How To Manage Your Stress? 14 Answers

by Shamsul
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How To Manage Your Stress? 14 Answers

Dealing with stress can be learned. Whether at work, before an exam or competition, on a daily basis, or in an interview, chronic stress can be managed effectively and for a long time.

The objective of this article is to give you all the solutions to manage your stress that you will be able to apply to see which ones work in your situation!

These tips are, therefore, very effective in managing stress and anxiety. The two problems are often linked and can occur at the same time.

Summary :

1- Managing stress in an emergency | 4 solutions

2- Managing daily stress | 10 effective tips

In addition to this article, I advise you to read my article to understand how stress works.

Managing Stress In An Emergency | 4 solutions

At first, you have to learn to manage stressful situations such as at work, before an exam, or in an interview. These are all the situations where your accumulated stress in your daily life resurfaces. This is where you lose all your effective solutions and means to solve the issue. For this, our team have listed the most effective solutions:

Do A Deep Breathing Exercise

When you feel the stress rising or, even better, before an event likely to stress you out, you will perform the exercise to follow. This exercise is ideal for managing stress when it becomes too much and makes you suffer. Here is the procedure to follow:

Here’s how you’ll do it:

1- Find a comfortable place to sit.

2- Sit up straight, keep your chest out, and relax your shoulders.

3- Relax and put your hands on your knees. You can also put a hand on your stomach.

4- Inhale through your nose, letting your belly expand. Normally, count to 3.

5- Then exhale through your mouth, releasing your stomach and counting to 6. If this is too much for you, inhale for 2 seconds only and exhale for 4 seconds.

6- Repeat this process 10 to 15 times or more.

7- Get some air and move

8- Contact with the outside air and, even better, nature is a very effective way to manage stress. If your work is eating you up or the competition coming up in 2 days is preventing you from revising, go outside. Walk, run, cycle, whatever, as long as you’re active.

This technique works because you will think less about your stress. You will be able to focus on what is happening in front of you. You live in the present moment and nothing else.

Although it is less effective, you can also go to the gym. Ride a bike, treadmill, muscle-strengthening exercises. This allows the secretion of substances that soothe stress. Your cortisol (stress hormone) level will drop dramatically.

Meditate Or Listen to Relaxing Music:

Meditation or relaxation are two effective ways to manage stress. Before an interview, the morning of an exam, or before going to work, take 10 minutes to meditate. You will also greatly reduce your cortisol levels and feel the effects immediately. I advise you to use music to be able to isolate yourself more easily.

If you don’t like meditation, there is an equally effective technique. Choose soft, relaxing music that you like. To manage stress, music is an excellent alternative. Close your eyes and focus on the music.

If you want soothing music or meditation, you can consult the free albums made by serveral artists. These Music vidoes are available on YouTube.

Use Plants and Essential Oils:

1- Several herbs and essential oils have been shown to improve symptoms of anxiety by reducing the personal effects of stress and cortisol on the body.

2- Herbal remedies (including ginseng, ashwagandha, maca, Rhodiola, holy basil, and cocoa) balance, restore and protect the body. They facilitate stress control by regulating hormones and physiological functions.

3- Infusions and herbal teas of peppermint, chamomile, passion flower, or green tea are just as effective. Be careful not to take green tea after 3 p.m. because it contains caffeine, which is not the case with other plants.

4- Essential oils such as lavender, frankincense, myrrh,, and bergamot are also able to reduce inflammation, improve immunity, balance hormones, and help with sleep and digestion. A drop on your wrists when you feel stressed is a good reflex to take.

With all these techniques, you will continue to feel stress, but this time, positive stress will help you to be better. Managing stress is, above all, being able to take a step back. And the reality is quite different. Your stress only exists inside of you. Only you can handle it.

Need to Reduce Your Daily Stress?

My Relaxation, Sleep, Well-being program has already enabled hundreds of people to reduce their stress, improve their sleep, no longer suffer from anxiety, reduce their pain and tension and be in better shape! It’s never too late to start taking care of yourself and your health. If you need help, consult our specialist.

Manage Daily Stress: 10 Tips

Stress must be managed on a daily basis as well. This is where you will have the most results, even in the situations we have discussed previously.

I am, therefore, going to give you a series of actions to put in place every day to manage your stress on a daily basis. Here, too, you will be able to act, test, and see what suits you best by choosing from the following possibilities:

Learn to Identify Sources of Stress

Stress management practice starts with identifying the reasons of stress in your life. However, It is not as easy as it may appear. Although it is easy to identify the main stressors, such as work, family conflict, or poor time management, it can be more complicated to target the sources of chronic stress.

To identify your real sources of stress, take a close look at your lifestyle habits, emotions, and thoughts. For this, it is interesting to use a stress diary. A stress diary can help you identify regular stressors in your life and how you deal with them. Whenever you feel stressed, write it down in your journal. By doing this daily, you will begin to highlight stressful situations in your life. When you feel stressed, answer the following questions in writing:

1- What caused your stress?

2- How did you feel, physically and emotionally?

3- How did you react ?

4- What did you do to feel better?

5- What can you change to not relive this situation again (if possible)?

You will quickly realize that you are the only person capable of mastering and managing your stress. Thus, you will also realize that stress only exists in your head. Meditation or relaxation, which we are going to talk about, can be very useful to you!

15 minutes a day to think about yourself

The goal is to do something you love, just for yourself, for at least 15 minutes every day. This is your moment, just for you. This is the time when you are going to relax and do something you enjoy.

You can take a bath, listen to your favorite music, read a book, go out for a walk, lie down in your garden, garden, do yoga, paint, cook…

In short, it doesn’t matter; the goal is to do something that you enjoy and that relaxes you. The only condition: do not use a computer, telephone, or television screen. These are sources of stress responsible for this epidemic.

