16 Body Language Signs | A Guy Secretly Likes You

Body Language For Love

by Shamsul
Man's Love
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15- He Raises His Eyebrows

If you are wondering whether a guy in your group secretly loves you, you should notice his eyebrows while talking to him. If he raises his eyebrows, it means he has strong romantic feelings for you. According to research, if a man raises his eyebrows, then he has something for you in his heart. His eyes can show his secret feelings.

Eyes are one of the most important things when it comes to reading someone’s mind or feelings. You can also read his eyes if you are eager to know his intentions. Whenever he meets you or talks to you, his facial expressions change. This sign can help you figure out his true feelings for you.

He does this because he wants to pay all his attention to you. So, his eyebrows rise instantly. He is focusing on you because he really admires you. All these things make him a true lover.

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