How to Practice Active Listening?

by Shamsul
Practice Active Listening
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How to Practice Active Listening?

People mainly want to be listened to calmly and peacefully, in complete tranquility, without being interrupted by advice or opinions starting with “If I were in your place” What really affects us is not so much the ability to speak well but rather to listen well. After attentiveness and prolonged listening, a word only takes on its full meaning and beauty. Love finds its roots through listening, and it is extinguished through a lack of listening.

Active listening creates a safe space in a relationship where everyone can feel understood and respected.

By listening responsively to our partner, we express our interest in their feelings, thoughts, and experiences. This reinforces the feeling of emotional connection and helps to promote a climate of faith and closeness. By offering our partner or others this sincere attention, we allow them to express themselves fully, which can help build their self-esteem and confidence in the relationship.

Active Listening

Active listening is also essential to resolving disagreements and conflicts that may appear in any relationship. If you honestly listen to each other’s concerns and viewpoints, we can find mutually satisfactory solutions better. Empathetic listening also helps defuse tensions and prevent misunderstandings because it helps us understand the emotions and motivations underlying what is expressed.


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5- What are the rules of active listening?

6- I didn’t learn these lessons for active listening from books but from careful observation.

7- Active listening as a way to preserve love

8- How to practice active listening?

1. Learn to listen to others

2. Keep an open mind and understand what the other person is saying

3. Stay alert, but in a natural way


Active listening also shows our partner that we are present and engaged in the relationship. This reinforces the feeling of security and stability. Everyone recognizes that they stand behind to support each other in difficult times. By attentive listening, we show our respect and love for our partner, which can strengthen emotional bonds and deepen our emotional connection.

Active listening is a method that involves listening wisely to the speaker, understanding the message, responding suitably, and remembering what was said. It goes beyond the act of hearing the words spoken.

This includes giving attention to emotions, nonverbal gestures, and hints. Active listening requires to be fully present and involved in the conversation, showing interest and responsiveness toward the speaker.

Active Listening

Attention. This involves giving the speaker your full attention. It means eliminating distractions, avoiding preparing your response while the person speaks, and focusing fully on their words and body language.

This next step involves thinking about what was said before responding. You might rephrase or summarize the speaker’s words to show you understand their message and clarify any points that seem unclear.

Asking questions for clarification demonstrates that you are engaged and eager to understand their perspective fully. This also helps prevent misunderstandings.

Your response should be thoughtful and show you have carefully considered the speaker’s words.

This may include expressing empathy, offering support, or constructively giving your perspective.

Active listening promotes better understanding and communication between people. Listening actively is key to feeling he­ard and understood. The listener must receive and grasp the entire message. Active listening builds trust and respect in relationships. It also helps resolve conflicts. With empathy and openness, individuals can have meaningful talks on difficult topics

Avoid distractions: Focus entirely on the speaker, putting aside personal thoughts or surrounding distractions.

Show an open mind. Approach the conversation without judgment and be open to the speaker’s points of view, even if they differ from yours.

Use non-verbal language. Show engagement through eye contact, head nods, and open body posture, encouraging the speaker to continue.

Do not interrupt. Wait until the speaker has finished before formulating your response or asking questions, thereby showing respect and patience.

Respond appropriately. Your response should be both thoughtful and respectful, indicating that you have not only heard but understood the speaker’s message.

Active Listening

During a family meal at a restaurant, where joy enlivened the table with the father, mother and children all engaged in lively conversations. There was the grandmother in the front, isolated in her silence, as if invisible. His silence did not come from a lack of things to say, but from a lack of ears ready to listen. It is the heavy silence of old age. In Freud’s time, people sought therapists to overcome the suffering caused by oppression. I realized that these days, the search for a therapist is often motivated by the pain of isolation, by the need to be listened to. People are not looking to cure a specific disorder so much as to find relief from their loneliness.

These words raise important questions about the nature of our contemporary social interactions, which are marked by a listening deficit. This era is characterized by a burning desire to express oneself and be heard without, however, giving importance to understanding and empathy towards others. How many times have we felt alone, even when talking to someone? And on how many occasions have we neglected to truly listen to a loved one who was trying to confide We often ignore our surroundings due to smartphone screens. These situations happen frequently.

Our attention focuses on the small screens instead of the real world. Social media and messaging apps seem more pressing than human interactions, moving us away from dialogue and authentic presence. We become distracted spectators, eagerly waiting for our turn to speak rather than immersing ourselves in the stories shared by others. Our goal is no longer to understand but to respond and impose ourselves.

Active listening is the art of being fully present, committing to listening to what the other says without rushing to react or diverting attention. This commitment enriches our relationships and builds deeper connections, bringing valuable well-being to our interactions.

Below, we show you some quick ways to practice active listening in your life.

This simple exercise only takes a few moments and can transform your interactions. Enlist the help of a friend or family member. For the duration of two minutes, one person addresses a topic of their choice while the other devotes themselves solely to listening. The listener refrains from speaking, instead using nonverbal language to demonstrate active listening.

The goal is to focus fully on the other person’s words. Once both participants have completed the exercise, take a moment to share your thoughts. Discuss your experience and your feeling of being truly listened to.

Often, we are quick to judge the words of others without truly considering their potential value to ourselves. To cultivate active listening, we must be aware that the words of others can contain valuable lessons for our own development.

Active Listening

Ask Yourself the Following Questions to Help You Focus On Active Listening Rather Than Rushing To Conclusions:

Can I listen attentively without interrupting the person?

Am I able to suspend judgment and listen?

Can I refrain from giving advice and focus on listening?

Can I maintain an appropriate seriousness, avoiding any interruption of your speech by inappropriate words or gestures?

You don’t need to concentrate to listen to someone attentively. Stay relaxed, avoid staring intently at the person, and focus on their words.

True human connection is a precious value worth preserving. Everyone has stories to share and lessons to learn from others. Life seems richer when we listen openly and engage fully. Active listening plays an important part during the whole life!

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