If you want to test the practice of Yoga from home, you will find several sites on Google.

Disconnect one day a week

When I talk about screen, I mean your smartphone, the internet on your computer, your television. Again, these are the biggest sources of stress these days. You can’t pick up, and you become addicted.

Put your phone on airplane mode, disconnect the internet at home, and don’t turn on your TV. Instead, spend time with your family, your children, your parents, your friends. Go for a walk, go to the market, read a book, do crafts, color, or play music.

Do not touch a screen.

You will see how less stressed and more relaxed you will feel afterward. 1 day seems too long. Even on Sunday ? So just do half a day to start.


Relax and “do nothing” for 10 minutes a day (meditation, breathing, relaxation, etc.) With our 100-minute lifestyle, the moments when you do nothing are rare. However, we need it for our well-being and to manage stress. The purpose of this process is to take a break and reconnect with yourself.

This is what is now known as mindfulness. The idea is to take a moment to stop all activity and focus only on the present moment. You will simply detach from your thoughts and simply observe and feel without judgment. Mindfulness is a quality of recognition that become visable when one intentionally diverts one’s mind to the present moment, the proven experience, without filter (therefore accepting what comes), without judgment (neither good nor bad), without waiting (we are not looking for anything specific).

The most appropriate activity to trigger this mindfulness remains meditation. But, it is also possible to do it with a breathing exercise, like the one I presented to you at the beginning of the article.

Other Relaxation Techniques:

You can also use any relaxation technique or some Yoga or Tai Chi movements.

Exercising daily Although almost any form of physical activity can help relieve tension and manage stress, rhythmic activities are particularly effective. Good choices include walking, running, swimming, dancing, bicycling, tai chi, and strength training.

Outdoor activities are even more beneficial for managing stress. The most important thing is to choose an activity that you enjoy doing. Thus, you can practice it in the long term, and it will not be restrictive. As you exercise, pay attention to the environment around you, nature, and your body, the physical sensations that you feel when you move.

Focus on your breathing and movement, for example, or the air or the sun on your skin. Adding this element of mindfulness will help you break out of the cycle of negative thinking that often accompanies stress. Learn to organize.

Manage Your Time Well:

Not managing your time well can make you feel really stressed. It’s tough to stay calm and concentrate when you’re not organized and feel like you’re running out of time. Also, you might want to skip or do less of the healthy things that help reduce stress, like exercising or getting a good night’s sleep. The best way to learn how to get organized is by making a “To Do list” (lists of things to do). Write down your appointments, the deadlines for bills to pay, calls to make, household chores to do, the date of the future technical inspection… You just have to consult it from time to time; no more need to waste energy to remember it all.

For this, I use the Evernote application, which is free. Work on yourself (relationship with yourself). Working on yourself, getting to know yourself, loving yourself, and gaining confidence are important steps in your struggle to manage stress. Practice a positive attitude, establish a gratitude journal, define your goals and desires, no longer be afraid of failure, dare to say no… All these actions are effective in working on your personal development. Again, I highly recommend that you read my book. It will allow you to follow my method to progress and improve your relationship with yourself.

Improve Your Relationship:

Being with someone who makes you feel safe and understood is really comforting. When you talk to them in person, your body releases special chemicals that help you relax and reduce stress, like a natural way to make pain go away. And the good news is it also keeps you from feeling down and worried, which is great for your mental health.

So make sure to connect regularly, in real life, with your family and friends. Keep in mind that the people you talk to aren’t going to be able to fix your stress. You are the only person capable of doing this. They just need to be good listeners. Don’t think you’ll bore them, on the contrary. People who care about you will be flattered by your confidence. This will only strengthen your bond. It is important for this to learn to communicate well and to open up to others. This is a key step in stress management. For this, I strongly recommend that you read the book. Here, you will find, step by step, to effectively improve your communication:

How To Live Healthy:

Discover the book Get enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep can make you feel stressed out. The problem is, when you’re stressed, it’s hard to sleep because your mind keeps racing with thoughts that won’t let you relax and fall asleep. Rather than relying on medication, your goal should be to maximize your relaxation before falling asleep. Make sure your bedroom is an oasis of tranquility and calm. Stop all contact with a screen (laptop, computer) at least 1 hour before going to bed. The blue light emitted by these devices disturbs your internal clock and your sleep. Stop doing mentally demanding work several hours before bed to give your brain time to calm down.

Healthiest Diet and Relaxation to to your Body and Mind:

Avoid caffeine after 12 hours, as well as alcohol. Try to take a warm bath or read a calming book for a few minutes. It will provide relaxation to your body and support you to forget the things that are fret you. You should also plan to go to bed at around the same time each day so that your mind and body get used to a sleep routine. Sleep needs vary from person to person. To feel better and forget your worries, you can read an interesting book or soak in a warm bath for a little while. It’s a good idea to sleep for 7 to 9 hours each night and to eat healthy food. It’s no surprise to you, but diet has a big influence on your stress.

The balanced and healthiest diet for your health is the one that will be the most effective against stress. It is therefore necessary to favor as much as possible the consumption of natural and fresh products (vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, oilseeds, etc.) as well as good fats (olive oil, salmon, rapeseed oil, etc.). Conversely, you must avoid as much as possible refined sugar, packaged and processed industrial products, saturated fats.

You will find many dossier on food, which you can read. All these methods are to be tested to see which corresponds to you. Again, managing stress is only possible if you take action. If you wait and do nothing, the problem will only get worse. If you’re having trouble putting all the advice into place, I recommend to read health coaching programs. Any other questions after reading this article? Do not hesitate to write me your questions and comments at the bottom of the page.  

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