How To Reduce Your Screen Time?

by Shamsul
Reduce Screen Time
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Reduce Your Screen Time

Have you ever gone without your cell phone for several days because you misplaced or broke it? Did you feel like you had lost a part of yourself? It’s not surprising, but there is a need to Reduce Your Screen Time Now!

Our cell phone fulfills many functions, well beyond calls. It’s our alarm clock to wake us up in the morning, our (main) means of communicating with our loved ones, our source of entertainment, our agenda, our organizational tool, and more!

So, when we talk about a screen “detox,” it can seem completely ridiculous, if not impossible. Consequently, it seems more realistic to aim for a reduction in screen time rather than a break or stopping the use of our cell phones.

First of all, let’s remember that there are many reasons to change our relationship with our screens. Our mental and physical health is affected by our hyper-connectivity. Our quality of sleep decreases, our ability to concentrate too, and we are less active, for example.

Cell Phone: How to Reduce Your Screen Time?

Reduce Your Screen Time

On a psychological level, several researchers have concluded that screen time increases depressive and anxiety symptoms.

In a study conducted by Hunt and his colleagues (2018), people who limited their social media consumption to 30 minutes per day saw their well-being increase significantly. Moderation tastes better even with screens!

So, where do you start if you want to limit your screen time?

Be less fused with your cell phone: concrete actions to achieve this

First, you should know that behind each application, there are marketing geniuses who work hard to ensure that you spend as much time as possible in front of your screen. Everything is thought out!

From the color used to the content offered. It is therefore necessary to make a conscious effort to circumvent these strategies.

Cell Phone: How to Reduce Your Screen Time?

Reduce Your Screen Time

1- Turn off app notification sounds

Yes, sound creates a kind of conditioning. The bell rings and we pick up our phone.

Hey, that reminds me of a certain experiment involving a dog and food.

2- Remove notifications from as many apps as possible

Even if the notification does not interest us, it can lead us to pick up our phone, when we would not have done so.

You may have noticed that several apps send us completely useless notifications or tell us that we are missing it…

Once again, all this is designed to get you to spend as much time in front of it as possible.

It is possible to put the screen in black and white

This strategy makes the content less attractive and, therefore, reduces our desire to continue consuming it.

Stay in touch with the time and time spent on your cell phone

When certain applications are open, we can no longer see the time and it is easy to completely lose track of time. This strategy is also used in casinos!

We therefore recommend setting a timer before opening them in order to become aware of the minutes that have passed. We invite you to do this with other applications on which you feel like you are not seeing time go by, even if you have access to the time at the top of your screen (on TikTok perhaps…).

For those who feel the need to opt for a more drastic strategy, know that there are applications that limit the use of other applications or the option to put your phone in airplane mode.

Cell Phone: How to Minimize Your Screen Time?

Reduce Your Screen Time

Have you noticed how we have developed the reflex of picking up our phone as soon as we have a few minutes, or even a few seconds free?

“Cheating” your screen for the better: how to change a habit?

Next, you should know that it is harder to eliminate a behavior than to add one.

So, we suggest you put your energy into finding alternatives to screen consumption rather than fighting your desire to spend (or waste) time on it.

Have you noticed how we have developed the reflex of picking up our phone as soon as we have a few minutes, or even a few seconds free?

Whether in the waiting room of the garage, on the bus or between the two floors of the elevator, almost everyone has their eyes glued to a screen! Except those who are doing something else.

So, I encourage you to carry a book, some paper to scribble on, your studies, whatever. It will be easier than giving yourself the goal of doing nothing at all and being in the moment (one small step at a time!).

Add activities to your schedule!

To do this, make a list of small evening and weekend projects. If you are busy doing something you enjoy, the urge to be on your phone is likely to greatly diminish.

If while reading this you are thinking that nothing tempts you more than to “binge watch” certain series or listen to a ton of videos on TikTok, we encourage you to try even if you don’t feel like it.

You can set yourself a goal like drawing for 15 minutes. If after this time you are still just as disinterested, that’s okay. You can try something else at another time.

Leave your cell phone at home or in your bag to Reduce Your Screen Time.

I invite you to do this gradually. You could start by not bringing it when you go for a walk with your dog or when you take a shower.

This will allow your brain to see that you haven’t missed anything that requires an immediate response.

Check your cell phone usage time

And kindly ask yourself how you could have used those hours of overuse for another enjoyable activity.

Cell Phone: How to Reduce Your Screen Time?

Reduce Your Screen Time

Some people experience a real addiction to screens. How can you distinguish pathological addiction from a very bad habit?

It significantly affects the individual’s functioning and/or causes distress. In these specific cases, there are treatments with health specialists in the same way as substance addiction, for example. If you think you are in this situation, we encourage you to discuss it with a health professional and Reduce Your Screen Time.

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