself for some fundamental questions such as:

  • What are your potentials and what you can achieve?
  • In which area you are strong?
  • What are your hidden talents?
  • Check your efficiencies and capabilities?
  • What is the scope of your qualification and certification?
  • Realize what do people like in your personality?
  • What you have achieved till now?
  • What are your resources?
  • Bring out your core strengths?


Make Personal SWOT Analysis

Personal Weaknesses:

In this section, you have to find out your weaknesses and weak points both financially and physically. Well, after finding your weaknesses, you should find their solutions. Find out how to change your weaknesses into strengths. Change your negative thoughts into positive ones. In this way, you can find out your weaknesses and also address these problems. Know your weaknesses with the following questions:

  • In which areas you are weak?
  • Are you multitalented or not?
  • What are the areas that need improvement?
  • What people dislike in your personality?
  • Can you identify what types of tasks you don’t want to do?
  • Do you have some unwanted work habits?

Make Personal SWOT Analysis

Personal Opportunities:

Sometimes life gives you many opportunities but due to a lack of knowledge, you can’t even identify these opportunities. It is really important to work on your capabilities and opportunities to find out your chances. You can find your opportunities according to your interest and profession. These things can improve your confidence and help you to achieve your dreams. With the following questions, you can discover your opportunities.

  • What professions and fields are rising continuously?
  • What kind of technological advancement can improve my career?
  • How can you take benefit of the latest trend and business scenario?
  • What is your importance for the company?
  • How can you fix problems and issues?
  • Strategies to fill the gap in the market?
  • How can you exploit your contacts and references to improve your work?
  • How to get the advantage of various things by exploiting innovative tools?

Make Personal SWOT Analysis

Personal Threats:

Problems are a part of life and without any problem, you can’t improve yourself. Learn from your mistakes and be aware of external threats. Keep your eye on the economy or a related field so that you can prepare in advance to tackle threats. Without problems and threats, life is nothing. You will get motivation and energy from your mistakes. Consider these questions given as:

  • What bothers you?
  • Are there any external threats that can affect your work?
  • What are the trends and innovation can threaten my position?
  • Are you aware that who are your competitors?
  • What are your weaknesses?

Make Personal SWOT Analysis


  1. It is really important to give your 100 percent so that you can get satisfactory results. Work on your weaknesses and strengths and work accordingly. Be honest and clear to yourself in each and every circumstance.
  2. Before doing any work, take your time and focus on those things that help you to achieve your goal. This step takes your complete attention and focus. Think about several aspects and people that can be beneficial for you.
  3. Think, think, and think again and focus on your skills and talents. We know this step is slightly boring and time-taking but it is necessary.
  4. Talk with your friends, relatives, and family about what they like in your personality. In this way, you can effectively understand your personality.

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