Healthy Carrot Orange Juice To Beautify

by Shamsul
Healthy Carrot Orange Juice
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Carrot Orange Juice

Carrot is one of the most widely used vegetables around the world. Its nutritional and health benefits have a quite long list as carrots are dense in various nutrients and vitamins that are not only effective for eyes and skin but for the immune system too. By drinking Carrot Orange Juice Recipe you can not only detoxify your body but also get benefit from its wide range of health-related properties. You can use this juice by mixing with different other vegetables or fruits and can also be enjoyed alone.

To further know about the main nutritional facts and importance of carrot juice and how the extraction can be maximized, read below. We have explained how you can make various delicious recipes from carrot juice and why drinking it is important.

A few of the questions under our discussion are:

Why we should drink carrot juice?

Are juices extracted from vegetables and fruits healthy?

Discussion regarding a few nutritional qualities of carrot juice.

What is per day recommendation for carrot juice usage?

What is the suitable time to drink carrot juice, morning or evening?

Why We Should Drink Carrot Juice?

Orange Carrot Juice

Usually, most of us incorporate carrots as a vegetable in our daily lives but the chances of us consuming these as juice are not so high. Juices not only taste better but these are full of vitamins and nutrients. However, there is always the option to use such juices by mixing them with other fruits and vegetables which gives us more options.

Are Juices Extracted From Vegetables and Fruits Healthy?

Our bodies need various fibers, vitamins, and trace elements whose intake can be optimized through drinking vegetable and fruit juices. Some of us might not be fond of vegetables but the benefits of fruits and vegetables make them really hard to miss. You can easily meet your body’s nutritional needs by drinking a glass of juice once or twice a day. It will also keep your gut free from trouble.

Few Nutritional Qualities of Carrot Orange Juice Recipe

We can conclude that carrot juice is one of the best ways to stay healthy and hydrated. It contains 90% water per glass, which provides refreshing effects and vitamins, etc. Health benefits are additional. This surely is an awesome cocktail to drink.

What is Per Day Drinking Recommendation For Carrot Juice?

Carrot and Orange Juice

Our bodies get plenty of needed vitamins through various fruits and vegetables while carrot juice holds a prominent place among these due to its health benefits. A single glass of carrot juice will provide you with an appreciable amount of vitamin B, E, and D. These vitamins are not only beneficial for skin, boosting your metabolism but also provide a guard against disease. One glass of carrot juice each day will ensure you a complication-free healthy life.

Carrots are described on the basis of their antioxidant, beta-carotene content, which helps against the aging of cells. It is also found in various studies to have an efficient effect against various types of cancer.

The Carrot Orange Juice Recipe also has easy access to various necessary trace elements and minerals (e.g. manganese, copper, selenium, and potassium) which play a crucial part in our body’s effective working.

This is also healthy in terms of having no fats, high fiber content, and low calories so it can easily be a part of balanced diets and is widely recommended. Each glass will have just 60 calories while an added benefit is provided to digestion and the immune system by its fibers and nutrients.

Organic Carrot Juice

Organic Carrot Orange Juice

Per day drinking recommendation for carrot juice:

Up to 500 ml (2 glasses) carrot juice per day is recommended for a healthy individual to include in a balanced diet.

Any vegetable lover will find drinking this juice easy and enjoyable in the form of breakfast or evening drink or a snack. If someone doesn’t like vegetables then they can use them by considering their health benefits while the taste can be enhanced by different recipes of orange carrot juice, lemon zest carrot juice, and ginger carrot juice.

The carrot season starts near May and ends around July but carrot juice is an all-year treat. you can enjoy organic seasonal carrot juice even in the winter months when your skin really needs it to deal with those hydration demands while in Summer it helps against sun rays.

Suitable Time to Drink Carrot Juice

Although morning is the best time for vitamin absorption through healthy options, you can drink carrot juice at any time during the day. If you like to have it in the morning to fuel up for the day, then go for it. However, if you crave it after dinner or an evening walk, then this is what you should do.

If you consider health and nutritional benefits, then there is something far more important than are also an option as they require such carrot juices in your nearby organic stores. Fruit juice points while preparing organic carrot juice at home is also an option. It requires a little effort and a juice extractor.

Still, if you are looking for more options to play with this juice then you can mix it with your fruit smoothies and vegetable juices.

In the carrot season, the hunt for a healthy beverage never stops and this is also your focus then this healthy, tasty, and easy to prepare recipe should draw your attention. This Carrot Orange Juice Recipe is quick to make as it involves only four ingredients. However, the supply of vitamins and nutrition is high enough to keep your body pleased and metabolism satisfied.

Carrot Orange Juice

Carrot Orange Juice Recipe

Total time: 10 minutes

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 0 minutes

Cuisine: American / World Wide

Course: Beverage

Servings: 4 persons

Carrot Orange Juice Recipe


Fresh carrot juice ½ kg from raw carrots, washed, peeled, and cut into moderately sized chunks

Fresh orange juice (4pcs) obtained from fresh peeled and wedged oranges

Honey (2 tablespoons)

Ice (1 cup) (not required during winter)


Carrot Orange Juice Recipe

Preparation Method:

Step 1, Orange Juice:

Use a juicer to get fresh juice from wedged oranges. Turn the juicer on then one by one A

add those oranges to a juicer and use a pitcher or jar to collect the juice.

Step 2, Carrot Juice:

Take the chunks of carrots and collect their juice in the same pitcher too.

Step 3, Sweetening and Tasting: If required

Mix the honey thoroughly in the juice by stirring and tasting to make sure it is sweetened according to your taste.

Step 4, Serve:

Take 4 glasses, add ice to each glass and then add juice to each.

Your Fresh carrot juice is ready and in case you want to make it further presentable then using an orange or carrot slice for garnishing is a nice idea.

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