7 Benefits of Blogging | Start Blogging To Earn Money

Professional Blogging

by Shamsul
Blogging To Earn Money
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7 Benefits of Blogging | Start Blogging To Earn Money

Blogging offers several advantages because it is a true profession among many others. Are you wondering, is it possible to make a living on the Internet, or what can be the benefits of blogging?

If you are really looking for an answer to the above question, rest assured because a clear answer will be available to you in this article.

Feeding and maintaining my blogs is one of the best jobs I have done and continue to do full time. Honestly, since I discovered it personally, I found that I couldn’t do anything else.

Indeed it would be a help if you had your thirst for the good perks of blogging that can make me tell you it’s a job. Find what gave me the courage and the real reason for my love for blogging in the following lines. But first, let’s see what this activity is all about and what a blog really is.

What is Blogging?

A blog is a contraction of two words: “Web” and “Log.” The Log means logbook, and the Web is that part of the Internet accessible through your browser.

In a simple way, a blog is a journal that allows a blogger or anyone to post their experiences, life, passions, and many other things on the Web. Understand that it is possible to be popular with a simple blog but choose a specific niche.

Blogging is then a profession allowing a blogger to share his knowledge and experiences with an audience of readers interested in the blog’s subject in question on the Internet.

What you have just read is only a definition that is mine and a little research on other sites that treat the subject like this. However, note that this paragraph can already be part of the benefits of a blog.

Personally, I use a blog as a tool that allows me to share my personal experience easily. Or as a channel that will enable me to make good use of my inventiveness through articles or posts. Isn’t that a benefit of blogging?

A blog post is what will allow you to have content for your audience. The content in question is a collection of paragraphs, inbound or outbound hypertext links, videos, images, or other types of information.

But why then learn to blog? Is it beneficial and useful to own a blog? I have already given you a YES.

What are the Benefits of a Blog?

How to move from a personal blog to a professional blog? benefits of a blog
A blog is profitable and has several advantages, which will be explored in the following. This section clearly gives the reasons that drove me to make blogging my main profession for almost 10 years.

Freedom is one of the Benefits of a Blog

To say that freedom is one of the reasons you should start blogging is not enough. It has to be the main reason and remains one of the best advantages of a blog. Why then?

Just because :

You work when you want;
You will have more time to take care of your family members
Blogging can be done anywhere that gives you the ability to connect to the Internet;
You are your own boss, and you are accountable only to yourself;
You express yourself freely on an opinion;
Express your creativity according to your own writing style;

Blog to Make Money

Several bloggers make their living with their blogs. You can make a fortune or not with a simple blog.

Before meeting and reading a few bloggers’ histories, I thought it was impossible to make a living from his blog or website, specifically if you live in an Asian or African country. But surprisingly, the reading history of some bloggers that have no other job besides blogging.

And other young people like Tychic Obanda of 243tech.com or Jephte Nganga of Salablog.com make a living from their blogs. Without forgetting that I am among these people.

Understand that you can also live off your passion or knowledge because a blog can be a good source of income at the end of each month. I understood this when I signed up for Adsense. For a little information, Adsense is one of the best advertising networks to serve ads in a blog, mobile applications, YouTube, and any other medium that can allow it. They facilitate simple and basic blog monetization.

Since then, I have seen that there are several advantages of blogging and that anything is possible.

Note, getting advertising is not the only way to monetize your blog because there are several, and besides, there are several other ways to make money on the Internet.

You Gain More Knowledge in Your Field

You can’t talk about the benefits of blogging without talking about mastery. Because the more interested you are in any field, the more you will always learn something new.

By blogging, you will have several benefits such as:

Acquire good experience in your field
Become a reference in your field if you do quality work
Help several people effectively

A word of advice: I’m not saying you have to start blogging because you will be learning yourself and making others learn. But I ask you instead to choose a niche that you know because if you do not master the field in which you are launching, you may run into an expert in the field who will find your content (all your work) null and/or if you mess up something too basic your credibility will go up in smoke.

Sale of Services and Popularity of a Product

Blogging is too vital for a company website that provides products and services because it will allow the company to promote them. The products are more known, the more the multitude can request potential customers available online. Moreover, one of the benefits of blogging is the ability to do excellent marketing.

For the Benefits of a Blog is the Economy

Among the advantages of a blog there is its accessibility and ease of creation. You can easily start blogging with a lesser amount. Personally, I started blogging with an internet connection, in addition to some computer knowledge I had.

You will also need to have a tool that will allow you to write your articles (a smartphone, a computer, a tablet) and, of course, an internet connection.

As a creation tool, I recommend that you use an Open Source CMS like WordPress, which is popular and easy to learn.


Imagine the time you spend on social media like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and others with no serious purpose or just for fun. Also, think about the amount of data you use for that.

Don’t you think it would be interesting to learn how to write blog posts that can save you a little money, not just spend it? As I mentioned above, blogging pays just as well as any other profession.

SEO Friendly – Search Engine Optimization

Blogging Success – Blogging Mistakes

If you have a website for your business or business, know that a regularly posted blog is a good SEO tool.

This will allow Google, Bing, Yahoo to rank your active website, and you will get in the best results at the time when a user searches for an article or service in your domain. Realize that it is too important, I advise you even to hire someone now.

I can be pretty sure that you will get back to me afterward to say a little thank you.

Think About Blogging for Your Pleasure

Yes, many bloggers blog out of passion, which is often one of the reasons for blogging.

The pleasure that blogging brings is immense, especially when you manage to solve a problem to which you have sought solutions without a suitable answer. This joy of sharing will always do you good.

Let’s take a little example about you when you have difficulty finding the answer on your own or helping another person.


The advantages of a blog or blogging are numerous and everyone has their reasons, goals, and/or objectives that lead them to create a blog or the blogging their profession.

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However, if your blogging is motivated by money, think about something else because I have always said that it is something that can or never happen. Or you can wait too long to get your first pay to taste the fruit of your labor.

But you know that sooner or later, it will pay off. I know what I’m talking about.

Now give other loved ones the chance to experience the benefits of blogging by sharing this article.

Need Help or Advice in Content Management:

Do you want more advice? Do you have good practices to share? Express yourself in the comments.

Do you want any help writing quality content, driving more traffic to your website, and boosting conversions? Get in touch through Contact our team or my Freelancer.com profile. I always prefer to work through Freelancer.com for smooth functioning. Here you pay safely and securely.

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