Habits in Digital Writing
SMS, chat, email writing… All these communication channels have become predominant with the intensification of remote work and have brought their share of mutual misunderstandings. Tips for maintaining effective and peaceful written communication. With telecommuting, written communication has taken a predominant place. The challenge is to avoid the pitfalls that trip us up. Telecommuting multiplies written communication through emails, social networks, video conferencing, etc. Writing has taken precedence over oral exchanges. These remote exchanges are a source of misunderstandings, misunderstandings, and quarrels. This creates tense environments, harmful to health, which spoil our days. Cooperation and efficiency deteriorate.
The state of our relationships is altered, detrimental to our success. Our interpretations intrude and transpire in our writing, blowing insignificant problems out of proportion. Our interactions with others become strained. We are not witnessing the reaction of our correspondents. Their interpretations and consequences escape us. Professionalizing written communication becomes an asset that limits misunderstandings and makes life more peaceful, preserving our social life, both private and professional.
Take the following as a toolbox [of pitfalls to track in your Ed.] writing. Choose what concerns you. Adopt what you want to work on and leave the rest for later.
1- Adverbs in Writing
Observe the number of adverbs in your writing. Are there many? If so, removing as many as possible will make your texts more fluid and easier to read. Keep only the essential adverbs. At first, it takes effort. Then, it’s like a game.
2- That
One day, when my publishing agent complimented my writing, she slipped: “There’s still a bit too much ‘that.'” It wasn’t brushed aside. In spoken language, “that” doesn’t jar, but in writing, it’s heavy.
Examples: “You have read that to unleash your charm…” The same sentence without “that”: “The way to unleash your charm is to…”. “It’s a habit that you can spot” becomes “It’s an easy habit to spot.” Pronounce these sentences out loud. You will hear how different the music is.
3- Overused Words in Writing
We all have overused words. They are practical, but we overuse them. It’s not a big deal in an email, but the text must be improved. The verb “allow” is an overused word. It’s practical when describing the use of something. On a hi-fi shopping site, I was reading the description of a device, and every two lines, the equipment “allows to…”. It could be better to read. Once these abuses are identified, it’s interesting to limit their use.
4- Factual Message Openings
We think we are apparent when we start a message with: “Following up,” “As agreed,” “In the context of,” or “I will respond point by point,” etc. Starting like this reduces the exchange to the strict work plan. These are facts, nothing but facts. At a stretch, we can act like this when extended face-to-face interaction rebalances the relationship.
In writing, it’s taking the risk that the relationship will become more complicated at the slightest hiatus. The relationship is a valuable safety valve when the exchange falters.
Unless the exchange is immediate in the form of a “chat,” a message should start with something that establishes the relationship. It’s the “relational pass”. Conventionally, it can be “I hope everything is going well for you” or “How are you?” etc.
5- Disparaging Message Openings
The sentence might be something like: “I’ve been putting off writing to you for weeks. I have no excuse.” No! Why flagellate yourself like this? There is often no need to modify the rest of the sentence. Just delete this part.
6- Interrogative-Negative Questions in Writing
This form (…) satisfies [a] need to convince. Using it, [you] steer the response of [your] interlocutor. In writing, this form puts slight pressure on the recipient, even if it’s slight. Subconsciously, they will take it into account in their response. Whether they agree or not, they may feel a form of stress. This can lead to a stiffening. To be avoided. Example: “Isn’t it better to use product X?”
7- Negative Form Agreements
Hearing or reading someone using a negative form to give you their agreement is funny. “Would you mind starting this?” Response: “No problem.” It’s curious! The negative form has variations like “No problem” or “It doesn’t bother me.” There are champions in this category of agreement. This form evacuates the relational dimension. By responding, “It’s okay,” “With pleasure,” or “Gladly,” the social bond persists and shows more of your cooperation.
8- The Present Conditional
“I would like to arrange a meeting for…” Without the conditional, this request becomes: “I want to arrange a meeting for…” Readers will find the formulation without the conditional clearer. You ask for something to get it, and your interlocutor can grant it to you.
9- Lack of Charm Writing
Starting communication with the first name, last name, and status produces a more favorable relationship in writing. It’s not charm, but this little technique predisposes to charm. Every time you put charm into your relationship, you have every chance your interlocutor will do the same.
No matter how insignificant, every message can be the source of “miscommunication” with its associated consequences. Instead, make it a relational asset. The golden rule is to reread. Ideally, let a quarter of an hour pass. Ask yourself the question: did I include the “relational pass”? Is my last sentence in the social domain (kind regards, etc.)? This is an opportunity to adjust your spelling, check the syntax, and correct your pitfalls.
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