6 Unusual Topics You Should Discuss Before Getting Married

by Shamsul
Getting Married
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6 Unusual Topics You Should Discuss Before Getting Married or Entering a Relationship

Before getting married, consider these simple ways to avoid future heartaches. Couples often face dilemmas because they have yet to previously address their hopes and expectations before promising to ‘love and support’ each other for the rest of their lives.

Unfortunately, few couples seek advice before marriage. And even when they do, this advice often focuses on superficial issues.

As a couple, investing time and work to develop a deeper understanding of each other’s inner world is valuable.

Many couples must be aware of each person’s implicit expectations of the marriage.

So before getting married or entering a relationship, take the time to discuss these 6 topics.


Self-awareness involves recognizing and being honest about one’s behavior and understanding one’s thoughts and emotions. The ability to change and progress relies on this self-awareness. Examine your fears to counter destructive patterns that could influence your relationship. A healthy and lasting marriage is fostered by greater self-awareness. Positive self-esteem provides the confidence needed to face challenges from the past.

Individuals lacking self-awareness may encounter relationship difficulties. They may not perceive the impact of their actions or the effect on their partner. Misunderstanding signals, excessive paranoia, doubts, and reproaches towards others in case of failure can result.

Self-esteem: Cultivating good self-esteem requires self-awareness. This allows you to look at your imperfections without shame or blame. Awareness of weaknesses offers the opportunity to work on them. Although perfection is impossible, recognizing mistakes and apologizing is a crucial step. A deep bond is created when partners share their weaknesses, apologize, and support each other in their healing and growth journey.


2- Before Getting Married, Talk About Your Family of Origin:

As we grow, assumptions are formed within us, shaped by our family of origin. This is where we learn to communicate and establish relationship patterns.

Our deeply rooted values and beliefs develop in this setting. Hence, becoming aware of these elements and confronting them with your partner’s upbringing is essential.

Discussing these differences aims to confront and resolve complex events or patterns that may have affected you, such as feeling inadequate due to a critical or demanding parent.

Although most parents do their best, it is crucial to identify parental wounds to become aware of them and initiate the healing process.

Increased awareness also has the advantage of improving relationships with the family members on both sides. It helps to learn to handle criticism from a difficult in-law and establish appropriate boundaries with demanding family members.

The most crucial opportunity available to you is the possibility of interrupting negative generational patterns and creating a healthier environment for your future family.


Nobody wants to be caught off guard. Identify non-negotiable aspects for you and your partner. Communicate unacceptable behaviors such as lying or concealment to your partner.

Many spouses only discover issues related to addiction or problematic behaviors years after marriage.

Do not underestimate “warning signs” such as excessive spending or signs of addiction. Be attentive to destructive behaviors you do not want to see in your environment, especially in the presence of your children.

The essential thing is to recognize and become aware of what you consider decisive elements.

How would you react to cheating or excessive flirting?

Do you know the exact amount of your partner’s debts?

Do you feel that your opinions are listened to and respected in the relationship, or are they minimized or ignored?

Establishing boundaries now can save you from future dilemmas.


When you are both calm, dare to revisit a recent conflict and try to deconstruct what happened.

Did one of you interrupt the conversation while the other continued to express their feelings? Which aspects of the disagreement were acceptable and which were not?

Be honest about your reactions during the altercation. How did anger influence your behavior, and where did you lack emotional awareness? Identify the moments when you did not share the pain or underlying fear that caused the outburst.

Explore the history behind these reactions. For example, if one of you experienced parental abandonment, this can generate anxiety and anger when the partner seems to withdraw.

Turn these situations into opportunities for personal discovery. This will allow you to improve individually and, as a couple, increase your understanding of each other’s sensitive points, thereby strengthening your relationship.


A marital culture has likely begun to emerge at this stage of your relationship.

Honestly, examine this culture. What do you like and dislike about the habits you have developed together? Can you identify recurring verbal patterns, even when discussing every day and ordinary topics?

Studies indicate that the presence of a positive reaction towards our spouses is essential for the longevity of a relationship.

Furthermore, research shows that marriages thrive when partners establish a culture of daily appreciation, admiration, and affection.

Are these behaviors natural for both of you? If yes, why, and if not, why not? Even if the expression of affirmations was not a common practice in your parents, are you willing to instill this change? And to what extent is it important to your partner?

Marriage is a serious business and works best when both partners are self-aware. And willing to be honest with themselves.

Taking the time to reflect and discuss these aspects can deepen your connection and potentially prevent many heartaches in the future.


The way you manage time and personal space can have a notable impact on your relationship. Openly discuss your expectations for time spent together and the need for moments of solitude.

Time together: Set realistic expectations for the quality time you want. Some couples need more quality time, while others appreciate more independence. Find a balance that suits your relationship.

Personal space: Respect each other’s need for personal space. Whether it’s a dedicated room, alone time at home, or individual activities, create an environment where everyone feels free to be alone.

Individual hobbies and interests: Encourage each other to pursue your hobbies and interests. Individual passions can enrich your life and, by extension, your couple’s life.

Addressing these issues establishes a solid foundation for managing time and personal space. Thus, promoting mutual understanding and more harmonious cohabitation in your marriage or relationship.



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