How To Maintain Health By SMART Goals

by Shamsul
Smart Goals for Health
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According to research, setting goals is one of the most effective ways to improve your health. The SMART criteria are one of the most often-used models for goal-setting. SMART goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This is how you can use this model to get healthier:

1. Specific Health

The target you have in mind can help you concentrate your energy if it is meaningful and precise. For instance, instead of a generalized goal like “I want to stay fit,” give a clearer version: “I plan to exercise by 30 minutes, of five times a week each.”

2. Measurable

Ensure that your goal is quantifiable so that you can monitor your progress. In the aforementioned case, you can keep track of your success by recording the number and frequency of workouts or the time of each workout. For example, “I will use a fitness app to monitor my workouts.”

3. Achievable Health

Your goal should be both practical and feasible. It is good to set high standards but it is counter-productive to set an unattainable goal. Analyze where you are and select the behaviors that you can master. For instance, if your weekly workout frequency is work once a week, then focus on that and gradually increase it to two or maybe, even, three.

4. Relevant

Your goal must link in with your general health plans. It should be in line with the things that are important to you as well as your goals on a long-term scale. For example, if you want to lose weight to increase your energy level, and thus be happier, then you will be in line with this process of transformation.

5. Time-bound

Setting a goal can make you feel the need to act and therefore more motivated. Mention a specific instant in time of the year, week, or day when you hope to reach that ambition. Choose the word “I will” followed by your commitment. Instead of saying, “I prefer eating a healthy diet,” say, “I will cook healthy meals at least five days a week for the coming month.” This approach ensures that you are accountable to the goal and it gives a shape to the goal.

Example of a SMART Goal

Putting all the phases together, this is what such a SMART target would look like that could make your health better: “I will practice exercises for at least 30 minutes with five times a week for three months to be in better physical condition and have more energy.” This goal is clear, measurable, feasible, relevant, and time-bound.


SMART goals can sharpen the way to a healthier life. Take every effort to review and reframe your goals on a regular basis to ensure that you are consistently improve your health and staying motivated.

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