How to Write A Blog Post?

Write An Effective Blog Post

by Shamsul
Write Blog Post
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How to Write A Blog Post?

Your blog post must have original and quality content to stand out and be well-referenced in the first pages of Google search. Writing complete and well-crafted articles is necessary to have loyal subscribers and a good audience and thus obtain customers and sales.

The motive of a blog post is to attract new visitors, who will become subscribers and potential prospects and customers if you have any services or products to sell to them.

How Do I Get a Blog Post to be Read and Reread?

Have a catchy title, keywords for good natural referencing, quality, airy and complete content, and an attractive image. And in parallel with this writing work, it’s up to you to know your audience in order to identify your “target” and make your blog a coherent and harmonious space.

How to Write An Effective Blog Post?

The relevant text count should be between 500 and 1000 characters for your article to be considered by search engines. The ideal is between 1000 and 2000 characters.

Tips for Writing a Good Blog Post

Take Care of the Title

The title of your article is the first thing that catches the reader’s attention. And it must be:

Visible: with a character size greater than the body of the text, no capital letters, no italics, no underlines

Short: ideally between 4 to 10 words

Eye-Catching: explicit to make you want to read the article

Well Referenced: with keywords for search engines

How to Write a Good Headline?

The title is indeed the key element of SEO. It must therefore be consistent, relevant and integrate the keywords on which you want to position yourself.

To recap, here are the components of a good title:

Relatively short (maximum 70 characters)

With one or more keywords

Reflects the content of the article well

Deliver a message

It does not contain spelling errors

It makes you want to click

A Good Grip from the Start

The introduction should be seen as a “brief” as it forms the basis of the information. So you have to go straight to the point; this is the principle of the inverted pyramid in web writing. To help you understand the essential content and then summarize it, use the 5W rule:






In other words, it gives:

Who is concerned?

What’s the news?

What is it all about?

When did this happen, or when is it going to happen?


Readable Content

If you want that your readers to read your entire article on any medium (computer, tablet, smartphone), it must be transparent and ventilated for good visibility and easy reading.

For that:

Break up the information into several paragraphs

Use heading, especially in long texts

Put the keywords in bold

Use short sentences of around 15-20 words

Avoid jargon, be it legal, administrative, business, etc.

Adapt the tone of your article to your target

Optimize your Links and Images

It is important to add images, videos or infographics to illustrate your article. It will energize the reading and provide examples of what you are saying. Pay attention to the rights associated with the photo and ensure you can use it. There are royalty-free image sites.





Google Images



Photoshop training

Place the Key Information at the Beginning of the Paragraph

The internet user is in a hurry and will often only read the starting paragraph. This type of reading is called F reading.

So present the essence of the information at the start of each paragraph. Your reader will quickly know whether the following is of interest to him or not.

A Personalized Item According To Your Target

Do you want to retain your visitors? So talk to them!

To do this, you need to know your audience and what they’re looking for. You will thus be able to cover the right topics in your blog articles and precisely meet your targets’ needs.

How to Write a Quality Blog Post?

To find out if your post is a good future blog post, make sure it meets the following criteria:

Provides an honest answer to a problem: it informs and brings a reflection

Is it of good length: you cannot explore a topic in 300 words and long articles rank better in Google results.

It has a good presentation: the paragraphs are airy; there are titles, sentences in bold, bulleted lists

It must be proofread: to correct spelling mistakes and syntax mistakes

Use keywords: strategically and wisely in headlines but not in every sentence

Next Step:

Read on: Different Stages of Writing a Blog Article

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