Data Quality of Salesforce Forms – Steps to Maintain Org

Salesforce Forms

by Shamsul
Data Integration
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Data Quality of Salesforce Forms – Steps to Maintain Org


The data quality of Salesforce forms is essential for making the right business decisions. Inaccurate data tends to lower down the employees and negatively impacts their productivity levels, affecting Salesforce user adoption, as the users will lose trust in the system. Additionally, if the data quality of Salesforce forms is poor, it will also pose serious damages to the business reputation at the time it approaches a customer or prospect. Concluding, it can be said that bad data quality eventually translates into lost revenues for the business.  

This guide will highlight some dimensions of data quality and those Salesforce features that enable top-quality data through forms and can be leveraged to ensure that your database is reliable.

Completeness of Data | Salesforce Forms

To make a Salesforce form data valuable, it should incorporate the minimum amount of information as per the stage of the business procedure the record holds. An example of this is that a customer account should include their email address. In order to know whether major fields are filled up, using Salesforce form reports can be very useful.

As soon as you have managed to retrieve the percentage of blanks for every field, you will come to know that some fields have been barely filled in. prior to start thinking as to how to ensure that users fill it up you need to examine as to why every field was created if it still remains relevant. Hence, fields that are not necessary should be removed.

You can do several things to avoid your data remaining incomplete within your org. Amongst many, validation rules are the one. Implementing some of these rules will effectively prevent users from entering wrong data or duplicate data, skipping a particular step, or failing to fill up the required information. Making the required fields is important to ensure that the newly created records include the minimum number of attributes required for a database record to be meaningful.

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Data Uniqueness | Salesforce Forms

If your Salesforce forms include duplicate data, this is yet another sign of inefficiency. This also imposes a negative impact on team coordination and can damage the business’s reputation in the eyes of its customers. Sales reps might attempt to close deals with similar customers, which means that customer-related information is spread over multiple records, making the sales pipeline appear more significant than it is in actuality.

A recommended action is to put a proper duplicate management strategy right from the beginning, as duplicate records will be difficult to clean up the longer they remain within the system. In order to avoid duplicate records, you can leverage Salesforce’s out-of-the-box Duplicate Rules. If you are looking for a more sophisticated solution, you will find many duplicate applications that will help you in the process.

In addition to this, the validation rules will also be very effective in preventing duplicate records, such as having two open opportunities simultaneously open. In a situation where moiré than one user is working over the same deal, it is important to leverage Opportunity Teams and Opportunity Splits to make sure that the Salesforce forms users do not create duplicate Opportunities.

Validity of Data

A data is considered to be valid when it is as valid as possible. An example is when all the Salesforce postal codes are in the correct format and match the real postcode in a given country or when a business account has a correct address. Some useful strategies which assure that your Salesforce forms data is valid include:

Matching your data with another trusted source like ZoomInfo or, such as validating the addresses of accounts in an external database.

Standardizing all options within a fixed set of choices, such as lookups or picklist to the current records and wherever possible, leveraging the value sets of picklist when creating similar picklist fields in different objects, or making use of validation rules for validating a provided format within fields when a record is saved. Setting up naming conventions for records is also effective, for example, how the varying levels of Account Hierarchy need to be named.

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Consistency of Data | Salesforce Forms

A data is considered to be consistent when the record values tend to be complementary matches as well as when the data matches different objects. An example can be the combination of a country and state needs to be valid in a given record, currencies should also be consistent across related records, and activity ending dates should be after the starting dates.

To make sure that your Salesforce forms are consistent reports can be used for value comparison used for given fields like country, state, or currency. You can also use validation rules to impose certain logic like the starting date before the ending date.

When you create custom fields, always select picklist over texts wherever possible. Validation rules and dependent fields can be helpful in assuring that all complementary values are a perfect match.

Data Age and Missing Data

Business information, such as business contact details, that is not updated on a periodic basis tends to become obsolete after a specified time period. Reports are allies when the question is of tracking records that are not modified for a certain period. However, if there is still something worse than stale data, it is none other than missing data. For example, when a business deals with 100 customers, only half of these customers are added in the Salesforce forms. A standard rule is that to prevent missing data, enforce the philosophy of “if it is not in Salesforce, it does not exist”, which essentially means that the Salesforce users will only be rewarded if they log all the relevant details within Salesforce.   

Having clean data is the way towards efficiency within your team and helps maintain a good reputation and stimulate Salesforce user adoption. All in all, good data is central to making good business decisions.

Salesforce forms are perfect allies in maintaining data quality. A good strategy is to encourage its users to look for bad data quality by offering rewards to those who care about it. Moreover, you can also impose periodic checks of Salesforce forms data, which will effectively keep track of the data quality along with helping in identifying improvements that can be made part of Salesforce processes to assure that data remains as reliable as possible.


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