Love To Know Recipes of Paleo Diet For Weightloss

by Shamsul
Paleo Diet
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Recipes of Paleo Diet For Weightloss

Paleo Diet is not an uncommon word for most people, but they do not know what type of diet it offers. When you have started the Paleo Diet, you cannot eat anything except processed food as it can purify the body and give strength by taking healthy and fresh nutrients. Healthy oils, spices, herbs, fruits, seeds, vegetables, fish, and nuts are included in this diet. Here are some of the delectable and easy-to-cook recipes that are liable to keep you healthy and strong:

Chocolate Chip Paleo Diet Cookies

Chocolate Chip

Paleo Diet does not mean refraining from tasty dishes. You are free to enjoy chocolate cookies and have a sweet treat even when you are following a diet plan. In order to make chocolate chip cookies, you need 


  • Flaky Salt
  • Chocolate Semisweet Chips – 1 c
  • Vanilla Extract- One tablespoon
  • Large Size Egg – One
  • Honey – Three Tablespoons
  • Almond Butter- ÂĽ c
  • Butter – ÂĽ c
  • Baking Soda – ½ tsp
  • Almond Flour – 2 c
  • Kosher Salt – ÂĽ tsp

Preparation Method:

Use a preheated 350-degree oven. Take out a sheet pan and place baking paper. Use a bowl to add almond flour, salt, and baking soda. Mix these ingredients and add vanilla extract, butter, and egg. 

You must keep on mixing until you get a smooth dough. Select a baking sheet to put the cookies on. 

Now place the chocolate chips as well as flaky salt over the cookies and put them in the oven. Bake these cookies for 15 minutes to enjoy healthy, crispy, and tasty Paleo Diet-based cookies. 

Delicious Paleo Diet Pizza

Diet Pizza Paleo Diet

Everyone likes to eat pizza if he/she is not on a diet. Have you ever heard of trying pizza when you are losing weight? It is encouraging that the Paleo diet allows taking pizza without adding unhealthy ingredients. There is no use of dairy products or gluten in this pizza. Here is a time-saving pizza recipe that needs just half an hour to make your lunch. 


  • Cremini Mushrooms – 2
  • Olive Oil (Black) – 1/4c
  • Green Pepper – ½ in small size
  • Pepperoni Slices – ÂĽ c
  • Dairy-Free Shredded Mozzarella – 1c
  • Pizza Sauce – ½ c
  • Olive Oil (Virgin) – 2 tbsp
  • Eggs Large Size – Three
  • Kosher Salt – ½ tsp
  • Garlic Clove – One
  • Italian Seasoning – One tsp
  • Baking Powder- ½ tsp
  • Almond Flour – 2/1/2c 

Preparation Method:

Use a preheated 425C oven. Add baking powder to a large size bowl. Now, add garlic, Italian seasoning, salt, and almond flour and mix it. 

Take another bowl to add eggs with olive oil. Pour the egg mixture into the bowl containing the flour mixture. Keep on stirring all the ingredients until it becomes a smooth dough. Give this dough pizza shape and place it on a baking sheet.

Place the dough inside the preheated oven for ten minutes. After completing the given time frame, you will get a crispy dough. Add pizza sauce over the dough. You can add mozzarella dairy-free topping. Add vegetables of your choice and olives. Put the dough again inside the oven to bake for 15 more minutes. Take out the Delicious Paleo diet and enjoy it without gaining more weight.

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