Sexy Questions | Spice Up Your Relationship
Spice your life with 8 sexy questions and improve your relationship with your partner.
As sexuality expert Emily Morse says, “Communication is the best lubrication,” and she couldn’t say it better!
It sounds cliché, but communication is truly the key to fulfilling and satisfying sexuality. Through communication, you will be able to share your needs with your partner. In consultations, I often have couples who tell me that they never talk about their sexuality with their partner. It has to change!
To help you do this, I offer you these 8 sexy questions to ask your partner to break your relationship out of routine and invite dialogue into the intimate sphere.
While we expose ourselves to have intimate experiences, we often find it difficult to talk about our needs and what really pleases us.
However, talking about sex with our partner can definitely help us nourish, improve and maintain our sex life (and our desire!). The conversation promises to be sensual, even downright hot!
1- What Messages Have You Received Related To Sexuality?
Okay, it’s true that this one isn’t super sexy, but it’s a great icebreaker question for discussing sexuality with your partner. By sharing your responses, you will be able to become aware of the positive AND negative messages you have received on the subject.
This beautiful exchange may even allow you to understand certain things about your sexuality better since most of the messages received greatly influence our way of approaching intimacy.
This way, you can push the conversation further by asking yourself about the messages you would have liked to receive, those that would allow you to flourish and feel even freer.
2- Ask Questions | What Does Sexuality Mean To You?
This is an excellent opportunity for you and your partner better to understand the importance of sexuality in your respective lives.
We don’t all have the same perceptions about intimacy and often take for granted that our partner has the same vision.
So, discussing what this means for each of you will allow you to understand the sexual dynamics of your relationship better and, perhaps, better align your points of view for a better sexual understanding in general.
3- What Sexual Practices Do You Enjoy The Most?
After setting the table with more general questions, you may be more comfortable opening up more on the subject.
Yes, this question seems simple, but you might be surprised by your better half’s answers.
Besides, do you know what you appreciate most in your privacy? Is it kissing the other person? If so, how would you like to be kissed? Is it oral sex? If so, what do you prefer about oral sex? Is this foreplay? If so, what exactly? Sex toys? Which? Penetration? Sweetness? BDSM? There is no limit to questioning!
In consultations, I have couples who have been together for years who tell me that they are surprised to learn certain things about their partner.
We sometimes think we have decoded what the other person appreciates, but by taking this question seriously, beautiful things can result!
4- Ask Questions About!
How Do You Masturbate When You Are Alone?
That’s THE million-dollar question! Studies prove that the more a person knows their body, the easier it will be for them to communicate it to their partner and to be sexually satisfied.
Sometimes, you have to be asked the question to be able to share what you really like. Moreover, I always advise my clients who have difficulty reaching orgasm with a partner to create a little “geographic map of pleasure” and to bring their masturbation techniques into their sexual relationship with a partner. What works alone should work in pairs with the right directions (or even the right objects).
Don’t be afraid to ask this question and do it outside of the bedroom; studies have shown that conversations surrounding sexuality are much more beneficial that way!
5- What Do You Wish We Did More of During Sex?
Asking this question may yield great suggestions. It’s time to note your partner’s preferences and open yourself to new proposals.
This question is also a direct gateway to sexual satisfaction for both partners, as you will be able to adjust your sexual practices accordingly, depending on what you wish to have more of.
6- Question | What Would You Like to Try?
If We Could Explore Something New Together?
This is an excellent question to change the routine that often tends to settle in too quickly.
Moreover, studies report that novelty is an important element in keeping sexual desire alive. This is, therefore, a great opportunity to broaden your horizons and perhaps even give you little challenges to achieve among yourselves!
7- What are Your Fantasies?
Direction: The Secret Garden! If your partner doesn’t know what to answer, you can also ask him or her what he or she thinks about while masturbating. Often, our minds take us to exciting scenarios that turn out to be part of our fantasies.
Little tip: to make this discussion safe, it is important to welcome their response without judgment.
We all have fantasies, and contrary to our beliefs about them, they do not need to be grandiose. So, ask them what turns them on, what their most taboo thoughts look like, and if he or she secretly harbors a fetish.
It will definitely be a great opportunity to express yourself, and you may share similar fantasies without knowing it!
8- I Like It When You! | Ask Questions
This is not a question, but I highly encourage you to compliment your intimate partner. Receiving a compliment, just like giving one, increases the level of dopamine, a little happy hormone that will help keep your sexual desire alive. So, don’t be shy about communicating what you like.
In fact, this is something that should be done after every sexual encounter. Talking about what just happened can be extremely beneficial for your sex life. And what could be better than positively setting the table by stating good moves that can be repeated next time?!
Obviously, you can ask your partner plenty of other questions to spice up your intimate life. Once you start talking, there will probably be less awkwardness between you. It is by discussing that we normalize sexuality and allow ourselves to live it more freely.
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