Facebook Announces New Corporate Identity under the Name “Meta”
After much speculation, Facebook officially rebranded itself as Meta with a new focus on the Metaverse going forward.
At the Facebook Connect 2021 event, the company announced a complete rebranding with a new focus on the Metaverse going forward. But you should not worry; your favorite social apps are not going anywhere.
Facebook Announced its New identity called Meta.
In a move that was anticipated by reports beforehand, Facebook adopted a new identity with a new focus on the Metaverse. With a new name and logo, we welcome Meta to replace the Facebook brand.
Meta’s new logo appears in Facebook’s signature blue color, although in a different tone, with a glyph that seems to be a cross between the infinity symbol and a pair of AR or VR glasses.
Speaking during Connect 2021’s opening speech, CEO Mark Zuckerberg explained that he wants Facebook’s attention to move away from social media apps and into the Metaverse.
The word “meta” comes from Greek, which means beyond, which is exactly how Zuckerberg spins the Metaverse narrative. The company is pitching the Metaverse as the next big tech, and it certainly looked promising at the conference.
Social media enthusiasts don’t worry. Zuckerberg reiterated that Meta remains committed to its existing social apps and online presence. Your apps aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
To clarify, the new Meta brand is to replace Facebook Inc., which was the company behind each of the social media apps. This means that you will always open the Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Horizon, and Oculus apps on your phone.
What the Name Change Means For the Future
For the majority of people, rebranding to Meta won’t matter. We saw this with the parent company behind the rebranding from Google to Alphabet in 2015. There was no effect from the rebranding, and everyone is still using Google products to this day.
While the rebranding itself won’t matter much, the company’s new direction will. The reason for the change is to focus the business on the Metaverse. Consumers are bound to see more Metaverse-friendly services and products.
The Facebook metaverse explained and why you should care.
As also announced at the event, Meta is working on its Horizon platform to give users access to the multiverse. The company is also working on more AR and VR products, similar to the current Oculus line.
Meta Welcome to the Metaverse.
Meta is no stranger to improved reality and virtual reality, with products from the Oculus line and the recent collaboration with Ray-Ban putting technology in the hands of consumers.
There’s no question that things are about to be turned upside down with the focus on the Metaverse as a whole. As Zuckerberg said in Connect’s opening keynote, even he doesn’t know what the future of the Metaverse has in store for us. How exciting!
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