Employee Work Is Not Satisfactory – How To Inform?
How to Tell Someone That His Work Is Bad and How to Change That:
You are a hard worker, and you like work to be done on time and done well. For you, this is a small request.
So when someone you work with continues to generate unfinished reports or neglected tasks, you lose patience.
Not only does it affect what you do. This insufficient task can mean that you are pushing back a significant deadline. But also, maybe you are pissing off a customer. Or that you lose the respect of the rest of society… Basically, the damage caused by this person is costing you and your team dearly.
Spending your days trying to reason with him about his job isn’t something you want to do all day. But it’s important to do it respectfully and in a timely manner. Especially if your success and that of your team are important to you.
So let’s say you are the supervisor and you are faced with poor performance from an employee. Or that you are an employee who cannot rely on your manager to do the work for you.
Here are Some Tips To Manage This Situation With More Ease.
“Always Treat Your Employees exactly as You Want Them To Treat Your Best Customers”
Stephen R. covey
Set Aside All Negative Feelings:
Having a neglected job can irritate even the quietest people, and it’s understandable. Maybe you are already overwhelmed, and it will set you back a few more hours. Maybe you are paying them a lot of money that is now wasted. Or maybe you have asked them repeatedly to follow the instructions presented to them, with no success.
It doesn’t matter how upset you are, and this is because it is extremely important to let your emotions take hold before confronting the person about it. Take a walk, write an email to vent your anger that you are not sending. Maybe even wait for a day or two, whatever works for you.
Indeed, you want to come across as the calm, cool, and collected professional that you know you are. And shooting the person down won’t just hurt your image, which will easily dissuade her from listening to you and taking your reactions seriously.
Do Not Assume Bad Intentions about their Work:
This person may have no idea how their actions affect you. Please give them the benefit of the doubt that they are not actively trying to annoy you.
Perhaps they might have distractions by something going on outside of the office or in their personal lives. But still, maybe the tasks assigned to him are not within his capabilities. Then they can be demotivated, not happy in their job. But still under pressure from someone higher up or indifferent to the work itself.
Afterward, this person may know that they are confused. But that she chooses to go ahead to cover her tracks. Indeed, sometimes they do not want to appear unsatisfactory even if the work entrusted to them is too heavy.
Ask yourself if one of these might be the cause of the problem before jumping to conclusions yourself. The only way to know what’s really going on is to have a productive conversation.
Contact as Soon as Possible (in private):
It is best to speak to the person as soon as possible not to affect future work. This way, the employee can start improving as quickly as possible.
Raising the issue sooner rather than later also allows you to have a more informal discussion. As opposed to a serious and prolonged discussion. The first time this happens, you can check to see if they were aware of what they did. Maybe those spelling mistakes or badly formatted spreadsheets were really a mistake and they would correct it themselves in the future. But if they don’t, or start over, that might be too much. Once it’s clear that it’s not a fluke, but a bigger performance issue, you’ll probably want to dismiss them privately for talk.
Think About The History Of The Person:
To Prepare yourself, it is Essential to Gather the Context.
Think about the past performance of this employee. Does it usually submit top-notch work, or has it happened before (and how many times)? Is the decrease in quality done slowly or not? The way you approach a big problem will require a much different approach than you have taken for someone disappointing for a long time.
Also, is there a trend you can pull off in terms of the type of work that some employees seem to be struggling with? Or are all the tasks assigned to them consistently?
Performance really depends on the combination of someone’s abilities and motivation. Therefore, historical data can be a good indicator of whether it is their ability or motivation that is holding them back.
Finally, what is this person’s responsibility? Is she generally open to constructive criticism or does she become defensive when she feels left out? Knowing how she has handled comments before will help you decide on your strategy.
Consider your Own Role:
If you are this person’s boss, you are responsible for supporting them and guiding them to success. Therefore, if she is having difficulty, also ask yourself if there is something different that you can do. Sifting through the possibilities will help you rule out whether you are the problem, or his, or both.
For example, you might have high expectations that your team is ignoring. Some professionals may be perfectionists or set their personal standards on the work of others and view certain jobs as sloppy, even if they are not. So even if something seems rude to you, it may seem like it’s up to the mark in the eyes of your employees.
It is really important that everyone understands what the expectations are. If this does not give the desired results because your instructions are not clear, you will need to remind them exactly what you are looking for. If the reasons they are having difficulty in relation to their lack of support or skills to do the job. Your expectations and level of counseling may require some adjustments for your future assignments.
Ask Thoughtful Questions About Work:
When you meet, you’ll want to educate yourself a bit to get to the bottom of it:
What’s going on?
What they understand about their performance.
Why they make the decisions, they make.
What their expectations are.
Start by asking what employees think about their progress and their work. By letting them lead the conversation, they can also conclude that something is wrong.
Pay attention to what the person is telling you when answering these questions and show interest. They may need other resources, other people to help them. They might feel like they are being ignored or lacking support. Showing that you take their responses seriously will make them more likely to feel more comfortable and take feedback, now and later.
Give Examples about Good Work (Without Accusing):
They may not really know why their work is not meeting expectations, or they may not see any problem in the work they render.
In this case, you will want to present relevant examples that you can refer to rather than being vague. What exactly was wrong with what they did, and what is it supposed to look like? And why is he supposed to look that way?
If what they do has an impact on others, you’ll want to mention that as well. Sometimes, after solving the problem of lack of money, the worker may not realize the importance or gravity of their mistakes. Without being adversarial, you can show the worker how this type of shoddy work affects other people and the company’s overall image. To do this effectively, avoid using aggressive and accusatory language or assigning direct blame first. Rather than saying, “You messed it up,” you will explain: “This is how your actions create a negative outcome.”
Also, don’t say their work is “sloppy”. This is because the word itself can be interpreted negatively on the recipient’s side. Especially if the person does not perceive their outcome as the result of laziness or neglect.
Finally, remind them that you care about their growth and success. You know this person probably wants to grow in their role, so make it clear that tracking your changes will help you get there.
While just having a good conversation may be enough to get the person back on track, a kick in the ass can do wonders for someone who pulls up. But even if it requires you to rework some of the ways you collaborate, you’ll come out of it twice as strong.
Keep An Eye On Their Work Progress:
Even after you have discussed and made a plan, you need to track their progress and check from time to time. That is, giving feedback, adjusting your strategy, and proposing solutions. More importantly, if their negligence continues, you will need to spell out the consequences of their actions. Whether it is a performance improvement plan or a formal notice.
But we have to give them a chance to catch up. If these people immediately begin to show small-scale improvement, acknowledge it. Compliments and positive reinforcement will only encourage the person to keep up the good work. This will greatly facilitate his work.
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