How To Make Deep-Fried Root Vegetables

by Shamsul
Deep-Fried Root Vegetables Recipe
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Deep-fried root vegetables are a crispy, golden delight that turns humble produce into irresistible comfort food. Whether it’s sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, beets, or even turnips, these earthy veggies transform beautifully when sliced, seasoned, and fried to perfection. The process caramelizes their natural sugars, enhancing their flavor while delivering a satisfying crunch. Often paired with herbs like rosemary or thyme and a dash of salt, they make a perfect side dish, snack, or even appetizer. Served with dips like garlic aioli, spicy mayo, or a tangy yogurt sauce, deep-fried root vegetables are a deliciously indulgent way to enjoy nature’s bounty.

SERVES                        4-6

Deep-Fried Root Vegetables


1 carrot

2 raw beetroot

2 parsnips

1 sweet potato

Oil, for deep frying

ÂĽ tsp cayenne pepper

1 tsp sea salt flakes

Deep-Fried Root Vegetables

Preparation Method:

Peel all the vegetables, then slice the carrot and parsnips into long, thin ribbons. Cut the sweet potato and beetroot into thin rounds. Pat dry all the vegetables on kitchen absorbing paper.

Take a medium frying pan and half fill with oil and heat to 180 C. Add the vegetable slices in batches and deep-fry for 2-3 minutes, until golden and crisp. Remove and drain on kitchen paper.

Place the cayenne pepper and sea salt in a mortar and crush together to a rough powder.

Place all the vegetable chips on a serving plate and sprinkle with the spiced salt. You can serve it with yogurt with a favorite sprinkle.

Cook’s Tip

To save time, you can use a blender or food processor with a thin slicing disc attached. All kinds of root vegetables may be thinly sliced and deep-fried like chips. Serve Deep-Fried Root Vegetables as an accompaniment to an oriental-style meal or plainly by themselves as a snack.

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