Cabbage – Health Benefits and Nutritional Value
Cabbage is a very common family of vegetables in our vegetable gardens. Not always very popular with children and adults, This veggie exists in different varieties allowing everyone to find the one they like in terms of taste.
Above all, cabbage is a very healthy vegetable, sometimes referred to as a superfood, due to its rich nutritional value.
Let’s shed light on cabbages and their health benefits by learning about their origins, the different types of cabbage, their nutritional properties, and the different ways to consume them.
Where Does Cabbage Come From?
Common cabbage is called Brassica oleracea and is part of the family Brassicaceae and order Brassicales. We will present in different varieties in the next part.
Originally, cabbage was a wild vegetable that grew on cliffs, dunes, and shingle strips, mainly on the Atlantic coast of Western Europe and especially in France, the United Kingdom, and Spain. Today, it is grown in many countries around the world. There are still some wild cabbages in France, especially in Normandy, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, and Poitou-Charentes.
The world’s largest producer of cabbage is China, which produces almost half of the amount grown in the world. In second place is India, followed by Russia.
The Different Types of Cabbage
Brassica oleracea incorporates all varieties of cabbage known to us. This does not prevent each from having different characteristics from other types.
Here is the list of the main types of cabbage present in our diet:
Red (capitata f. Rubra): thick, ribbed, and often purple leaves. Slightly spicy and crunchy taste.
White (capitata f. alba): smooth and very pale leaves. It is often used for sauerkraut.
Green (Viridis): wavy and green leaves. Slightly sweet and crunchy taste.
Romanesco or apple cabbage (botrytis L.): green pyramidal florets. It tastes close to cauliflower but more refined.
Brussels sprouts (gemmifera): small green-headed with a bitter taste.
Chinese or Chinese broccoli (alboglabra): long green stems not to be confused with pe-tsai Chinese cabbage of the Brassica rapa subsp. Pekinensis.
Broccoli (Italica): central branched stem in small bouquets of purple-green color. Fairly strong taste.
Head or headed cabbage (capitata L.): smooth, green foliage.
Cauliflower (botrytis L.): white florets. Relatively mild taste.
Kohlrabi (gongylodes L.): green leafy stems. Taste both sweet and spicy, quite similar to turnip.
Kale (sabellica): large curly leaves. Fairly strong taste. There are other varieties also called kale and quite similar in shape, including palm cabbage (palmifolia).
Perennial cabbage (ramosa): long green leaves. Taste close to broccoli.
Savoy cabbage (sabauda): close to head but whose leaves are not smooth.
Although all are part of the same family, all these cabbages have varying sizes, shapes, and colors. Their taste, the season in which they are grown and harvested and how they are consumed can also be different.
Health Benefits and Nutritional Value of Cabbage
More broadly, cabbage is part of the same family as turnips, radishes, and other vegetables with certain characteristics, including being rich in vitamins: A, B1, B2, C, K, and U.
Cabbage also has the particularity of containing a lot of sulfur. This sulfur gives off an unpleasant odor when the it undergoes prolonged cooking. To reduce these fumes, cooking this veggie in a large volume of water is advisable.
Of course, the nutritional values of cabbage differ depending on the variety, but as a general rule, in addition to vitamins and sulfur, it contains protein, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber. There are also minerals other than sulfur, including some potassium and iron, but mainly magnesium and phosphorus. Cabbage also contains antioxidants. It is mostly made up of water.
How to Eat Cabbage?
Again, the way cabbage is eaten on its variety. Thus, while most cabbages are eaten cooked, some are also very popular raw. People eat leaves, flowers, florets, and stems. You can cook either in a large volume of water or steamed.
Cabbage is often a side vegetable in various dishes, one of the best known of which is sauerkraut. But you can also eat raw as an appetizer. Similarly, it can be used as a base ingredient in a soup.
Different vegetables and fruits, including cabbage, are often mixed together to create a more flavorful juice. You can also extract juice to consume it as a drink. In this case, this juice is usually green.
Tip: use a juice extractor
You will hardly find cabbage juice in stores. The best way to get it is to do it yourself. In this case, we recommend using a juice extractor. This device makes it quick and easy to juice most fruits and vegetables. If its manual version exists, we prefer the electric juice extractor, which is much faster and less tiring. In all cases, the vegetables and fruits are pressed using a screw, while a filter stops the pieces from obtaining juice without pulp.
There is an extensive selection of juice extractors on the market. Many kitchen appliance brands offer their models.
Cabbage-Based Juice Recipe Ideas
First Recipe
White cabbage, pineapple, and ginger juice:
Ingredients for two glasses:
200g of white cabbage,
2cm of ginger root,
1 piece pineapple,
After washing and drying the cabbage leaves, you can cut them into pieces and put them in the juicer
Peel pineapple and cut it into small cubes, then add them to the juice extractor
Add the ginger and possibly a little mint, then start the extractor
Leave the juice to rest for a good hour in the refrigerator and to keep it fresh. You can drink it with ice cubes.
Second Recipe
Kale, apple, carrot, ginger, and lemon juice:
Ingredients for 1 glass
2 carrots,
2 apples,
4 kale leaves,
1 lime,
1 small amount of ginger.
After washing and drying the cabbage leaves, you can cut them into pieces and put them in the juicer
Wash all the apples and slice them into quarters without removing the skin (opt for organic apples), then add them to the juice extractor
Wash, peel and cut the carrots into pieces and add them to the juicer
Squeeze the lemon or lime and pour the juice into the extractor
Add the ginger and a little water
Turn on the juicer
Best eaten chilled
Does Cabbage Make you Lose Weight?
By definition, no food makes you lose weight since the food in question would have to be able to burn more fat than it produces calories. However, cabbage is indeed a low-calorie food essentially made up of water. In other words, adding more to your diet instead of certain foods that promote weight gain usually results in weight loss.
Cabbage soup is regularly put forward among diets to lose weight quickly. This type of diet involves consuming cabbage soup with every meal. The result is often effective and fast. However, this diet is very restrictive and must be followed over a short period (one week max). Indeed, over a more extended period, it leads to deficiencies, and since it is low in protein, fatigue is quickly felt.
For Whom is the Consumption of Cabbage Recommended?
Cabbage should be part of everyone’s staple diet. It is a vegetable rich in vitamins and very interesting in terms of taste, especially since there is a wide variety of this vegetable. Also, we recommend it for everyone.
The slimming diet based on cabbage soup is recommended for people who want to quickly lose a few kilograms over a short period of time. However, beware of the yoyo effect. It is essential to maintain a healthy, varied, and balanced diet and to reduce excesses as much as possible.
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