Be Happy And Healthy | Add Green Plants In Your Home

by Shamsul
Green Plants for Well-being
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Having Green Plants At Home: A Blessing For Your Health

To be happy and healthy, transform your home into a mini-jungle with green plants!

Green plants are not just for decorating the house. According to several serious studies, they also influence general well-being. So why deprive yourself of them? Flowering, climbing, drooping, succulent plants, etc., there is no shortage of choice for greening your interior. Are there certain ones to favor for good plant cohabitation? What are the effects of plants in a home? We answer your questions about why having green plants at home is highly recommended.

Green Plants Purify Air in The House:

Green plants are also known for their air-purifying properties. Indeed, their leaves act as natural filters for VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that abound in our very insulated modern interiors. Benzene, trichlorethylene, xylene, toluene. So many toxic molecules from construction materials, paint, floor coverings, etc.- which they absorb according to their species.

For example, azalea helps combat ammonia fumes, while aloe vera and philodendron act against formaldehyde found in DIY products, cleaning products, plastics, and even tobacco smoke.

Having green plants at home: a blessing for your health

Green Plants for Health

Vegetation Acts Against Depression:

We know that having a view of a green environment promotes patient recovery. Houseplants are included. Taking care of them not only allows you to take a mental break but also reduces stress.

Many studies claim that spending 30 minutes a day tending to your plants can significantly reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone), increase positive emotions and satisfaction, and even reduce physical discomfort and blood pressure. Therefore, it would act on both a psychological and physiological level.

Green Plants Help You Breathe Better:

Additionally, indoor plants also reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air while releasing oxygen. This means that they absorb CO2 and release oxygen during the day, whereas they no longer produce any after dark but continue to release carbon dioxide. This is also why installing green plants in your bedroom is generally not recommended.

The cactus is the exception to the rule since it is one of the rare depolluting plants capable of absorbing CO2 during the day and releasing oxygen at night. It, therefore, finds its place perfectly in this room while being the perfect succulent plant for those who do not have a green thumb.

Having green plants at home: a blessing for your health

However, the presence of a few plants is not enough to transform polluted home air into 100% pure air. It would take 2.4 plants per square meter to clean the air inside; in other words, it would be a natural greenhouse!

Green Plants for Positive Energies

Indoor Green Plants Attract Positive Energies:

As per the Chinese philosophy of feng shui, five elements determine the energy in a room. An energy that, in turn, determines the well-being of the occupants of the accommodation. Because according to their positioning, green plants promote family harmony and health (in the east). If they are placed in the southeast, then they bring wealth and prosperity. To the northwest, they would inspire, and to the west, they would provide creativity.

Certain plants, such as bamboo, orchids, and pachira (a tropical tree from South and Central America), are even considered lucky charms to have in your home.

Ornamental Plants Allow You To Be More Productive:

The stress-relieving effect of plants is undeniable. Moreover, they would have a positive impact on productivity. According to the Interdisciplinary Federation of Ornamental Horticulture, putting indoor plants in the office would improve the health and well-being of employees.

Indeed, they help reduce fatigue, stress, coughs, sore throats, and headaches while increasing concentration and the feeling of fullness. In addition, indoor plants have a regulating effect on temperature. They maintain an ideal humidity level for health, between 30 to 60%.

Green Plants for Happiness

Having Green Plants at Home: What You Need to Know

While green plants have many benefits at home, only a few plants in your environment can have the opposite effect. Some plants are toxic and can cause allergies. For example, touching a spathiphyllum (a “moon flower”) can cause burning sensations.

Having green plants at home: a blessing for your health

But that’s not all. Beware of those that can be harmful to our four-legged friends. Dieffenbachia, a resistant decorative indoor plant, produces small droplets on its leaves that are toxic, thanks to the rigidity and thickness of its stem.

Finally, too many plants in your home can cause too much humidity and harm your health.

The garden center is one of many places to acquire your new green roommates. There are plant exchanges in France where you can trade seedlings, seeds, bulbs, etc. The other tip is to make your cuttings. It’s easy to do and very rewarding. But don’t forget: plants, yes, but in moderation!

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