5 Painfully Honest Truths Behind Breaking Up You Still Love

by Shamsul
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5 Painfully Honest Truths Behind Breaking Up with Someone You Still Love

Breaking up with someone you still love is difficult. And at no point will I let anyone think that I’m leaving because my feelings for you have died down. Not for one second will I let anyone believe that I am choosing to close this door because that is what I truly want.

I will never pretend that this is the result I was hoping for. Not for a second will I pretend that this is how I saw things unfolding. In my dreams for the future, it was you and me. United to face all challenges together.

I had imagined a wonderful life, convinced that as long as I had your presence by my side. I could overcome anything.

But reality did not bend to my aspirations. My fairy tale did not find its ending with you and me.



I had imagined a wonderful life, convinced that as long as I had your presence by my side. I could overcome anything.
You continued to disappoint me.
I lost my way in giving you all my love.
All this time I have been fighting for someone who no longer exists.
Here are five painfully honest truths that may be hiding behind breaking up with someone you love:

  1. Feelings may not be reciprocated
  2. Behind the breakup with someone you love: Fundamental differences can be insurmountable
  3. Behind the breakup with someone you love: Unresolved issues can take over
  4. Individual Growth Can Lead to Separate Paths
  5. Behind the breakup with someone you love, there is a need to listen to yourself and respect yourself

Instead, the ending repeated itself over and over for me: panting, crying in my car, and sending you paragraphs wondering how you could do this to me again.

You continued to disappoint me.

Breaking up with someone

1- Every time things seemed to improve between us, you ended up letting me down.

2- I have always put your needs and desires before my own for far too long.

3- I was so absorbed in my love for you and everything I did to make you happy that I neglected the most essential part: learning to love myself.

4- I lost my way in giving you all my love.

5- And I didn’t take the time to take care of my own wants and needs. I did not act in my own interest.

But it’s time for me to realize this.

It’s time for me to realize that the person I loved is no longer the same. This person left me a long time ago.

All this time I have been fighting for someone who no longer exists.

I struggled so much that I lost my way in the process.

And I stopped taking care of myself. I gave up on my own needs and desires. And now it’s time for a change.

It’s time for me to learn to love myself again. It’s time to get back to the person I used to be.

So no, I’m not leaving because I don’t love you anymore. I am leaving because it is time for me to rediscover myself and devote myself to my own well-being.

Breaking up with someone you still love can be a heartbreaking and difficult experience to go through.

Breaking up with someone

Despite your love for this person, the feelings may not be shared in the same way. Breakup can happen when the other person doesn’t feel the same emotional connection or doesn’t want to continue the relationship.

Sometimes fundamental differences between you and your partner can make it hard to continue the relationship. These differences may concern incompatible values, life goals or visions of the future.

Despite efforts to resolve conflicts and problems in the relationship, some problems persist and can ultimately lead to a breakup. These unsolved issues may be related to communication, trust, or other aspects of the relationship.

Breaking up with someone

Over time, individuals can evolve and change significantly. Sometimes these changes can lead to different life paths, driving partners further apart and eventually leading to a breakup.


Sometimes the decision to break up with someone you still love can be driven by the need to take care of yourself and respect your own emotional needs.

This may involve recognizing that the relationship is not bringing you the happiness or fulfillment you deserve and, therefore, making the difficult decision to leave.

These truths can be painful to accept, but recognizing and understanding these realities can help begin the process of healing and rebuilding after a difficult breakup.



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