Howard Stern | King of All Media | A Presenter and Entertainer

Howard Stern

by Shamsul
host Howard Stern
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Howard Stern | A Presenter and Entertainer

Howard Stern was born on January 12, 1954, on Long Island. The man who has since proclaimed himself “king of all the media” made his debut on the radio at Boston University in 1976. He then began a career on the waves, where his multiple provocations amused and annoyed the public. The host is particularly famous for his disregard for France and considers that it would have betrayed the Americans during the Second World War. Presenter of his own TV show since 1998, he became famous for his sexism and the nonsense he spreads.

The host Howard Stern regularly posts pornographic actresses on his broadcasts and has had some trouble with the law following the degrading remarks he made. In parallel, Howard creates his television series Son of the Beach and turns Intimate Parts, a film that retraces his career and his many adventures.

“The host Howard Stern has been a member of the America’s got talent jury alongside ex-Spice Girl Mel B and model Heidi Klum since 2012.”

Howard Stern Biography

Howard Stern was born on 12th January 1954 in Roosevelt, New York, USA. His father introduced Howard to the radio.  He was a sound engineer. When he was studying at Boston University where he graduated in communications. He also used to work at the school’s radio station. He holds several unmemorable on-the-air jobs in Detroit, Connecticut, Michigan and Hartford, he came to Washington D.C where he worked with Robin Quivers and gained a great deal of fame. The duo was fired by the station manager because of a major dispute after which Howard Stern signed a contract with WNBC-AM in New York City. Though this show was also a highly rated radio program, continuous arguments over the content of the show led to the dismissal of the show again.

Howard Stern

What is Howard Stern Famous For?

Having a combination of Stern’s self-deprecating jokes, making commentary on sex, provocative interviews with celebrities, and other several aspects, his radio show of Stern became highly popular in Washington D.C.

In 1985, Stern signed The Howard Stern Show which started to go on-air on New York City’s WXRK-FM and was syndicated in the following year. With his outrageous humor, Stern has also faced severe criticism. Being misogynist and racist, he managed to attract the attention of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The FCC laid more than $2 million as fines over the program because of its randy content. Additionally, several groups were in favor and they called on to boycott the show.

New York City’s WXRK-FM was a vocal supporter of the First Amendment and refused to bring about changes in his behavior. Although, Stern’s content was under strict scrutiny; however, he managed to sign a $500 million. The five-year deal with Sirius Satellite Radio was free from scrutinization by FCC regulations concerning content and language. His first show went on-air through satellite radio in 2006. This show turned out to be a huge success and Stern signed another contract with Sirius in 2010.

Alongside his work on radio, Howard Stern also hosted various short-lived television programs in his early career years. Additionally, he wrote the top-selling book Private Parts (1993). In an autobiography, Miss America (1995) where he presented his opinions on a wide range of topics. Later, Howard Stern also served as the executive producer of the television sitcom Son of the Beach (2000-02). Later he joined the judging panel of America’s Got Talent, a reality television series in 2012.

Sample of Howard Stern’s Work

Howard Stern Book

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