Beef Bihari Boti
Now, we going to explain that how you’ll make the delicious Beef Bihari Boti in your kitchen in a cooking pan easily. We’ll explain the way to make the simplest Beef Bihari Boti Recipe within the kitchen without the BBQ essentials. This beef recipe is the choice of every person due to its taste, flavor, and tenderness. Try this special recipe and don’t forget to share your experience with us.
Bihari boti recipe is a favorite choice of everyone due to its tenderness with spicy cherishing taste. The appealing, finely chicken or beef pieces are marinated in creamy yogurt with spices and are left for few hours so it mixes well and provides that filled with a flavorsome taste you want to be looking for.
Beef Bihari Boti
1/2 kg Beef
2 tbsp Onion fried
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
1 cup Yogurt
2 tbsp Bihari boti masala
Coriander leaves for garnishing
6 tbsp Oil
Beef Bihari Boti
Preparation Method:
In a bowl add beef, fried onion, ginger garlic paste, yogurt, Bihari boti masala, and 2 tbsp oil.
Mix it well,
Let it rest for 2 hours.
In a deep pan add the rest of the oil.
Then add marinated beef cook it for 5 minutes.
Then add water and cook till meat is tender.
Garnish it with Ginger slices and fresh green coriander leaves.
Beef Bihari Boti Is Ready.
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