Can We Eat Food After Expiry Date | Know Now

by Shamsul
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Can we eat food after its expiry date? For many consumers, it all depends on the nature of the food in question. In reality, it is important not to confuse the minimum durability date and the use-by date. In this article, we explain the difference between these two pieces of information as well as the importance of storing food properly.

The Minimum Durability Date (Mdd) of Food, A Question of Quality

On some products, we can see the mention of a minimum durability date (MDD). This information has replaced the best-before date (BBD). It is formulated as follows on the product label: “Best before [date]” and may be supplemented by recommendations on how to store the product. In reality, the BBD indicates to consumers the date after which the product will begin to lose its physical, nutritional, taste or organoleptic qualities.

However, the items concerned do not present a risk to the health of consumers. If the packaging has not been damaged and the food has been stored in optimal conditions, it is therefore possible to consume it once the BBD has passed. This is particularly the case for products such as coffee, dry pastries or even certain infant diet foods.

The Use-By Date (UBD), A Health Issue

Unlike the BBD, the use-by date (UBD) gives a mandatory limit. It is framed as follows: “To be consumed until [date]”. The products on which they appear may also have information on how to best store them. The DLC is particularly important for highly perishable foods such as refrigerated ready meals, cold cuts and fresh meat. Most products are stored in the refrigerator.

It is very important to store foods with a DLC correctly and not to exceed their expiry date. Once their date has passed, these products can present a real danger to health and can no longer be marketed and must be withdrawn from sale. It is therefore important not to consume them.

The Importance of Conservation for Food Products

Not all food products have a DDM or a DLC. This is particularly the case for non-prepackaged products such as fruit and vegetables, solid sugar and cooking salt, alcoholic beverages and bakery and pastry products which must normally be consumed within twenty-four hours.

For other products with a DDM or a DLC, it is essential to scrupulously respect the conservation rules. These are also indicated on the products concerned. Therefore, fresh products must be immediately placed in the refrigerator after purchase and some foods must be kept dry. If the storage rules are not respected, the products may present a health risk even if their DLC has not been exceeded.

Can we then consume expired food? It all depends on the expiry date we are referring to, the nature of the product and how it was stored. In case of doubt, it is advisable not to consume. It is better to avoid any risk of food poisoning.

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